Hey there peeps, how are yous all. Hope yous are doing good and your ok. And welcome to another edition of my In General where I just....well talk to yous about how I am doing, my life, blah blah blah. It's really me just talking. It's not like my other Blog Series, which more professional usually. Then more tbh I just wing it and just talk. Think everyone likes that about my blogs.
Speaking about my blogs. That's the first thing I want to talk about in this edition. It's been an awesome year for me. Ok the coronavirus is shite and I hate it too. But I think it has been good this year to me since I want to give yous positive stuff. No doubt yous dear readers are probably sick of the lockdown and I don't blame you. So luckily this edition is full of happy happy joy joy lol. Yeah hopefully anyone got that reference haha.
But yeah I'm basically say that my blogs are regulars on the front page. I mean last year I had a front page now & then but this year it's been nearly all the time (except for my @tink & @evoke blogs which I think should be for those ladies alone) hell even my In General blogs get front pages. I still can't believe my success on here and to all those that enjoy my blogs and me as a person. Honestly I do get weepy sometimes when I get so much awesome feedback. Cause I actually thought I was done back in January after I stopped my fan accounts and thinking of quitting again like I did back in the summer of 2018. But since I was honest about why I quit social media and just been straight up to anyone that read that. Everyone has been awesome towards me. I lost count to the amount of support and love I get from all of yous. It really is awesome and I can't thank yous awesome people enough. I love yous all, yous are the best as I keep saying. And if you saw my fallout on my fan accounts, I'm sorry. It was a rough time and I'm glad I'm moved on and it is because of yous and the success of my blogs. I've gained more followers than ever and further build my friendship to not members her but models/photographers/staff too. Really I do mean it. This isn't KungFury speaking. This is Kevin (my real name) speaking. I really can't thank yous all enough. I mean I'm just a shy anxious Scottish guy with ASD (Aspergers Spectrum Disorder) who write blogs about models for fun but also it helps them out. I mean I know may not meet any of yous but never say never but I'm glad I got to know a lot of yous & left an positive mark in your lives. I promise it won't stop til everyone on SG is sick and bored of it lol. So yeah thank you all.
So yeah it's been awesome since I work hard on my blogs and my support with the models/photographers who are mates 4 life, hopefully that's the case and it's understandable it isn't. I mean I didn't had any expectations to begin with. But I'm glad it's been awesome and I love to continue to give yous awesome blogs. Hopefully my blogs has keep you entertained and hopefully you check out the archive in my blogs. Plenty of reading material and links to sets of awesome models in those so it is worth getting out my old blogs if yous haven't. Don't be afraid to, it's all there.
So yeah it's been awesome that a lot of people have said that I am kind and a sweetheart. Even though I'm doing what a lot of people should be doing and that's being kind to others. It was the main reason why I quit social media cause I was so sick & tired of all that negativity you know. And I think everyone knows about that now & I don't want to bore yous with that further cause it is over. But I'm only saying it to my new followers cause yeah it was rough. But luckily on SG is been awesome cause you's are awesome. I mean everyone is saying I'm so kind and I'm the best, hell it's influencing in my own video games like on Persona 5 Royal at the moment....
Yeah I'm getting this a lot and really it is no problem at all. I'm just saying what should be common. I mean really all the negative bollocks should stop, especially on social media since it is cause mental harm to others and that's not right. Hell before I type this, I see my good friend @phianixx crying her eyes out and she's like one of the nicest people on this site. Like I don't think anyone has a bad thing to say about her. It's impossible cause it isn't there. I usually see my model mates like @nolajean @sammiii @tommy @helenarae etc feeling sad, crying and that in the past & I'm like seriously can we stop this negative bullshit you know. They don't deserve that. Especially their some of the nicest people I talk to. So that's why I love to do my blog series. That's why I really start doing them back in 2018 cause I was reading a lot of depression stuff from the models and how their never get appreciation. So that's the main reason why I do what I do. It is why I stayed on. And I saw @xheartswornx was doing the same thing back then what I'm doing so yeah and here I am.
I do want everyone is doing well. I know it is tough times and it is awful being indoors, self isolating and that. Well I'm going to talk about how to cope with or at least how I cope with it since I have been self isolating on & off for years. So hopefully this helps yous out in this unfortunate time. So this helps out...
So basically this is really how I cope with self isolating. So basically I make sure I think of doing things I can do indoors. Like work on a new skill. That's how I learn to be an self taught cook cause plenty of time on my hands and I'm a foodie so learning to cook/bake takes up your time and it is really good to have in your system. Another one is having a balance of watching tv/films, video games, reading and creating. It basically means don't do the same thing everyday. Switch it around and just go into a routine. If there's a TV series your watching, binge it one day and play video games the next. I strongly recommend playing lengthy games like RPGs/JRPGS. Like Persona 5 Royal is a perfect example. Honestly that game will win you over. It is so good to get into to, so much so that the lockdown will be over and you'll still be playing it cause it is over 150 hours long. Same with The Witcher 3 and other games like that. Also TV series like Buffy, Angel and other binge worthy shows like that is perfect. Their as lengthy as those games. Also a Film marathon is recommended. I just finished watching all of the James Bond films and that took me a few weeks. Also reading will help your mind at ease.
Also get into self meditations , I've usually do it in the shower. I do my deep breaths meditations there. And I recommend getting mental health apps. Like I'm using Youper and I can't thank @eirenne enough for that recommendation. Having one of those is important and if you do feel awful, use those immediately. It really helps out trust me. And also take a offline break if it gets too much. You owe to yourself. Take a break if you have to. Also keep in touch with your mates. Like I know my mates on here and I chat to them whenever I can. I sometimes forget since I am forgetful so I am sorry if I'm late to reply. Usually it is me offline doing those above. But it is important to chat to others and have a good convo. I had a good convo with @blaizee who is a mate & it was a good laugh & a convo. Same with people like @peachie_ @marlene @rubyalexia @tink @kettle @kaydie @niallpatterson @tripodski @ladyfirefox @ladykitsune @julha @evoke @asxna @chroi @kaptaine @starstuff @reznoritis @25901jfm @midnightpoison @nolajean and so on. But I still talk to my personal mates a lot and of course my family. So I still keep social with people. So if you ain't, please don't. I did that back when I was first self isolating myself in 2006 & trust me it is bad for you. Do talk to someone, it definitely helps.
Also if you can try to go for social distance walks, hiking, cycling or running. That's very good for the body & mind. I've been doing of walks while I'm luckily that my place is quiet for now. But I recommend cycling if yous do have a bike. Roads will be quieter and your social distancing anyway. I wish my bike works cause I will be doing that and show off pics of my cycling but it's broke so social distancing walking it is. But at least it is something. So hopefully me talking about how I cope with self isolating helps. Also rock out to your tunes too. That's a workout too, it counts lol.
So yeah I do hope that bit helps yous out or find it helpful. That's how I'm in a good mindset atm. It's about everything in moderation really. If yous do that, you'll be coping in no time. But comment below on how yous are doing it. Sure it's a good routine too.
I know I'll be fine since I got this stuff...
And I'll be like John Travolta in Broken Arrow going....
Well look at this....
Yeah your truly rocking the Doom Helmet. Seriously how fucking badass is that helmet? Yeah ain't it cool indeed.
And yeah that guy is me. It's a rare treat since I don't take selfies of myself often due to me being too shy lol. Ain't bad looking eh lol.
Yeah I'm so proud of on the stuff I got. The Funkos were from my mate who is selling his collection away to make room for his kid's room so he was selling him and I got some which is in the pic. He even give me The Godfather book too for free. Good mate indeed. I will repay him to be even.
Ok I have to say it. That Doom Eternal collector's editon is my best yet. I love that helmet. I may cosplay Doom Guy that will probably rival or be equal @nayru @keshia @mariajupiter @beckah @lishablackhurst awesome cosplays. I just need to find the rest of the outfit. Wish me luck there lol. But yeah I love that Collector's Edition. And I'll probably love the game but I'm too addicted to Persona 5 Royal at the moment. As you also see I got Final Fantasy 7 Remake and the figure too.
I got a story about that one. Originally it was suppose to be this edition....
But unfortunately it never happened due how bad Square Enix Online Store is. This edition wasn't available in my usual preferred stores since it was exclusive on Square Enix Online Store so I had to get it there. But when the game was about to come out. I didn't hear anything about it. Then on the day of release, usually you get it earlier but it didn't with me but I was patient since I know it is different these days. But a few days later still nothing and by the way they weren't emailing me or communicating me at all. So I need an email to them saying has it been paid & getting and they said "do you want to cancel the order?" I'm like that's not what I said. So I said no I said is it on it's way or not and is it paid and then the oddest reply happened saying I didn't pre ordered it. Which is bullshit, I did but they claim I didn't. So I said to them I don't why but I did pre order it but don't bother. As long as there's no money been withdrawn then it's cool. And luckily it hasn't. But fuck Square Enix Online Store. That's all I will say about them. Worst online retailer I've dealt with honestly. So don't bother if I were you peeps. Luckily I got a good replacement on GAME so it worked out. Also I had money to get that Doom Eternal edition, Animal Crossing (awesome game btw) and of course I'm back on OnlyFans & on my usual Patreons (Don't worry @keshia back onto yours soon too) so it's not a loss. Still it would be cool to show off that Cloud figure wouldn't it? Pretty awesome too but oh well. Least I got that Doom helmet eh lol.
So yeah that's how I am doing. Just coping like all of yous are. Only with a badass Doom helmet lol.
So anyway next blogs of mine will be a two new Hopeful Highlight blogs, An Appreciation Blog of a returning SG model recently and of course a new FSS blog so keep an eye out for those. Should be good times, noodle salad there as always.
So til those blogs come. This is KungFury/Kevin saying take care, much love and honestly how badass is that Doom helmet. Best Collector's item ever!!! 😎🤘
Lol love that film, ok bye!
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear