(Follow her on Instagram, Twitter and subscribe to her OnlyFans for more content from her)
Hey there peeps, how are yous all. Hope you are all well and welcome to another edition of Fury's Hopeful Highlight blog series. A series in which I highlight well hopefuls on SG that deserve to be pink in my opinion.
If you missed out on my past ones. Don't worry, never fear. Here's the archive of the ones I've done so far down below...
Hopeful Highlight Blogs Archives
@manika one (CLICK HERE)
@gnomi one (CLICK HERE)
@julha one (CLICK HERE)
@tommy one (CLICK HERE)
@midnightpoison one (CLICK HERE)
@victoriaboness one (CLICK HERE)
@ladyfirefox one (CLICK HERE)
@asxna one (CLICK HERE)
@skittlepop one (CLICK HERE)
@paulinki one (Click Here)
Yeah not long since my last one of fellow Scot @paulinki by the time I write this. Well I'm all about helping the hopefuls turning pink and also my FSS blogs take more work on it research wise since theirs usually a lot of debuts and I love to welcome newcomers with a bang into this SG community you know. So they know not all of us guys are bad guys. Sure we love nude ladies like the next guy but we know their people too & deserve to be treated like the awesome people they are. Well this guy does at least. But I know a lot of guys on here are cool. A lot of them do blogs like mine. I mean I was influence by @xheartswornx blogs and doing my own in my own casual way. I ain't no poet like @xheartswornx blogs lol. He's way better than me when it comes to blogs. Same with @ojtheviking with his own blog series. But I'm always happy with my cult following on here and it's my pleasure to do this to my loyal supporters. I'm grateful to all the support & love I get. I know I mention it in all of my blogs but it's still surreal that my blogs are popular. I'm just a fan supporting models for fun and it's a nice thing to do cause not many do which sucks and tbh I hate it. Should be normal!!
Well least I am doing something about it. Especially with blogs like this.
So today hopeful is a Brazilian, which if you read my past blogs. They have taking over the site and rightfully so since their all beautiful & have passion for this stuff. I see them all the time not only posting awesome sets left & right but their engaging in the SG community too. Just like the Aussies, Americans, Canadians, Russians, French, Italians, Spanish and us Brits too.
Not only that I'll want to do a blog on a photographer too for a while. I only did @tripodski blog (Click Here to see the blog) over a year ago and always want to do more. This pick is perfect since I want to write about a Brazilian model and a photographer. Luckily she is both. So my pick in this edition is none other than @babu
You see me talk about her in my past blogs a lot. No matter what it is. Her photography but her own modelling work too. I am such a fan of hers, especially when I write about her own sets since she names it after her favourite tunes & be being a total nerd write about it as I do. I always write want the set name is about in my selections in my blogs since it means a lot to the model herself. It shows that I care about them as people you know. Showing that there is dudes out there care outside of boobs & butts haha. I'm easily pleased really, I'm old fashioned as yous may know. I'm not a explicit guy, I'm more the glamour/alt modelling side of things. G/G content is my limit. I love the photography side of this industry too. And @babu here as you see in that pic above is a photographer on this site too and has a few of her photography work that became Set Of The Day on this site. Sadly she hasn't had one herself for her modelling work and deserve it. She is beautiful and overwhelmingly deserves to be pink here like the models she shot as a photographer here.
So not only I'll be highlighting her own modelling sets that all deserve to be Set Of The Day. But her photography sets as well that deserve to be check out, like the models she has worked with. Some I haven't mentioned in my past blogs til this blog and some that have, including one who already has her own Hopeful Highlight blog.
So yeah it's a different Hopeful Highlight blog. Cause this hopeful is a photographer on here too and I love to highlight her work too cause this blog is highlighting the model but if she's a photographer too when it's highlighting her work & the models in it. So it's a bonus. So here are the modelling sets that @babu has done so far.
Remember to like/comment on the sets. It helps to notify the SG staff to turn this & other hopeful's pink. Just to point that out..
