Hey there peeps, hope you are all good and safe. And welcome to a another Questionnaire Blog from yours truly. A lot of yous peeps have demanded that I do this and I'm all for my homies & bitches in my hood yo lol jk. Nah but seriously thank you for the tags to these, I enjoy these blogs since I love to do Q&As for yous lot. It does mean a lot to me that many want to see me and know about me. So I want to combine two Questionnaire Blogs into one. Next blog will be my Top 5 favourite movies since I got tag in that but sadly no favourite album tag but I got lots so I shouldn't complain lol.
First one is this one which @bronsonquick @geekyfox @tripodski @chroi and @cheffers have nominated me. So thank you for nominating me. So let's get this started, shall we?
1. What food do you crave most often?
Well BBQ food since the weather is getting nice and hopefully after this is C-Virus is done & over with. I'll have a proper one. But I do love BBQs. Love having burgers, ribs, pulled pork, etc on it.
2. Can you swim?
Yes I can and very well. I used to pro swim as a kid and entered in a few tournaments. I was doing nothing but sports all the time as a kid all the way into my early 20's. Swimming was one of them and win a few medals for it but unfortunately I lost them. It was years ago. Do miss swimming but I refuse to go to the public swimming pools since I don't like them. Give me the beach any day!!
3. Can you whistle?
Yep but I don't do wolf whistles cause fuck that. I actually don't whistle, even though I can do it. Last time was calling over my Sister's dog since I was taking the wee man for a walk. So that was the last time I whistled!
4. Home on a beach or in the mountains?
Oh that's a tough choice but I think I'll go for the beach. A walk on a bench will be a ideal date with a lucky woman. If I started to talk to them, damn my shyness & social anxiety lol.
5. Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
Hamburgers 100%, love cheeseburgers or any burgers. Veggie burgers are awesome too. TBH I'm not much of a hotdog fan since I don't like those sausages since they have a rubbery texture and I personally don't like it. I only like hotdogs if it's with real sausages you know. Tender, melt in your mouth stuff. Hotdogs is only good on the BBQ. Burgers are just so much better!!
6. Shower or tub?
A hot tub with all my favourite Suicide Girls models lol. Hey I can dream too haha. But I do like both in all seriousness, their both relaxing and cool.
7. How many TVs are in your house?
I got 4 in my house and I only use one. That'll be my one. Rest are my folks.
8. Do you own a gun?
Hell no and never will. Fuck guns!!
9. Favourite type of food?
Pizza, Pasta, BBQ and cheese!!
10. Favourite hobbies?
Well I'm easily pleased so I'm into a lot of things. My common ones are writing, video gaming, cooking, watching tv/films, reading comics, listening to my tunes, going for walks, socialising with my mates and sleeping lol.
11. Favourite time of year?
Halloween easily, bloody love Halloween!!
12. Favourite drink in the morning?
Coffee, need my wake up juice since I'm not a morning person lol.
13. Favourite outdoors activities?
Well I love to go for walks in the countryside/woodlands with not many people. Also I love cycling and use to do extreme sports a lot, I miss it. Miss skateboarding & BMXing. But think I'm getting old for that now but who knows.
14. Favourite drinks?
That. Purple Stuff always!!! See it's a real thing!! 😉
15. Things I love?
I love helping people, supporting models when I can, blogging on here, cooking homemade meals, gaming, reading, watching TV/films, the ladies and just doing cool things with cool people.
16. Do I have a crush?
I do but it's mostly SG Models. My top crushes are @reallifepirate @blaizee @evoke @rubyalexia @fla @keshia @tink @nayru @nolajean @sammiii @tommy @phianixx @chroi @missjcristina @ladykitsune @julha @sirena @alexabstract @dannikadaisy @jasminelouise @lishablackhurst so on and so on, seriously I have so many crushes. Their innocent crushes since I am innocent lol.
17. 4 turn on’s:
If it's kinks then it's Girl on Girl, shower, cosplay and a women's smile. I'm pretty tame, not much a explicit guy. I'm an old fashioned! 😊
If not then it's Positivity, humour, being into the same stuff and generosity. It's cool to be kind and understanding.
18. 4 turn offs:
If it's kinks again then that's easy. B/G content, hardcore porn, weird fetish stuff and paypig stuff. I personally don't like it at all for personal reasons but more power to those who are, I'm old fashioned.
If it's non kinks then it's bullying, all the anti sex work stuff on IG (I maybe not a fan of the explict stuff but if ppl are into it, their into it so leave it alone IG), toxic debates and gender wars, I really can't stand that. We are all one. Hate of that battle of the sexes BS. Gets on my nerves you know. You get bad and good in both sides. We're both Equals you know.
Sorry I went a bit long there, got more to say in this part. But I think I'll leave it at that.
19. How I feel right now:
I actually feel quite good these days. I think I'm just keeping to myself a lot which has helped me cope with my mental health after the bad spell back in December. Think being online part on here has actually helped big time. I get some down moments but I remember my CBT app advice and realise it ain't so bad. So I'm getting better mentally. One step at a time!!
20. My current relationship status:
I've been single all of life and tbh I don't mind really. I'm just waiting for the right one to come, if not then I'm doing alright. Not rushing at all.
So that was the first of the two Questionnaire done. Now for the second in which I was nominated by @olgakulaga & @nickstone for this ten question one. Thank you guys for the nomination. So here we go again lol.........
1. Color:
Purple of course. 😂😉👍
2. Animal:
I love dogs, their a man's best friend!!
3. Song:
I can thank @tomiie for getting me into this tune again after writing about her in my last FSS blog. 😉👍
4. Ice flavor:
I love Vanilla Ice Cream, also caramel ice cream too.
5. Food:
Italian, indian, American and Mexican food are my favourites!!
6. Parfum:
Well I'm a man so I use deodorant. My favourite is Lynx, unfortunately the Lynx Effect doesn't work! 😞
7. Clothing:
I love wearing beanie hats, long sleeve t shirts, t shirts, denim leather jackets, jeans, skater shorts and urban sneakers. Basically I look like a Skater Boi. 😎
8. Hobbie:
Check above!!
9. Fear:
Loneliness, being forever single, crowds, flying, saying the wrong thing or in the wrong way, tight spaces and feeling like I'm going to be bullied again.
10. Phrase:
That last one is so true, always accept the true love from the ones that truly love you. Also that film is excellent. It's The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, awesome film guys. Highly recommend it!!
So that's all my Q&A done til the next one. The people I will nominate for both are @blaizee @rubyalexia @niallpatterson @susu @keshia @tink @nolajean @sammiii @nayru @kaptaine @ojtheviking @julha @haub @ladyfirefox @missjcristina @peachynorth @peachie_ @rosieleigh @mermicorn @reallifepirate @phianixx @starstuff @manika @midnightpoison @syrinn @magusjoe @diddy_dave_uk @dlistsupervillain @agent_easy @silentobjectorx @hilo @paulinki @beckah @alexabstract @annaedelrid @lilyann @babu @asxna @tommy @zoemarie @evoke @kettle @coolicio @milkydame @anjave @helenarae @its_hollyy @itissweetiepie @kat_lady and so on to those who read this. Love to see them.
Anyway thank you very much for checking out my Q&A blog peeps, yous are the best. Til the next blog this is KungFury saying take care, much love and now you know that Purple Stuff (Grape Juice) is for real!! 😉👍
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear