Hey there peeps, how are yous all? Hope yous are all doing well in these mad mad world. Hopefully you are and welcome to my mad mad world that is my In General blog. Well that's more a segway that since my world isn't mad, it's just decent enough. Just wish I don't feel like pure shite on some days you know. Anyway welcome to another edition of my In General blog which is just a place I just chat with yous all. No matter what it is, it's whatever is on my mind.
So I hope yous are all good. I know that things have gone tits up as we say in Scotland. But I hope you all are safe, sound and away from these toxic people that are basically making everyone feel like shit. In these lockdown times, it's not needed and yous should walk away from it. No need for that and yous should do that when their isn't a lockdown. But I don't need to tell yous that, yous are smart people. I know since I talk to yous all. Well I do my best. Luckily a lot of yous do in my new Instagram. Which I made last month and I have over 200 followers already. I thank yous for the follows. Even on here, I'm nearly at 400 followers. That is crazy and I can't thanks you enough. Yeah I know I keep saying thank yous a lot on my blog. But it really does mean a lot that a lot of yous follow me and even talk to me. It does mean a lot so thank you.
All the love and feedback I get on my blogs especially recently has been amazing. I mean I lost count on how many Front Page blogs I've gotten. Still can't believe it. Especially from the aftermaths of some fallouts, which I regret my handling on. But I've learnt and do my best to be more straight forward with my opinion and thoughts. So the fallouts was actually a blessing in disguise. Cause after that my writing has gotten better and my support for the models have gotten better. Also I got followers/friends and front page blogs than before. Also I think I've gained more trust within the alt model community due to be more open and straight forward with my thoughts on a bunch of things. In the past I hold most back cause I don't want to upset people or be taking the wrong way. Especially since on the internet it is easy to be taking the wrong way. I mean your reading my words but not hearing me or see my expressions. So it is tough to come across well online so that's why I explain things in high detail. Hints why my blogs are big lol. But I think everyone who reads my blogs know me well enough that I'm honest, harmless and generally easygoing. Despite me being emotional and sensitive due to my ASD.
I mean I have talked about my mental health so many times but I barely talk about my mental condition which is the cause of my mental health issues. I have ASD which is Autism Spectrum Disorder for short. It's basically a mild Asperger. It means i get emotional, sensitive and anxious quite easily. A lot of people in my life think it's a myth and I'm faking it but it is true. I know I seem like a "normal" person. I mean I have "normal" friends and I can do things independently like everyone else. I just have that mental block you know. Like your reading my blog think I speak well too like how I write but that's not true. I fuck up my words a lot and I stutter when I talk sometimes. Even though I have gotten better that I can talk fine if I'm confident with you but if I'm not I usually not sounding or talk well cause it is a struggle. It's social anxiety too. But like I said I have gotten better controlling my condition over the years. I'm still learning though but I have definitely gotten better. So basically I'm learning from my mistakes and I think from those events I didn't handle things well & I know I should've. But again it is a blessing in disguise. Stuff like that helps you grow and become better.
That's what I did with my blogs, my friendships with not only my personal mates but SG mates too. Like with @blaizee @niallpatterson @ojtheviking @hiptobes @kaptaine @evoke @bronsonquick @agent_easy @rubyalexia @chroi @ladykitsune @ladyfirefox @missjcristina @phianixx @babu @nolajean @stephanie @skittlepop @gnomi @paulinki @peachie_ @peachynorth @diddy_dave_uk @tripodski @keshia @tink @julha @victoriaboness @dannikadaisy @alexabstract @sammiii @helenarae @marlene @asxna @brizelll @xheartswornx @kaydie @midnightpoison @autumnsky @manika @olgakulaga @hilo @haub @emberstrong @annaedelrid @kettle @suzylee @liasworld @susu @infernum @dlistsupervillain @nickstone @justones @leighgabriel @25901jfm @star @reznoritis @soulkiller @silentobjectorx @cheffers @chefdaddy @y2fraser @nerwen @thumper @nayru @beckah @bellajean @kat_lady @pollyanne @freyja @itissweetiepie @rosieleigh @melinashakur @mermicorn and many many more. I improve. Reason I tag many of them so I do want them to know that the support back and even replying to me at all means a lot. I have actually talk about ASD fully before 2 & half years ago on SG but I barely had any followers and i didn't really talked/tagged anyone at the time like I am right now cause I was shy. Now I'm more confident in opening up more and chat to more ppl cause I gain conference. It is really cause everyone has been great to me back. Also yous hear me out and read my blogs. I mean I keep hearing about myself within the private groups that I'm getting praised personally cause my blogs and my post of support has left a big positive impact within the alt model community. Cause I'll never talk down to them and be like the typical guy on model website/comment section & say "nice ass" like a moron. Cause I do my best to type like what will I say to this person face to face you know. Of course I'll say to the lady that she is beautiful and your set does well & ur well. It's a normal convo and I think that's why the models give me nothing but love back. Cause I don't say stupid bullshit to them. I just have normal convo like you usually do with mates. Always positive and usually we have a laugh. Me & @blaizee always chat & usually we joke about cause we both have silly humour as you do. Same with @rubyalexia too, but yeah that's really it. I'm just being myself and just you know chat. I'm always chatting to @peachie_ too and also @ladykitsune has been awesome to me too, especially when I feel down and we have good convos. But I'm repeating myself.
So yeah I am grateful to yous who I tag. Without your support, kindness and support back. I would quit ages ago so thank you. But you guys are the best and even the ones that I haven't tag that are reading this, yous are great too and hope your doing well guys.
Yeah pretty much been thinking about how well my blogs are to give yous some positivity. I think you all deserve some cause I know things are dead rough and their are truly awful people ruin things for everyone. A lot of guys online being toxic giving us good guys a bad name by their bullshit (especially a bunch of certain pro wrestlers), the riots, our politicians (no matter where, they all suck!!), etc so I'm happy to give yous lot some positivity like my blogs.
So I've been playing a lot of video games when I'm not cooking, writing blogs, baking, talking to yous awesome ppl or watching my TV/films. It's been helping me cope. Seriously video games like my music is my depressants. I love it. By the time I wrote this I'm currently playing The Last Of Us Part 2. I shared this on my Instagram but I want to share this here too. I also shared it in the gaming group. I'm usually on there and usually like a lot of the comments on there. I always interested seeing what people are playing. Luckily no EA games, get in haha. But anyway I'll share yous my Ellie Statue I got from my The Last Of Us Part 2 collector's edition, it's plenty dope....
Yeah I'm so happy about it. Such a dope collector's edition. I mean look at well detailed that statue is. Also idea for a cosplay set there. I'm looking at you @nayru since I know cosplaying video game female badasses is your thing. Also @mariajupiter @keshia @beckah @nolajean @lamarmelade @marlene @glitcher @evoke or even @blaizee an idea perhaps. I may do like a blog somepoint of my cosplay ideas for yous who are known for cosplay sets and even mention it to your fellow model mates. Cause yeah I'm all about the cosplays. Their some of my favourites. Also speaking of @keshia ........
Got some of @keshia mechs including this badass t shirt. The print is her with @neptune and a model I'm not familar with, if anyone knows let me know and I apologise for that. I'm still discovering new models that are either new or ones that have been going at it for a while. Months ago I never heard of @neptune til she appeared on EliteOnlineMag. Now I'm a fan of hers since I got a few sets of her from them and @tripodski since I back them on Patreon. In fact this was from @keshia Patreon. I'm on a top tier and yeah her Patreon is great. Even though I'm not it much, but her work is top notch like herself.
Also you may noticed that I've brought a few things of models wishlist. Btw @nayru if you wondering who got you Witcher 3, that'll be this guy. Also treated @blaizee @sammiii @ladyfirefox @rubyalexia and @stephanie too. Yeah see not all guys are twats eh haha. I'm happy to help out.
But that's me. I even did that for @reallifepirate in the past too. I think I brought her Harley Quinn outfit, I'm not sure. I could be wrong. Oh btw this set from @blaizee A Whole New World shot by my good mate @niallpatterson
Guess who brought that dress for her? This guy. Yeah I enjoy helping out the models. That's why these days I reduce my saving on video games, have been for a while since it's about these gambling mechanics, loot boxes, season passes, etc with these greedy ass video game companies. Hints why I'm critical to ppl like EA, 2K, Ubisoft and the such. I mean come on you know. So I treat the models instead whatever if it's a sub to OnlyFans, Patreon or buy stuff of their wishlist. Cause I know at least it goes to them. It helps them out big time, it really does and I'm happy I'm doing my part. Least it helps these ladies out that are good people. Same with photographers too like @tripodski and the guys at EliteOnlineMag. I'm doing my part. I love helping them since alt modelling is awesome you know, it's fun. Definitely reminds me of the lads mags back in the day like Front, Nuts, Zoo Weekly, etc. And also it giving a big fuck you to those No More Page 3/Sex Work is Not Work twats haha. And I think every model/photographer will agree with me with that one.
Also got this from @tripodski for being a backer on his on Patreon...
A polaroid of @dannikadaisy from last year's shootfest in Spain. Pretty cool.
Yeah so been getting those in my door along with my The Last Of Us Part 2 collector's edition. Before playing The Last Of Us Part 2. I was playing Doom Eternal and that was good. Bit repetitive as it was feeling samey but it was still good and enjoyable tearing up demons like a badass lol. Also it took me over 200 hours but I platinum Persona 5 Royal. Love that game so much. Here's proof...
Yeah multi front page blogs, a decent following, bunch of good mates, cooking & baking awesome foods and getting platinum trophies on PS4 games on my PS4.......
I think I'm doing ok and I'm grateful. Strangely I'm having a decent year in probably one of the worst years in history. Crazy right but I like to say positive stuff in there cause that's my life.
Sure I do feel down in some days from the self isolating and loneliness but everyone is on that same boat. Least I can talk to my mates and even talk about it on here. Everyone is very supportive and kind. So yeah you deserves some positive stuff and hope my blog does that.
So for shits and giggles. Here's some memes. Hell yous can share this on social media and on here if yous want cause yeah we all deserve to have a laugh.

Yeah that's some of my meme in my collection. Hope you like, I don't want to overload my blog with memes since sometimes not all the pic attachments load well and goes all funny. Had that problem a few times if you noticed in my past blogs but it happens. Think it's probably being slow or something. I don't know tbh lol.
Anyway hope you like it those memes and this blog. Thank you for reading it. I appreciate it. Yous are the best.
My upcoming blogs is a Hopeful Highlight blog, An Appreciation Blog on someone some is recently turned pink and a FSS blog. So expect those in the next few days peeps. But plans sometimes change, you know how it is but I'll do my best to get them written somepoint.
Anyway thank you all for checking my In General blog out. Means a lot.
You can follow me on Instagram @kungfurysg where I post MCM/WCW picks, memes, random bollocks as you do. Basically it's like this blog series, only daily sometimes lol.
Til the next blog this is KungFury signing off, take care, much love and congratulations to all the models that turned pink on SG recently:
@addox @aesalya @ajalla @anddy @ardens @beea @blissfulbebop @catriel @cutielolli @darling_cc @darthox @dolphie @elyga @esper @eveelyn @fioopink @foxyeyes @harumii @hesaidimpoison @hollystark @juli_ana @katablue @keta__ @kinka @klen @ladykitsune @lalalune @lilvixxen @lizadoll @marineblue @moonprincxss @natth @nittie @overdoserose @porshe @qween @rachelfedora @rainn @salemgrey @skydot @smashley @tdagremory @toxichkmimy @witchpoison @yuyuki
Well done ladies, you all deserve it!! 👏😉👍
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon (you too btw, well done Lemon) @jacqueline @yessybear