@babu modelling sets
Photographer: @msilveira
Photographer: @dinhasun
Photographer: @lilxlith
Photographer: @yoguealencar
Photographer: @jaitjunior
Photographer: @dinhasun
Yeah so that's all of her modelling sets. As you see @babu is so beautiful, curvy, wonderful and a all around good person. Always having good convos with her and is a supporter of me too. Tbh I'm always surprise how well the Brazilians are in English. It's really impressive. I know how hard it is to learn a new language & they deserve a lot of respect to learn English to talk to us non Portuguese speaking people like myself. Even though I am learning. I can say this in Portuguese to @babu and that's this. @babu Você é uma mulher maravilhosa e bonita. Espero que você goste deste blog!!
Yeah one day I'll speak without google translator haha.
Anyway now I've show off her modelling sets. Time to show off all the awesome sets that @babu work on as a photographer. So here is the sets and the models that you all should follow as well...
@babu photography sets
Model: @sirena
Model: @yuuh

Model: @malumoon
Model: @acami
Model: @luz_
Model: @ponce
Model: @ifrin
Model: @barbs
Model: @inanna_trix
Model: @vitoria
Model: @slitchi
Model: @lorry
Model: @reych
Model: @julha
Model: @lachica
Do You Want Me Naughty Or Cute?
Model: @sekhmet
Model: @bellatrixx
Model: @coralina
A Long Legged Woman Ain't Got No Soul
Model: @truthfairy
Model: @mand
Model: @defh
Model: @dopewitch
Model: @acami
Model: @joohx
Model: @slitchi
A Good Place To Read A Book - Or Not
Model: @cherryany
Model: @akanenawa
Model: @coralline
Model: @yumiqueen
Model: @yuuh
Model: @naimoon
Model: @dinhasun
Model: @truthfairy
Model: @eveel
The Conclusion
Well that was a long list of awesome sets that @babu worked on as a photographer. Only three of them went Set Of The Day, that being @julha @vitoria and @dinhasun sets. But their all awesome and all the ladies are beautiful or Todas as senhoras @babu tiro são bonitas as they say in Portuguese. Like I said I'm learning, not being a show off or anything. I just want to learn a new language, why not Portuguese you know.
Especially since I write blogs about Brazilian models a lot on this site. And @babu is one of them like @fla @dawud @ravenna @haub @infernum @thimeow @camicah @pimenta @anilorac @chillism @thay @rubymoon and so on. Seriously there's lots of Brazilian models on here, some I may forgot to mention and I don't mean to cause there's so many that it is hard to remember it all sometimes. But as you see I do my best so when anyone reads my blogs they'll go "Ah now I get it and will support these ladies" you know. That's what my blogs are about, so yous discover models to support and check out.
With @babu not only is she a top photographer but she's beautiful. Inside and outside. I know cause I do have convos with them and made mates with them. All cause I write blogs of support for them cause it's fun and nice to do. It pays off. It'll pay off big time if the models I promote in my blogs get Set Of The Day and if their a Hopeful like @babu they turn pink & I've done my part. I'm happy to being an assistance to your journey to your goal of turning pink & get you more Set Of The Day ladies.
In these trouble times I think my blogs are in a way are needed. I'm not saying that as an ego boost or anything. I think it's cause not many people do the blogs that I do. Usually it's a short blog. With me it's all out. I love working and writing is a hobby. So why not do it to help people like this models and photographers of this site. Especially I hear feedback like "you made my day" and stuff like that. It is helping people if I'm getting feedbacks like that. I think it's why I go all out. Cause it helps people and also people love to read my blog...somehow but they do.
I notice the feedback when I blogged about @blaizee and another model that I won't mention since we had a falling out, which I did my best to say sorry and make amends but it wasn't to be. But with @blaizee I've been a supporter/fan of her years. We're basically good mates. Same with @rubyalexia and many others. Hell if you see who is following me, it's basically a who's who of SG. It's amazing the level of support I get back. I love all of yous. And I'm sure you'll love @babu too with her modelling, her photography and her as a person.
So that said, it's another Hopeful Highlight blog done and dusted. Thank you very much for reading and checking it out peeps. Much appreciated as always. Yous are the best.
Remember to check out the archives above of my past blogs in this blog series. Also check out her social media and OnlyFans links above to at the start of this blog.
You can follow me at Instagram @kungfurysg where I post WCW/MCM post and random shite sometimes for fun. Feel free to follow me there.
Til the next blog, this is KungFury saying take care, much love and since it's a @babu highlight, let's end it with a favourite tune of hers since she loves when I do that lol....😉
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear