Hey there peeps!
Before I release my upcoming blogs I just want to type this mini blog to say once again THANK YOU.
Also I'm sorry if I haven't been replying or answering back DMs since I do need a break from all the typing I do in my blogs since it isn't easy & it is a lot of days work of researching, etc but I love doing it. Just need a breather but I'm sure yous understand cause your all understandable and yous know yourselves since most of us do work & know a break is needed.
Anyway I can't be more happier that my Hopeful Highlight blog series is a hit. I can't thank yous enough for the support. Honestly I lost count how many front pages I'm getting with my blogs. I never thought they will be but I'm happy they are.
So thank yous for the feedback/likes/comments/follows/dms/friendships/etc it really has help me improve my mental health a lot. Especially after my rough exit from my social media fan accounts when I was really down and thought my time online was over but this place & writing blogs has helped me. I mean you don't know how much it really means a lot from the friendships I've made on here, just for writing blogs and showing support at the same time. Because I usually don't get this type of treatment. Ppl usually don't bother with me or just take the mickey of me. So getting all the positive feedback I get here is surreal, still thinking "I'm on front page?" after multiple times. So thank you everyone for their support and being awesome towards me. More are on the way. Like I say in my blogs I'll keep on doing it til people are bored of it lol.
I'm even thinking on new blog series but I'm happy doing the Hopeful Highlights, The Appreciation Blogs and of the course the FSS blog series for now. But I'm welcome to suggestions.
Just want to thank big time @missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear for selecting my blogs to be on Front Page. You guys at HQ are top notch and I'm so grateful.
Also thanking models/mates like @asxna @nolajean @evoke @chroi @olgakulaga @blaizee @ladyfirefox @ladykitsune and @phianixx for shouting me out in their blogs/videos of me. You didn't have to but thank you all the same. Also @redkaya @tripodski @peachie_ @niallpatterson & so on the nominations on the Questionnaire Blogs & shoutouts too!!
A big thank you also to @xheartswornx because without his blogs that inspired me to do my own. I wouldn't be blogging like I am today.
Shoutout to @ojtheviking @25901jfm @nickstone @silentobjectorx @arroezze @y2fraser @bronsonquick @diddy_dave_uk @gawjusdaniel1992 etc etc for their own blogs and also giving me shoutouts too.
I could keep going since their is so many I want to thank but it'll take me all day haha. So if yous are reading this thank you.
So yeah so I hope yous are keeping well and doing alright. Remember my DM box is open. I don't bite. Except if it's in the bedroom lol jk. But nah I'm easygoing. So feel free to chat to me and I do reply back. Maybe not immediately but I do eventually. Writing blogs ain't easy but it is worth it.
Anyway my next Hopeful Hightlight blog will be out and then it'll be a Appreciation Blog of a SG model that made a return so look out for those.
Til then this KungFury or Kevin saying take care, much love and