Hey there guys, hope yous are all doing ok. Welcome to another In General with myself, talking about my life, myself, etc. Think yous knows the deal by now. It's where I just chat.
I do hope everyone is ok. I know it has been a real fucked up year and I felt it too. Getting burnt out and just down in the dumps. I know how yous feel. But as long as yous stay safe, it will get better. Just stay strong. That's what I've been doing. I just stick to what I do best whenever I'm online. Write blogs, create post on my social medias supporting the models/photographers, supporting models on their OnlyFans and have awesome convos with them all if their up to it. These days I am better at the ones that don't reply, cause I know most do and maybe their busy with their own thing. I usually am patient anyway. I'm always good at not being upset at models not replying to me in the past since they don't me and the internet is a scary place that they don't want to talk to some random guy online. Especially since there is a lot of dodgy ppl online. I know I'm a good guy but they don't since they haven't chatted to me or met me. So I don't get offended if they don't reply. Why I am saying this, is cause around last year I feel ignored by a model that I was mates with just ignored me in my mind for months. Barely answers me and felt upset about it & of course it lead to our fallout. Also I was upset with a few things that combined to my downer period and that situation. Also I was sensitive to all the explicit content I get on OnlyFans and that since I wasn't used to it and also I had history in which B/G content was used in a negative way to me years ago by bullies to upset me. So yeah last year I was in a bad state but I did my best to continue to do my blogs & post on my social medias at the time. But I think I was burning myself out cause creating the blogs I do ain't easy. I have a habit of not just relax and just take a break.
But I feel like I am over it now tbh with yous. Since I got so many support and the convos I've had with many awesome people like the mates I've made on here that helped me slowly but surely move on from past events and continue to do what I do best. Promote and support my favourite models, photographers in my blogs and post on IG & Twitter. And of course getting used to the sex work stuff on OnlyFans. Think It's cause I'm scared and anxious in the past but I am getting more comfortable with it all. Like on @phianixx OnlyFans for example. It is explicit but there's a good mixture there too and she never gives you pressure or judges you. That's why she is been a good mate. It's the same with my other model mates that are doing explicit content on OnlyFans. They understand and never give me any pressure at all. In fact so far no model I support is like "fuck you pay my content" cause it's never happen to me personally. Nearly every model I support are easygoing, sweet, kind and very respectful. Even the ones I fall out didn't do that, like I said in past blogs our fallouts was cause of disagreements and I didn't handle things well cause I was upset. But it's in the past and I've learned from that situation. Like my time chatting to my model mates. I am still more a vanilla old fashioned dude but I am a bit more easygoing with the explicit content now. Usually with my ASD mind, it takes me longer to get used to things you know. But I am getting there and I know by being on their onlyfans I am helping them out. Also it's fun. The models love it, I can tell they enjoy creating their content and interacting with their fans there. Like @evoke for example, who is more like myself. Old fashioned, her content is more like art you know. Exotia art if you will. And it's beautiful and she's always shooting with upcoming photographers & that and she doesn't do the same post, she does something different and it is why hers is one of my favourites like @phianixx it's a good mixture. Same with @nolajean @rubyalexia @tink @hex onlyfans, their doing different stuff on there and it is awesome. I think OnlyFans has been great for the models to be in their comfort zone you know. That's why you see them talk/post about it a lot. Cause for a lot of them, online can feel unsafe for them. Their IG accounts is always under threat of closing, ppl judge them, troll their comments, troll their DMs, etc the list goes on. So I don't blame them and no wonder most get mentally unwell from online. So yous wonder why I do my blogs and my post....there you go. I'm counteracting the toxicity towards the models who don't deserve that at all by being my kind easygoing self and show my appreciation, support towards them. That's why I can't give up. I enjoy supporting my favourite models. I enjoy supporting my mates. I want to help out as many as I can.
I do remember this comment from @charmed in my past blog two months back.....
i know at one point in this blog you mentioned blogging on here has helped with your mental state-- i dont want you to leave here and then never see or hear from you again
It got me thinking of staying and take a break if i need to. I mean I get a lot of those comments to me to take a break if I need to. So many of the models, photographers and the members here are very understandable. I think they have that moment when your online you go "oh what's the point" "I am so fed up" and all that. We all get bad days. We do fucked up but that's ok. We are meant to make mistakes and learn from it. Mistakes are the best teachers imo. And that's what I did. Especially since I read and look up on mental health things all the time to learn how to cope with my own mental health battles & also dealing/understanding ASD. And hopefully pass on my MH knowledge to others to help them. I think I have with some in our convos and I am proud of that. I can sleep well at night knowing I actually help someone out. Yes it's a model, a photographer or a member. At least I am there chatting, say I'm here if you want to chat, etc. There is never any pressure with me. You don't have to follow if you don't want to, you don't have to talk to me and so on. It's up to yous. Yous do you. That's how to cope and be more happier with yourself. That's what I've learnt. With me, helping others and gain more mates makes me happy. As well as gaming, tv, films, playing golf, cooking, being out and about, sleeping and dogs as well. Whatever that makes you happy, do it you know. And that's what I'm doing, sometimes I love to do my post & blogs. Everything in moderation!
I am happy with the success of my blogs and my social medias since coming back. I've been getting more followers. I'm over 400 followers on here now and I can't thank yous all enough. It does mean a lot honestly. I love writing up blogs. Sometimes it does well, sometimes it doesn't but I do enjoy writing. Since it helps getting my true feelings out you know and I am getting more comfortable about it, especially on this site since so many of you are basically on the same boat. So I do think writing my blogs does help me be more open and chat to yous all. Especially in my In General blog since it is like a diary thingy you know. So yeah I'm grateful many of yous do read this and all my blogs. Since I am always anxious with every blog and post I do still. It's something that'll not go away but I do know a lot of people will like my stuff no matter what. I have many loyal followers/mates in my time online and I do thank yous.
So I am going to start on Twitch next. I'm learning about it and hopefully I'll do live chats & just hang out with yours truly. Warning I'm dead shy and socially awkward. You see in my videos of myself in my profile. You'll see in the video tab, I am dead camera shy. Hints why I've haven't posted pics of myself since I am camera shy. But I love to get out of my comfort zone and do Twitch. Like @phianixx @evoke @ivylina @gnomi and others do. Now I know I'm not going to get many views and all that. No pressure in doing so.
There's never any pressure in following me, chatting to me, etc. I always hate when I watch YouTube videos these days that they always beg for likes, comments, subscribers, share and click that bell icon. Also doing a sponsor bit. Remember when YouTube used to be fun? Yeah I hate that in youtube these days, do yous? I can't be the only one. I'm always like stfu and show me how to cook the burgers damnit lol. So yeah I never want to come off as please like, comment, follow on my blogs and post in general. It's up to yourselves. Especially these days people are usually under pressure from things. So I don't want that for yous all. You do you. I am happy and grateful to any that chat to me, being mates with me and following me. Yous are the best. I don't ask for much. I don't get paid to do the blogs or do the post on my social medias promoting/supporting the models. I do it cause I do enjoy helping out since kindness is priceless. I mean models, photographers and members don't have to react back to me. But they do. I mean so many do. Since I think a lot of people are like me are so sick of toxicity, negativity in general. Also they agree with me, see that I'm similar to their own opinions, I'm into the same thing, I'm a good chatter, Good listener, etc. Whatever it is, people loved me for being me. So I'm sure once I start on Twitch, it'll be the same. Since I need to be better at talking lol.
I feel like I am ready for Twitch and I'll let yous know. Cause I do keep saying I should. Keep saying to @phianixx @peachie_ and that I would. Also I made a promise to @tink in her livestream I would. Cause I do enjoy chatting, yous noticed haha. So I'm going to do it. I'll let you know the date and time peeps. I'm thinking 10pm since that's a good time for everyone. Since I know @evoke is in Australia and that's 9am in there time. While in America it's in the afternoon. But I'll work it out. If yous have any helpful tips on Twitch, let me know. My DMs is open.
So that's one of my plans. My future blog plans is I'm going to do a Appreciation Blog and a Hopeful Highlight. And I'm going to do another FSS Special blog. Also my FSS blog series will be back in 2021. Yeah that's right, it's coming back. I will do another FSS Special blog before that, so yous are getting two of them. My second one is my Best Of 2020. While my other one is a secret and I think it'll blow up SG cause it's too hot haha. You'll see, trust me yous will love it. So I'm planning on those.
Yeah so I'm planning on a few things with upcoming blogs and doing livestreams myself on Twitch. Especially since I enjoy joining the livestreams of @evoke @phianixx @blaizee @helenarae @chroi @peachynorth @missjcristina and @gnomi in her SG Fest stream. Which I enjoyed. Also cool to talk to @sophoulla (Thanks for the follow btw) @paigerose & @autumnsky it was a good banter. Hopefully mine on Twitch will be a banter and good times. I'm sure it will, be like my convos. Only you actually see and hear me lol. 😊
So yeah that's all my online life stuff. My personal life has been good in general. Been out and about. Getting better at my golf game. Slowly but surely. But I'm getting better at it. I've also been seeing my mate, who I haven't seen in a while. Seeing his new dog. It's a she and her name is Kiki. Here's a picture....
I told about this to @nolajean but I'll talk about it here since it is a feel good story, which I know it's welcomed. Anyway my mate rescued Kiki here. She was an abused dog. Her former owners in Hungary use to abuse poor Kiki here and it got rescued thankfully. And my mate adopted her. He was worried that she'll be having anxiety attacks around me when we agreed to hang out for a walk since Kiki has anxiety with males around her since of course her abusive former owners were male. So it makes sense. But she was no problem with me. Since I keep saying it's ok and feed her biscuits. So yeah Kiki got used to me already, it was nice. My mate is a good guy for doing that. I think since I was saying I'll do that once I can get a place of my own and get a dog. I mentioned I'll adopted/rescue a dog to my mate. So he got my idea and did that himself. Which is great. I'm proud of him. So yeah I thought I'll share that story to yous since I know a lot of yous love pets. So yeah I'm a dog lover. I sometimes babysit my sister's dog. His name is Dexter and he's a wee nutter haha. But I love him nonetheless, he's a good dog too.
So what else is going on. Well I was doing my best to get a PS5 but man that's a headache haha. Trying to get one is impossible. Bit upset about it tbh. I know @suzylee and @nayru were the same too. Like honestly it was so stressful. My folks helped me out and my poor mum, bless her had to wait in that queue for hours online. But all that waiting, turn out that it was out of stock. So yeah it was a bloody nuisance. Basically I look calm in the outside but inside I was like this.....
Lol yeah pretty much haha. Yeah I was a bit down about it. But then I remembered I still have my Cyberpunk 2077 collector's edition coming so it's not a lost. I know I will get it. Just need Sony & the retailers to get their heads out of their asses haha.
So yeah my personal life is good and I'm improving on my mental health everyday so I'm doing fine. And I hope yous are too.
Anyway that's my In General blog done and dusted. I do appreciate all of yous taking the time to read my blogs and chatting to me. It does mean a lot, honestly. I thank yous all. Yous are the best!!!
Remember yous can follow me on Instagram and Twitter
(Again up to yous, no pressure 😉)
Til the next blog I'll write. This is Kevin saying thank you very much for reading, take care and also congratulations to @penny & @thimeow on their promotions. Yous two deserve it!! 😊👍
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear @penny