(You can follow her on Instagram & Twitter and also you can subscribe to her OnlyFans to see more content from her)
Hey there everyone, hope yous are all well and welcome to another edition of the Hopeful Highlight blog series. A series that I pick my favourite Hopefuls on this site and help her turn pink on my end & hopefully convince others to help her get to pink status.
So if you missed out or new to my Hopeful Highlight series. You can check out my other ones in the archives down below....
Hopeful Highlight Blog archives
@manika one (CLICK HERE)
@gnomi one (CLICK HERE)
@julha one (CLICK HERE)
@tommy one (CLICK HERE)
@midnightpoison one (CLICK HERE)
@victoriaboness one (CLICK HERE)
@ladyfirefox one (CLICK HERE)
@asxna one (CLICK HERE)
@skittlepop one (CLICK HERE)
@paulinki one (CLICK HERE)
@babu one (CLICK HERE)
@leacheyenne one (CLICK HERE)
@cherrylowe one (CLICK HERE)
(@julha @tommy and @babu have turned pink but check out their blog nonetheless if yous want)
Well since my membership will come to an end in December and I'll be on a hiatus afterwards. I have a few blogs I want to write up and this one is one of them. I ain't done yet and my blogs will continue after I come back from my hiatus that will start in December. But I like to do a few Hopeful Highlight & Appreciation Blogs before I go in two and a half months time. This is one of them.
Especially since I want to blog about my favourite Brazilian models more. Since if yous follow my FSS blogs know that I think the Brazilian models on here are fantastic. I have covered @julha in this blog series and she turned pink a few weeks later. While I wrote my one for @babu I show off her photography work in her entry. Including the models she shot in her time as a SG photographer up to the point I publish the blog. Also a few weeks later, @babu herself turned pink and couldn't be happy. She's brilliant and one of the nicest ppl I've talk to & become mates with. So when I was featuring her photography work I also featured the models she shot with. And she work with a lot of beautiful and awesome ladies. Including fellow entry @julha as well as today's entry. As since I was writing it. One model caught my eye and I knew she'll be one of the next ones to turn pink on this site.
But I have my eye on her for a while cause before I have featured her in my FSS blog series about once or twice. So I have supported her. I supported many models that it is hard to keep track. Usually cause there's so many and I have lots on my mind due to mental health. But once I remember and feel better mentally, I do my best to support them the best I can. Cause they deserve it and I do love supporting the models. Love me or not, I do my best to help out the models by supporting them with blogs like this and my posts on Instagram. And I know many appreciate it and I always say it's my pleasure cause it's all about doing my part, making the online space a better place. Not a toxic minefield. So I am grateful to all the awesome feedbacks I do get. It means a lot. Makes me feel like I have done something right. I'm happy a lot of yous enjoy my blogs and sticking by me. I never thought at all I'll get this far but here I am. Even though I am taking a hiatus once my membership expires. But I'm still on Instagram from time to time. Still I have no regrets whatsoever. I'm happy that I have written many blogs, I'm happy that I have made mates here and I'm happy that the models/photographers/Staff/members enjoy my blogs. I do my best.
Anyway today's pick is a model that I am a fan of since late 2019. And written @babu blog give me a good reminder of her and I've been wanting to do this for her. So here's is @truthfairy ........
Yeah as you see she is so beautiful and a hopeful that deserves to be turned pink, right now.
So like I said I've been supporting @truthfairy for a few months now. Definitely more often after featuring her in my @babu blog and of course any of @babu mates is my mate too since me & her are good friends & burger buddies lol.
So what's makes @truthfairy special and why I pick her? Well again she's beautiful. But she's a great lass too. We talked a few times and it's always great. Especially since she's all about mental health awareness too. So we got that in common. She is very nice. Like fellow Brazilian model @infernum she's into the Yoga. It's one of @truthfairy favourite things is yoga. Which is great for the body and mind. Definitely need to do more yoga myself. The closest thing I got to do yoga wise and this is no joke is Wii Fit on the Nintendo Wii. It is legit btw. My joints were in agony after I did a session of yoga. So it works. Don't knock it til you try it. I definitely need to get back into it. Especially it is very good for mental health too. I love to try out DDP Yoga. Which ex WCW/WWE wrestler Diamond Dallas Page does and it's an excellent program from what I hear. So need to look it up somepoint. But I got my Wii Fit so do I really? lol.
Besides Yoga. Some of @truthfairy hobbies include watching Netflix, going out to parties (before covid-19 became the worst party pooper ever), reading, video gaming and sleeping, yeah can't beat a good sleep. I can relate lol.
Like myself, one of @truthfairy favourite TV show is Supernatural. Here's my reaction in a gif of Dean.....
Yeah I still got my sense of humour lol. Yeah I mean it's a no brainer. Supernatural is a show that will make you forget that your in lockdown. You'll be busy binge watching it. I know I was early this year. Such a great show so yeah @truthfairy got taste!! šš
She definitely does since she's a fan of the Resident Evil video games, which is my favourite video game franchise of all time. She's also into Tomb Raider. And her favourite books are The Hobbit, The Raven and so on. So she's into a lot of awesome stuff. She has chosen well lol. I know I have by picking her for this blog entry.
So I'm going to do something in the highlighting her sets she's done. It includes a set that is about to come out soon. So I'll start with that so people can get to the like/comment the set when it's out. Also follow her on her social media or on here for the links to her next set. I'll be promoting it on my Instagram too. Since it looks like a Set Of The Day in the making and hopefully it is. So without a further ado, here is her sets she's done on SG so far....
@truthfairy Sets
La Belle de Jour (Coming soon)
Photographer: @babu
Photographer: @truthfairy herself. Her entry in the SG Self Set Competition!
Photographer: @tintanankin
A Long Legged Women Ain't Got No Soul
Photographer: @babu
Photographer: @babu
Photographer: @ypcamera
So that's all of @truthfairy sets she has done on the site so far and more on the way. Hopefully by the time their out, she is turned pink. She definitely deserves it. Like I said she is beautiful both in & out. Like a lot of the Brazilian models I've talked to and featured in my blogs. The feedbacks have been great and I can't thank yous enough.
Theirs so many Brazilian models I love to blog about. Whatever if it's either @haub @hilo @infernum @fla @dawud @sirena @thimeow @ravenna @pimenta @lorry @amra @anilorac @luie @rubymoon @chillism @harumii @vitoria @svetlanna @barbs @natth @thay @kitannah @blizzard and so on. Theirs so many I like to write blogs about. I love to support the Brazilian models since their passionate about being here and love being apart of the SG community. Not a bad bone with them all. Their all beautiful in & out.
Like @truthfairy here. She deserves to be pink soon. Hopefully this blog convinced yous to check her out and support her. That's the point in the blog series I do. To help others to support these models. Especially the Hopefuls. I love to help out the Hopefuls to get to pink status. Like I did with @blaizee in the beginning of doing the blogs to support models. Haven't regretted it and it has been awesome.
Anyway that's this edition of the Hopeful Highlight blog done and dusted. Thank you for checking it out. Hope you do support @truthfairy and help her turn pink.
If yous want to follow me on Instagram. My link is in my profile. Where I support Alt Models there. Both SG and Non SG Models.
So hope yous are doing well and hope yous enjoy this entry of the Hopeful Highlight blog series. Thank you very much for checking it out peeps. Yous are the best!!
Next time will be another Brazilian Hopeful too so watch this space. Til that is publish. This is Kevin saying thank you very much for reading, take care and vote for @evoke in the Maxim Aus Covergirl competition!! (Vote For Her by clicking this link) šš
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear