Hey there peeps, hope yous are all doing well and welcome to this special blog that I have to do since it is about my time on here. Also it has been a while since I've done a Blog Homework on this site since I'm more focused on my own Blog Series.
So the recent Blog Homework topic is about what is the best part of being a member in this community.
I knew right away I want to write this Blog Homework 100% since I think that is an excellent question and also a great blog to write.
Well there's a lot of things I love about this community. Of course the obvious is seeing these awesome sets from all the Alt Models and they all look beautiful as always. But for me it is more than that cause it is easy to access nude modelling these day by subscribing on your favourite model's OnlyFans, Patreon, AdmireMe and other alt model sites out there. But with SuicideGirls it is much more than that to me.
It is an online community of like minded people who all support, respect, care and help each other. I mean you get to talk about your favourite things on the groups here. Like for me I usually share my food pics in the Food & Drink group since I am a self taught cook. And there's a gaming group & I usually chat there since I am a gamer. So there's that stuff but also if your feeling down there's the Mental Health Outlet group to help out and basically talk about what gets you down & that without any judgement. I mean there's a group for everything and you can join up to it. My favourite one is the Silliness groups cause I do have a sense of humour and sometimes it is risky & dark sometimes cause in Scotland we are not easily offended and say silly stupid jokes all the time, it's part of our culture lol. But in that group no one gets offended or blow it out of proportion cause it's for shits and giggles. It's for fun and I enjoy having a laugh on it.
So there's plenty of groups on different subjects. It feels like the forums back in the day and had online community. And I've been a member on a few forums in the past & I have to say a lot of them are toxic and I quit cause of how shitty their run by the admins on those forums.
Not here on SuicideGirls. IMO this is the best online community I've been apart of 100%. Everyone I've talked to is super friendly and awesome people who are also beautiful as hell. It's a win win. I've made lots of friends from it and hopefully one day I'll meet them in person and buy them a drink 100%. They have helped me as I helped them in their modelling or photography career.
Of course my blogging career on here is probably the best part of being a member for me. Since I love to show support and appreciation to all of my favourite models and photographers. Usually I get a lot of support back for my blogs and a few rare times I don't but I don't hold grudges to them, they have their own reasons why they don't. But a lot of times I get responses and make friends from my work on my blogs. It's an awesome feeling and can't be more happy that a simple blog (which is not, my blogs take a lot of work lol) can help out a model/photographer but on a personal level too. They all talk about me on groups and that and I can't thank them all enough. It's my pleasure to write up these blogs for them.
I spoke about why I do the blogs and support these models/photographers as well as I do. And remember I don't get paid to do this. It's not an official job. I do it in my own free time and I can't complain. I love doing it. I wouldn't change it for the world. It's the best feeling when I get feedbacks saying I've made their day and your words mean a lot. So why do I do it?
Well it's cause I am a fan of Alt Modelling of course. But also it's cause it is a nice thing to do and it's a goal of mine. I have goals in my life and one of them is helping people. Before I was blogging I read up on a lot of bad side effects with what females go through online on my Facebook at the time and see how very toxic online is to a female can be and it shock me. And I see stories on Instagram back in early 2018 of alt models and their always posting about how sad and down they are. How no one appreciates them and so on. Stuff like that. I was new to the whole social media stuff and seeing that made me go. Ok I'm doing something about it on my end. So hints the blogs on here and my fan accounts.
Basically I'm doing my part to make things better and make the online world a better place on my end. Even though I am just one guy with ASD and mental health issues himself. But I want to show my appreciation and help boost some positive vibes to these beautiful ladies to make them feel like it is worth it. I mean Alt Modelling/Sex Work whatever you want to call it is a art form and it shouldn't dismissed or trash on cause it's harmless. Everyone has a kink, turn on, fetish, a crush, etc and there's nothing wrong with that. Luckily SuicideGirls celebrates people like that. No matter your level is. Old Fashioned or Explicit. There's something for everyone.
That's the best part about being a member on here. Especially being a blogger and being open with my support & appreciation to the models/photographers is the friendships and bonds I've made. It is pretty fucking cool and I'm sure they'll agree. I have helped out a lot of them more than you know and their forever grateful.
Sure I had fallouts in the past but I don't hold grudges and hope one day we bury the hatchet & make amends. Life is short for toxicity & fallouts. I know I screwed up and could've done better but same with them too but we're only humans after all. As Third Eye Blind sing in their big hit Jumper "Put The Past Away". Tomorrow is another day.
Luckily that's rare since everyone is friendly and bloody awesome.
So of course I'm highlighting them now and say thank you cause yous are awesome and your all good mates to me. Let's keep it going. So in no particular order. Here's some of the mates I've made on SuicideGirls so far....
@sammiii & @asxna (I just love THIS SET so that's why I pick this pic)
So on and so on and so on. I think I'll stop cause I'll be here all day haha. If I have missed anybody out that has befriended me. I'm sorry, it's a lot of people to remember with me since I've made mates with so many people on here. It's crazy but there you go. Their all awesome people. But I'll mention yous too in another blog one day. I do thank you blogs that I tag every follower of mine cause yous are the best & I want to thank them all.
Most I keep in contact outside on my WhatsApp (DM me if you want me to add yous, optional)
But yeah I consider them and everyone that I've talked to mates of mine and we all support & help out each other. Unfortunately I'm far away for them to do a meet up and I know most don't want to do that but I respect and understand that. I take no offence. It is perfectly understandable.
Their all good people and I do my best to chat to anyone that does. Sometimes it's hard to keep up and after my blog sometimes my fingers need a break from all the typing haha. But I always reply back.
So connecting with awesome people like that is most out of all of them is the best thing about being a member on this great site. Having this connection is great.
Also I get a lot of comments to me saying I'm the best. Since I'm modest as hell. I always go no yous are the best cause yous are. Your the best. Yeah you that is reading this blog right now. Whatever if your tagged or not in this blog. If your reading this blog. Your the best, no BS. It is cause of all the support I get is why I'm still around. I was close to quitting due to my mental health issues but this place has probably the most supportive people on the web. I can't thank everyone enough. It is so awesome that everyone enjoys my work and myself in general.
Most people don't know what I look like since I don't post selfies of myself cause I'm shy haha. But here is pics of yours truly..
Yeah I know I'm hot I know lol jk. But yeah that is me. Social awkward shy me lol.
But some have said a selfie of myself so there you go. I'm sure a lot of models are curious what I look like, so if their wondering there yous go lol.
But yeah the SuicideGirls community is the best and being a member of it is brilliant. Can't ask more than that. I mean it has something for everyone and everyone is an equal. We are all one here. That's what makes this place awesome.
Since it is close to Members Appreciation Day. I know few of the models/photographers and other members has mentioned me in the past. It's so awesome a lot of people think of me, care for me, respect me, support me and appreciate me as I with them. I grew up in toxic environments that don't care about me and was a victim of being bullied a lot. So getting this level of love and appreciation was rare. For the longest time I don't expect anyone to give a shit about myself. I had zero expectations on getting anywhere tbh when I did start blogging on here. But my blogs have been on front page and my followers keeps growing. It's a good feeling knowing that I have cheered someone up, boost their mood and give them a push to keep going thru my blogs. That has been my goal and I think that is the best thing about being a member in this great community. Can't beat it. I love all my mates on here and I'm sure they do too.
Anyway that's this blog homework done and dusted. Thank you very much for reading peeps.
Big thank you to all at SG HQ that has supported me and being awesome people to me. Yous are the best and I'm forever grateful to yous over there. I toast my glass of purple stuff to yous at SG HQ and to the people I've tagged. Also to the ones that are reading this. Yous are the best, not me yous!!
Thanks again peeps. It does mean a lot. Til the next blog I write for yous awesome mofos this is KungFury saying take care, much love and I'm proud to be a member of the SuicideGirls community. Thanks everyone!!! 😊👍
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear