Hey there one & all, hope yous are doing well and not that down. If so, then maybe this blog is the remedy you need. Hello and welcome to another packed edition of the blog series that has a cult following on this site. That being the multi front paged Fury's Favourite SG Sets blog series. Yeah I'm getting better at the intros to my blogs as yous probably noticed. I'm improving with every blog I do but the spirit is still here. Supporting beautiful ladies, awesome photographers and of course my sense of humour since I hate talking about toxic things & I like to write blogs to cheer up people. That was always the intention of this long running blog series and I feel like I succeeded. I gain a lot of followers, friends, appreciation and respect here. Again thank you everyone that has. You are all awesome and don't worry this blog is coronavirus free. Tbh I'm sick of hearing about it and I think yous are too, as long yous are safe. That's the main thing. So you're safe in this blog. Business as usual.
First off I want to congratulate @bellajean @shameless @nymroeth @verrin and @julha for turning pink if yous missed out my blog about that. Also went done to fellow bloggers @ojtheviking @25901jfm @silentobjectorx etc for being on front page too. Love to give a shoutout to my fellow members since they deserve to be noticed, inspired by my good friend @phianixx who does appreciation blogs on members and I like to give shoutouts also to @bronsonquick @diddy_dave_uk @agent_easy @magusjoe @chefdaddy @nickstone @gawjusdaniel1992 @arroezze @anjave @kaptaine @gpryme @ropers71 @xheartswornx @y2fraser and so on. Honestly there's so many to tag so if I haven't tag you, I'm sorry. I'll include you next time since I like to include as many in my shoutouts. Like I said I aim to cheer people up in this crazy time. Hopefully I'll do a good job at that by introducing yous to awesome sets of these awesome & lovely ladies. Also gives you something fun to read too. Cool stuff right.
So Let's begin this packed edition with this multi set from these Brazilians who are the cover girls of this blog......
My Favourite Sets
Models: @dawud @sirena @fla @infernum and @thimeow
Photographer: @thimeow
Yeah starting of this edition is this lot that I'm always putting in my blogs. But as you see can you blame me? Their all beautiful. Brazil has basically took over SG since it's packed with many beautiful ladies from that area of the world. This is why I love SG, it's global you know. So no matter where you are, we are all the same alt people and we all love gorgeous ladies looking beautiful being naked but it's exotic art. It's always been art. Has been since the dawn of time before social justice warriors try to shame it which is rubbish. There beautiful and they can do this if they want. Also there all great people too. I like to discuss them as people since there really awesome people from reading their blogs and chats I had with some of them. This set was taking at a Brazilian Shootfest last year I think and @fla @dawud @sirena @infernum @thimeow etc where all there & this set is just one of the many from it. Reason the Brazilian models get more love on this site imo besides there beautiful is that their active on this site and got passion for it you know. Also they speak better English than me lol. And this set looks like they were having a ball there, I'm sure they are. Probably with cats too since I know @thimeow is a cat person so they'll join the fun. Their incredible and I have no doubt this will be Set Of The Day. So check it out and see. Much like this next set featuring one of the models on that set and that being......
Photographer: @thimeow
Yeah once again it's @infernum but this time along with @haub and of course @thimeow does the photography work as usual. And as usual it's great. Love it's an retro old school 50's rock n roll style theme to this set. If only it was in Back In The Future, great scot indeed lol. Well there's no arguement they wash better than me, I suck at car washing. Also I'll be no different than the Dodgeball team in well Dodgeball. Great film btw, Ben Stiller was funny as hell in it. So yeah I shouldn't wash cars like @infernum & @haub do it, unless I join in but I'm too far away and I'm locked indoors. But least we got this set to imagine that our cars are getting a proper clean like this. And jokes aside it is a brilliant set from these ladies as usual and I'm sure this will be Set Of The Day for these two. They do deserve it since their not only beautiful but their awesome people too. I always enjoy my chats with them and I'm sure they feel the same. So check it out and help it get on Front Page.
Model: @sirena
Photographer: @kasha
Yeah another one from the multi set in the first entry, it's @sirena once again with this awesome set that no doubt a lot of people are doing right now. Make popcorn, Netflix and chill. I think that's what the praise Netflix & Chill means, idk I don't follow trends like a lot of people. I'm kinda of a hipster that way you know lol. But I'm sure I'm right. I mean it's common to eat popcorn while watching something on the TV. Not me, tbh I eat crisps (Potato chips), chocolate and of course my glass of Purple Stuff. Yeah gotta have my Purple Stuff lol. Anyway this is just another awesome set from @sirena who is a regular in this blog series as many long time readers know. I'm a fan of hers, always beautiful and a nice lass too. I'm sure she'll be having popcorn while reading this blog like most of yous do or not & yous just click on the links to the sets. Don't worry I ain't offended, that's what my blog is about. You don't have to read it but it's nice people do. Something to do while eating your popcorn. Also got a favourite popcorn? comment below. Mine's salted caramel cause I love caramel. I can happily swim in the stuff, it's that good. Kinda reminds me to make Millionaire Shortbread, I bake awesome ones that I swill in some while chocolate on top of my dark chocolate to make a dope spider web look. Since I'm such a Spiderman nerd so makes sense lol. Anyway make sure you grab a bucket and check this set out. Help @sirena get another Set Of The Day peeps!!
Model: @camilafor
Photographer: @haub
Another entry for @haub but this time as a photographer. The cool thing about the Brazilian models is there always recruiting new ladies for this site and hopefully they will be turn pink. No wonder why there taking over SG, just shows there very passionate about being here. Cause they know it's more than just posing in the nude. It's an awesome online community and their very active. That's why they get fans and why a lot of them get turned pink. That's why I think it is best to treat this site as an online community, think that's how you get fans to stick with you long term. Cause it is more than just nude modelling imo. Think some either don't know, don't bother or care and that's probably why they usually don't stick around long, get turn pink or never get another Set Of The Day. Lot of times it's just luck you know. There is so many models on SG and it is easy to get overlooked here. Even for bloggers like me but I do it cause I like doing it. I mean I think every model is gorgeous but I always look at the ones who are all around awesome people. But I think you have to show that you want to be on this site & interact tbh and also it is a matter of luck to get noticed to stand out you know so don't beat yourselves to any models reading this. You'll get there if you keep at it and this SG debut from @camilafor is someone I think will get turn pink soon. @camilafor is one of those models who is not only beautiful but awesome too. I see her around here for a while and in that time she is just happy to be around here and just being awesome to everyone she interacts. I only chatted her a few times and she's always cool as hell. If you follow her you see she is very active. Always posting videos of her playing guitar and singing. Kinda like @reallifepirate and like her she is an awesome singer & does SGTV doing that. Also she's a psychologist too so she knows how to help & chat to people. Pretty cool right. So she is pretty talented as well as smart. So she's a total package. She definitely deserves to be pink soon so make it happen and check out her awesome debut. 😊👍
Model: @rubyalexia
Photographer: @r_girardi
A break from the Brazilians in this entry and back to the UK with this set. And it's one of my favourites & long time regular to my blogs. That being @rubyalexia my Elf Queen. No doubt doing what I think she's doing with her free time, reading books. Btw one of my future FSS blog was going to be called "Read It & Weep, you're on Fury's Favourite SG Sets blog" but @rubyalexia beat me to it with this awesome set, common from Ruby. She's always beautiful and I have no doubt this will be another Set Of The Day for her. I'm always so happy for her doing well here since I followed her before she was an unknown model. As I talk about in my Front Paged Appreciation Blog of her. So happy that those blogs have done well and yous enjoy them btw. Like many of my favourite models, I don't get sick of talking about them. Especially since their good people and love highlighting that too. Like @rubyalexia here, she's a mate too since I've supported her for a few years now. Even when I talk about my mental health, she show support to me too so I always notice the ones that do support me back. Maybe that's why I am loyal and keep talking about the same models besides that their beautiful. Cause they are good mates to me and want to help them with further promotion like this blog you know. If yous missed out on my @rubyalexia Appreciation Blog, it's down below in the archives. Check those out and this set from @rubyalexia too. Also one day I'll do a blog of @r_girardi work, his photography work is brilliant and I want to highlight the photographers too. This is a Set Of The Day set that shouldn't be missed. Check it out peeps, you won't be disappointed!!
Model: @skittlepop
Photographer: @darkmoonmedia
Still in the UK but this time is the usual turn this hopeful pink god damnit entry lol. Hopefully she will if I do a good job convincing yous to help her turn pink. This is @skittlepop who I have featured in my past blogs a bunch of times and followed her for a while now too. Everytime I see that she is still a hopeful, it sucks cause she definitely deserves to be pink. Usually that upsets the models since they want to get to get to be pink. And most want to quit cause they think they never will like I mention in my @camilafor bit, but I always say if it's for dream to be pink on SG. Don't give up, keep at it. Like I said build your brand and fan base. That's how to do it. It is tough doing this work, I know it is required to be online all the time. I was like that with my fan accounts and it stressed me out to the point that I got burnt out. But the thing is I wasn't paid to do that, it was something fun to do and help further promote my blogs for on here. Cause the aim was to get these models as much support so they can be pink on here & get more fans. Just something nice to do and I don't regret the fan accounts. I left at the right time cause I built a cult following on here. That's cause I work hard on my blogs. Love to do them and support models like @skittlepop here who does deserve to be pink, she's beautiful. Also supporting photographers too like @darkmoonmedia here who is always does brilliant work. So hopefully sooner or later, @skittlepop will be pink. Do go check her out and help her turn pink. It is long overdue!!
Model: @kaydie
Photographer: @ayah
Speaking of UK Hopefuls who are long overdue to be turned pink. Here is @kaydie back with this awesome set from a photographer who is on fire atm and that being @ayah her work is brilliant, she could be a female @tripodski lol. I'm always featuring her work and this one of FSS Regular @kaydie is yet another masterwork. Well I know a thing or two about appreciating the lady. Since my blog series are Appreciation Blogs, even the FSS blogs are appreciations to not only models but the photographers. While also shouting out members that deserve more appreciation for being awesome people. That's what SG should be about. And we all do Appreciate the lady. I mean we ain't those twats on the social media being mean, sending dick pics & just overall being twats to the models cause they think they can do it since their behind the computer screen. Their twats and I'm glad I left that toxicity behind and stick to SG. I know the models & photographers want to do since we all know how bad Instagram is. But they have to since it's their job to promote their content so it's an necessary evil I'm afraid. But luckily they got bloggers like me on SG to go, hey you're doing great and you're beautiful. Cause it's true. I mean look at @kaydie how is she still not pink. Go check her out and help her turn pink. Do I have to say more?
Model: @chroi
Photographer: @casca
Yeah as you all see I give as much love to the UK models, like I do with the Brazilians. But doesn't matter where you are from, it's all about how awesome you are and how beautiful you are. This is in another "Why She Isn't Pink" entry and it's a long time Regular to the FSS blog. That being @chroi who is not only beautiful on the outside but inside too. Probably one of the most supportive people on this site like @haub @infernum above me. She's always shouting out fellow models, photographers and another members too besides me. You always see her in my comments as she is part of the cult following I gain on this site. She ain't afraid to show it. Also one of my many models I want to do a Appreciation/Hopeful Highlight Blog one day. She overwhelmingly deserves to be pink one day. She truly deserves it, her sets are always awesome and Set Of The Day worthy. Hopefully that day will come for @chroi and hopefully it will be soon. So go check her set out and make it happen, she does deserve it!!
Model: @phianixx
Photographer: @loxleyheart
Speaking of supportive models who supports others. Here is everyone's best friend that is @phianixx being beautiful as always. Always supporting others no matter who it is. Being either a model mate, a photographer mate or a member mate she's mates with. She's always supporting and helping others. But I writing what I lot of yous know since who knows she may have written a blog about you since she's a blogger on here too and always shouting out fellow member like I mention above in the intro. I always note that since it is wonderful she does that and she works for butt off on supporting others on here. I always notice it, I may not say about it online much but I do notice it. I always save my typing on my blogs or on the DMs. Usually I'm quiet cause I am usually quiet & shy, even online. But I'm not always online these days since being online all the time is quite stressful. Especially at times like this. It gets tiresome reading toxic post and also the same post all the time you know. I'm not mention what, let's say it gets tiresome seeing it all the time. That's why I want my blogs to be, free from all the same old and stand out. Since I love to talk about the models as awesome people that they are and tbh I don't think anyone does besides me & other bloggers. I always talk about how well their set is and how beautiful they are without being all sexual about it cause tbh with you I don't like that. I hate the usual "oh she's fuckin hot" "Her tits are hot" "Dat ass" etc etc cause that's not me. I know it's there and I hate stating the obvious you know. I like to say their beautiful and gorgeous in a gentleman way like it's a compartment, I am old school. And I hate that being respectful & polite is "out of date" "uncool" etc these days. I left social media since my way of being you know pleasant & having a opinion isn't welcome. Unlike here where it is and people like @phianixx appreciates that. I think more people appreciates that really. I like to be real and not give yous bullshit you know peeps. I think everyone knows me by now since I don't hide it and written about it a bunch of times. Even in my early days I always shared my feelings. And I appreciate everyone that respects & supports me back like @phianixx does with everyone. I'm so happy she turned pink, couldn't happen to a better person imo. She works hard and deserves the success she has gotten. Also @loxleyheart done a great job as always with her photography work, also she's a hopeful too that deserves more love and attention imo. Always been a fan of hers and her photography work. As you know since I've talk about her work with @blaizee @reallifepirate @reuben @gnomi etc before. She is brilliant to and hope she reads this & hope your doing good @loxleyheart your work as model/photographer is always top notch. In fact that's how I discovered @phianixx cause she did a duo set with her when @phianixx was modelling on another site I was a member of & been a fan since. So there you go. So if you missed this, definitely check it out now. Definitely another Set Of The Day in the making for @phianixx hopefully it is!!
Model: @killpop
Photographer: @milloux
As you may see in my past few FSS blogs, I'm featuring more already Sets Of The Day um sets lol. But there so awesome that I need to feature them and talk about them in this blog series, it is called Fury's Favourite SG Sets blog after all. So here's this one of a model I've featured many times in this series and that being @killpop who is always so beautiful. She was someone if I was going to do a girloftheday post on my former fan accounts since she is beautiful and I've been a fan of hers since I'm a @tripodski guy as yous know as she's a regular model for my favourite photographer. It was her duo set with @keshia that I first know her and been a fan since. I can definitely see why she is a multi time Set Of The Day model here on SG. Her sets are always top notch and all of them are Sets Of The Day sets like this one that's she did with @milloux who's always excellent with her photography work & also a top model here too. I think this set debut in late 2018 and that's when I actually started doing blogs to promote & support models after being influenced by @xheartswornx blogs which are masterpieces btw, he's still is the best blogger on this site 100%. I'm a picnic compared to his blogs. But I think I do well with my blogs since their been successful and everyone enjoys them. Especially since I pick awesome sets from awesome ladies like @killpop here who may get a Appreciation Blog in the future. Got many ideas of blogs I want to write, actually noted it down on my notes so it'll happen. It's all a matter of when. So if you missed this Set Of The Day from @killpop check it out, it's amazing and beautiful like the woman herself!!
Model: @ivygehenna
Photographer: @joopninja
Good to see @ivygehenna back with a new set and it's all about the Nintendo Switch. Cause it's an awesome console and I love it. Also this is a great set as usual being @ivygehenna who I've been featuring in my blogs since the beginning and already she's a multi time Set Of A Dayer and this is her third one so hopefully the ball keeps on rolling with this one being another Set Of The Day for her. Also good to see there's a fellow Scotsman doing photography on this site in @joopninja yeah we need more Scottish people on here since sometimes I feel I'm the only Scotsman here along with @geekyfox @esmic etc lol. I do my best to wave my flag here since it's cool. Like that Darth Vader teddy there, that's cool lol. Like the Switch. Anytime I'm on here I go to the gaming group on this site and see what everyone is playing atm cause I like to know what people are playing. Right now by the time I write this the game everyone is playing is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I actually played a wee bit of Animal Crossing on my 3DS, that being New Leaf. And it is a good game, it'll last you for ages btw so it's a good way to spread time being indoors due to you know what. I like to keep yous safe by that recommendation like this set of the wonderful @ivygehenna so go check her out and help her get another Set Of The Day!!
Model: @redlipsdontlie
Photographer: @kyla
Well it called Purple in the title so of course I'll feature it since I'm all about that Purple Stuff (grape juice). No I'm only kidding lol. In truth this is a great set from @redlipsdontlie who is so beautiful and the photography work from @kyla is brilliant. Definitely a model that should be turned pink. So hopefully this set will be Set Of The Day. Go check it out and make it happen peeps. 😊👍
Model: @kayottie
Photographer: @caustix
Speaking of hopefuls that deserve to be turned pink, here we have this set from this beautiful lass from Florida. That being @kayottie who is just overwhelmingly beautiful. Which btw is her SG Debut and hopefully it'll be a pink debut cause this is Set Of The Day written all over it. @caustix did a great job with the photography as usual, always a fan of @caustix work. Always brilliant. This one of @kayottie is no different. So let me introduce you to her since I do read the bios (honestly it helps me write about yous in my blogs models, saves the writers block lol). Well she is loves riding motorcycles, a fan of Stranger Things, listens to Three Day Grace/Breaking Benjamin (Some of my favourite bands there) and loves Coffee Ice Cream. Yeah you know I never had or even heard there's an Coffee Ice Cream. I always heard of Coffee Cake and btw there delirious since coffee is the only drug I take. Me being straight edge and all. I definitely need to try that out. So you see it helps to read the bio cause it's cool to know more about the models, especially since I want to write how awesome they are you know so I can really promote them and convince people to like/comment their sets so they get Set Of The Day. Hopefully I've done it well with the lovely @kayottie here so check her out my friends!! 😊👍
Model: @lunalilac
Photography: @anilorac
Yet another SG Debut from this one and yes you guess it it's another Brazilian, their killing it on SG peeps. This here is @lunalilac who no doubt will be a model that I think will be the next Hopeful to be turn pink like my good friend @julha has. As always @anilorac did a great job with the photography work. I just love how hard working and dedicated the Brazilians are on here. That's why their taking over. Like @lunalilac here who is so beautiful. She's a student who is studying Biology atm. Pretty cool. Also she's movie buff. Her favourite films are Lars Von Trier films, Stanley Kubrick films, Studio Ghibli films, etc so she's into all sorts. Check out her blog on her Favourite Films to see for yourself. I should do a Favourite Film blog myself. If yous are interested, let me know in the comments. Til then check out this awesome debut from @lunalilac and help her turn pink peeps!!
Model: @kaleystoner
Photographer: @metal_moonlight
Here's another Hopeful for yous all here with the lovely @kaleystoner in this awesome set. I love this setting. At a lake in the middle of nowhere. One of my favourite walks actually since I do walks/hikes sometimes and I'm lucky that I live in Scotland which is full of this type of scenery you know. And I think this is a great set that captures how beautiful the scenery is at these lakes and of course @kaleystoner is a beautiful woman of course. I've been a follow of hers for a while and she's always active in the groups I'm in. See I'm not in these groups that's about Fetish, Sex Talk, etc since that's not my thing tbh. I'm always in groups like the gaming, TV, Films, Food and other nerdy groups like that. Also the Everything SG and Hopeful groups since the topics there helps my research for blogs like this. So it helps you know. Like discovering models like @kaleystoner who I see on the gaming one and she talks about her favourite games she's playing atm. Also quite active on the Star Wars group cause who doesn't love Star Wars. One of her favourite games is Beyond Good & Evil. Very good pick since that game is underrated. Also who knows when the second one is coming out, it's getting delayed like a motherfucker hasn't it? Crazy stuff. I hope it's still happening. Like @kaleystoner turning pink, hope that happens. So go check her out and help her turn pink peeps!!
Model: @marlene with a cameo from @nikitaray
Photographer: @chinaski
Well I never thought I'll see Life Is Strange getting a cosplay set here on SG but it has. If yous read my Favourite Games Of The 2010's blog you'll see Life Is Strange is one of my picks. I love that game, just like I love this cosplay set of Chloe Price from the game by the lovely @marlene here along with a cameo from @nikitaray cosplaying as Alex. Such an awesome set that no doubt will be Set Of The Day by the time I write this. I hope it is, if it is congratulations @marlene and @chinaski who is awesome as usual with his photography work. Yeah I enjoy that game very much and also a reminder to myself to get the second one since it's completed it's season. I don't buy these episodic games immediately til all the episodes are out you know. I'm quite old school like that. Hell even the last Broken Sword was like that and it was only two episodes, I know it gets confusing. Now you know how modern day video games are like. It's a bloody maze. Just make the full game and release it without any loot boxes or micro transactions you know. Hate all of that. Anyway enough of my wee rant on how video games are like these days. Luckily this set is all great like @marlene herself who is a multi Set Of The Dayer here. I mention her sets before on the FSS blogs and her sets are always breathtaking. No wonder she's always getting Set Of The Day and this one will be no different. Go check it out if you missed it, it is beautiful like @marlene herself....and @nikitaray too btw. Follow her too!!
Model: @krito
Photographer: @sobelle
Wish we were in Paradise atm but with this set from @krito will make you feel like you are. Especially since @krito is so beautiful. Wonderfully shot by @sobelle as usual, who's always brilliant. This is definitely a Set Of The Day in the making and it'll be @krito 12th if it happens. Hopefully it does. So go check it out and make it happen for this Italian beauty!! 😊👍
Model: @mii_
Photography: @thimeow
Wow @thimeow is featuring on this blog heavily eh, well who can blame me? Her photography work is brilliant and here's another set from her awesome handiwork behind the lens. This is another SG Debut here and it's @mii_ who is so beautiful. I have no doubt she'll be turned pink before you know it. The Brazilians are killing it atm, I need to speak their language since I may as well right. But I like to learn Portuguese you know. I only know a bit of French but love to learn a different language in full. So yeah Portuguese is one of them. So I can say Voce E Linda without looking it up on google lol. Still @mii_ is bonita instead and should be turned pink. So go check her out and help her turn pink!!
Model: @izzyvonl
Photographer: @thimeow
Yet another set done by @thimeow and it's another debut too. This time it's @izzyvonl who is as you guess very beautiful and someone I think will be pink in no time. This is Set Of The Day in the making and I'm sure it will be soon. You can say it's a birth of a great career on SG perhaps, yeah a wee wordplay as I usually do since I'm such a dork lol. Anyway do go check out @izzyvonl debut and help her turn pink. 😊👍
Model: @mimo
Photographer: @minuminula
Another entry for the beautiful @mimo with this bit of the blog. If you missed out in my last FSS blog (which was Front Page btw) she was in it along with @momoka for their Spider-Man themed Into The Spider-Verse set which is Set Of The Day and rightfully so. I'm always happy to see picks of mine get Set Of The Day, that's what I like to do. But also I like to share my favourites to yous all and help people get introduce to models they may have missed. Luckily I don't have to with ladies like @mimo here who is popular enough. Hell all of her sets are Set Of The Day but I like to talk & feature her here since I love her sets an she is beautiful so there you go. Also gotta love a little bit of the bubbly lol. Anyway check this set out and I have no doubt it'll be Set Of The Day, got to be. It's @mimo after all, she gets it by default and rightfully so!! (Side note, she has a Life Is Strange set too like @marlene too) 😊👍
Photographer: @r_girardi
Like @mimo @pink is on this FSS too but this time along with @alerose for this awesome duo set of the two beautiful Italians. Yeah it's not just Brazilians I talk about but the Italians too. And this my anime knowledge is improving, their both cosplaying as Sailor Moon characters. Tbh finding a SFW pic of this set is hard since it is very NSFW this duo set, no doubt will please a lot of yous. It is beautiful like the two models and @r_girardi photography is always on ball. I mean who doesn't love girl on girl? It's always a hit and I'm sure this one will be Set Of The Day soon. I know @pink has since I usually mention her in my past blogs before and she's always gorgeous. I don't know if I featured @alerose before. I probably have since I written a lot of blog that are packed full of sets of models so it is hard to keep up. That's why SG is great, it's packed with awesome sets like this and a good to discover new models & photographers that you may want to support further on their OnlyFans, Patreon (Even though their Instagraming these days) and so forth. So it's a good way to discover new models and also know about them since blogs like this is a bonus. So if you miss out on this set, check it out. It is brilliant like the ladies featured and the Photographer himself. All great!!
Model: @indaco
Photographer: @tripodski
Here I thought he took a much needed vacation for working hard on photographing beautiful ladies well. @tripodski is back on my FSS blog, feels like a while. This time shooting with the lovely @indaco here who is beautiful as always and I believe this is a return to my FSS blog for her too. Another Italian for you and just like @pink @alerose @evanesco @fishball and many other Italian models on SG, she's awesome. No doubt this set will be her 8th Set Of The Day if it happens, which it will and should be. It's amazing so go check it out and make it happen for her & @tripodski cause his work is always Set Of The Day!! 👍
Model: @mih
Photography: @kasha
It's another SG Debut in this entry and also it's back to the Brazilians. Introducing @mih in this awesome set basically celebrating a vintage classroom from the looks of it. I don't know if I'll celebrate old classrooms since they whip kids a lot. Still it's a great set from this beautiful Brazilian @mih . I'm sure this is celebrating the vintage stuff, maybe not the classrooms back in the day. It's like me with old school Pro Wrestling, I'm actually a fan of old pro wrestling. I'm not a fan of Pro Wrestling these days. I've actually been off it since 2007 kinda. I drop in on it now & then but tbh I hate it these days. It's all comedy and no real badass back & forth fights that are put on well like the Vintage years. I usually watch the old NWA with Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Midnight Express, etc sometimes as well as World Of Sport that's a old UK wrestling promotion & Memphis Wrestling in the 80's. I'm quite retro that way you know and tbh it's all well done. I enjoy that. Same with vintage movies too. I enjoy watching old Westerns. Can't beat it. Also not to mention the music, I think I appreciate them more since it's all done without any shortcuts or it's not lazily done you know. I respect it since without that, there is none of the stuff we get today. Hell I still like to check out old glamour model/alt model magazines back in the day. I still got some of my Nuts/Zoo magazines that I showed off in one of my past FSS when talking about @lucyv set in that blog (which she posted about on Twitter btw). It is good to look back at Vintage stuff and I think that's what this set is about you know. A celebration of everything Vintage. Also it's a great set and @mih is beautiful. Definitely a Set Of The Day in the making, so check it out and help her turn pink my friends!!
Photographer: @celine
Yeah it's another duo set in this blog and it won't be the last since there's been a lot of awesome ones recently. This one features a pair of French ladies @pialora and @elaena who are both so beautiful. I featured @pialora before in my blogs but this is first time for @elaena and it won't be the last. I'm new to these ladies and I'm a fan already. Both gorgeous and I know for sure this will be a Set Of The Day soon, it's too good not to. I'm sure they will get Set Of The Day for this so go check it out and make it happen for them.
Model: @tomiie
Photographer: @cudnovati
Yep it's another SG Debut but this time it's a Mexican and a beautiful one too, good I need a break from the all the Brazilians raiding my blog lol jk. But she is beautiful and no doubt will be pink in the near future it is @tomiie with this set probably named after this awesome song...
Love this song, one time I was listening to this non stop along with the other songs from Alan Wake. Which is one of my favourite games of all time. Also in my Favourite Games Of 2010's blog I link in the @marlene entry. I don't know if @tomiie named it after this song but I think it means something else. It is one of her tattoos after all. But I know she's into horror films and she's into Black Metal. Dope. I'm the same too. One of my favourite Black Metal bands is Dimmu Borgir who are top notch. Also early Katatonia stuff was basically Black Doom Metal. Sure @ojtheviking knows what I mean. Basically I like Black Metal, maybe not my favourite sub genre of metal but still awesome. Like this set from @tomiie it's awesome and deserve to be Set Of The Day so go check it out. Also how awesome is that song, such a fanboy for that tune & Alan Wake. Awesome game!! 😊👍
Photographer: @coolicio
Told yous there's more duo sets featured on here right, like I said there's been a bunch of awesome ones lately. This one of @blink & @arachnie is another top notch one. In fact this is actually the second duo set both @arachnie & @blink done together, they also shot Melting For You that I featured in one of my past FSS blog which you check out in the archives below. Also shot by @coolicio like this one. And like the first duo, this is also awesome. Their both beautiful as always and I always feature them in my blogs. Like the Brazilians, I feature the Aussies on my blogs often. Whatever be @evoke @mariajupiter @sirenn and so on. There all brilliant, beautiful and kind ladies. I should know since I have chatted with them. @evoke often since she's a mate but their all awesome people. And as you see always shooting awesome sets like this. @coolicio and @milkydame are top photographers and love seeing their work. So go check this duo set out of these two awesome beautiful ladies down under. Like this next one who is a fellow Aussie & a good mate I chat to when I can.....
Model: @kettle
Photographer: @coolicio
Yeah I give plenty of love to Brazil on my blogs but also UK, Italy, Russia, France, Spain and Chile as well. But I'm always giving shoutouts of the country down under that is Australia. They also kill it every time the Aussie models post their sets like this one of @kettle who's a regular on the FSS blogs for good reason. She's beautiful, I mean look at that smile. So cute and beautiful. Like her fellow Aussie @mariajupiter she is cosplaying in this set of Dorothy from The Wizard Of Oz. Btw that film still holds up, not bad for a film that's years old. Way back in 1939, that's pretty nuts. Btw Return Of Oz is underrated and I recommend that film too. It's darker but still awesome. Much like @coolicio photography work, always a fan of hers and @milkydame too. Also both hopefuls who should be pink btw. Luckily with @kettle she's already pink but I love to see this Set Of The Day. So check it out and make it happen for her. Btw this is not the only Dorothy cosplay set. Check out @nayru one as well Here, it's awesome like this one. Hopefully both of these Dorothy sets are Set Of The Day soon. I'll be tapping my feet together to make it happen ladies, never fear!! 😉👍
Model: @witchpoison
Photographer: @pisces
Speaking of awesome cosplay sets, there's this one of the lovely @witchpoison cosplaying as Sabrina. No not Sabrina The Teenage Witch version, it's the Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina version. I actually still yet to watch the show. I hear a lot of good things about it. Tbh I just remember Sabrina The Teenage Witch, which was on Nickelodeon a lot in the UK back in my childhood. I enjoy it. Good times, good break from all the Fox Kids and Disney Afternoon I was watching. I'm always such a guy, watching the "boys" shows. You know I hate labelling shows, it doesn't matter. You like what you like you know. I remember I got teased a lot cause I watch Sabrina back years old. Like it's pretty pathetic. I enjoy it and it ain't changed still. Like this set, I love it and @witchpoison is beautiful. She hasn't put a spell on me or anything. I just love this set and I know yous will too. So go check it out or otherwise she will put a curse on you. She ain't screwing around lol jk. Still it shouldn't be missed, check it out!!
Model: @pher
Photographer: @hilo
Are you ready, are you ready for love? Yes I am, so yes to quote Elton John lol. Yep we are back to the Brazilians with the lovely @pher with this awesome set that no doubt will be yet another Set Of The Day for her. It'll be her forth one if it happens and I hope it does. This is an awesome set that @hilo as always did a great job with the photography work. Like I said so many times in this blogs, the Brazilians are killing it. I'm sure this will be another Set Of The Day for her and I'm sure yous will think so too after you check it out. So check it out and make it happen for her!!
Model: @ghostleeb
Photographer: @marysa
She was in my last FSS blog as a hopeful and now she is here again but this time she is turned pink. I believe she was in the OnlyFans vote who'll be pink next poll on the SG OnlyFans page, which is free btw. And I'm happy for @ghostleeb as she deserves it. I am new to her since she is a recent discovery of mine, thanks to @starstuff for the introduction once again. Also a congratulations to @ghostleeb for turning pink, well deserved. With sets like this, I can see why she is now pink. She is one beautiful lady indeed. Also like I was mentioning in my @mih entry, I love vintage stuff. Especially video games like the Super Nintendo or the Super NES as people surrounded me keep calling it lol. Seems @ghostleeb is the same as she is playing Super Mario World in the background. Gotta love some Mario. For the longest time, Super Mario World was my favourite Mario game. Still holds up like a lot of these games from Nintendo. It wasn't long ago I was replaying Super Punch Out, always loved the Punch Out series. Always top notch, even the one on the Wii was great too. Using the Wii Balance Board was a pain in the ass though. Luckily using that was optional. Still a good game but it's no Super Mario Galaxy, their brilliant. Their my favourite Mario game easily, just like Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch. Their all really good games. Just like @ghostleeb she is awesome and I'm sure this will be Set Of The Day for her. So go check it out and speaking of @starstuff .........
Model: @starstuff
Photographer: @leemalee
Here is her own set and it's a cosplay one, always a favourite of mine. This of Kidagakash Nedakh from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Good timing for this set too since Disney + is out now. And yes I've subscribe to it. Still waiting for the whole season of The Mandalorian to be up. So far I only saw the first three episodes and I'm enjoying it. So I need recommendations for things for me to watch on Disney + in the meantime you know. Til they put up the rest of The Mandalorian. Good old @starstuff always recommending me stuff, she's a good mate and also one beautiful woman too. I don't know why she is still not pink. She should be pink, her sets are Set Of The Day in my eyes. Hopefully this one will be the one that will turn @starstuff pink. Hopefully it'll happen for her soon. If you feel the same way after yous check out her set, then like/comment her sets so she will. It'll be a classic Disney happy ending if it happen, fingers crossed that it happens!!
Model: @reznoritis
Photographer: @cygnet
Here back in my FSS Blog is the latest set from the wonderful @reznoritis with another awesome set that no doubt will be another Set Of The Day for her. Beautiful as always. She's been one of my favourite newcomers on this site. So happy she turned pink and been chatting to her since, always so nice and like me, big into video games. Doesn't feel long ago I was talking about her SG debut set Atom Bomb Baby in my previous FSS blog. Glad she's been pink since and putting out awesome sets like this, which is her third set on this site. Definitely deserves to be Set Of The Day imo. Even if I don't know what Moonlit Mantra means, is it a song? who knows lol. I do know this a great set that should be Set Of The Day, so go check it out peeps!!
Model: @sejmet
Photographer: @crisro
Hello Georgie, we have all sorts of great sets down here in this blog don't we? Especially some that are already Set Of The Day like this awesome set from @sejmet who is so beautiful. This maybe the first time that @sejmet has been in this blog series, don't know why it took me long to not too, she's beautiful and her sets are all Set Of The Day quality. Like I said it is hard to keep up since there's so many great sets posted on this site every day. It's crazy. But luckily it's still going, good value for the membership here. Especially since some alt model sites are basically dead and there's not a lot of content, shame really. Luckily SG is always active and like I say many times. It is more than just beautiful alt ladies shooting nude model photography, it's also an awesome community too. Good value indeed. Especially you get blogs like this that help promote models and supports too. Even if their already got a Set Of The Day like this one. So go check it out if yous missed it. It is awesome!!
Model: @haileyfox
Photographer: @atlanticlungs
I think this is the first time putting the lovely @haileyfox in my FSS blog and it’s been a long time coming. I may have, again it’s easy to forget since I’ve written about so many models in my two years blogging about the models on this site. Still like all the models I’ve featured, @haileyfox is beautiful and hopefully will get another Set Of The Day soon. I mean I’m surprised she only has one Set Of The Day. I actually thought she would have multiple Sets Of The Day but sadly not. Hopefully with this set she shoot at the SG Shootfest in her home country of The Netherlands last year by the always talented @atlanticlungs , she will. So go check out all of her sets and help her get another Set Of The Day once again. Especially she’s Into You peeps, be into her back. It’s nice to be nice you know! 😉👍
Model: @its_hollyy
Photographer: @midnightowl
Well now it’s time to talk about and feature my fellow Scots fully besides @joopninja awesome photography work. Starting it off is this awesome set from @its_hollyy who is bonnie as always, bonnie is a Scottish slang for beautiful to my international readers. Yeah I’ve mentioned Holly a bunch of times in my FSS Blogs and she is always beautiful & awesome too. I always do my best to represent my fellow Scots. I’m sure this Scottish hopeful will be pink one day. She should be. Just fellow fellow Scottish hopefuls @syrinn @stormymissb @chiyosa @paulinki and so on. So go check her out and help this bonnie lass get a long overdue Set Of The Day like the hopefuls I tagged so they’ll join this next Scot in the land of pink SG models……..
Model: @freyja
Photographer: @ayah
Aye it’s the Scots who are already pink on SG time in this entry. It’s the always bonnie/beautiful @freyja with her latest set from new regular @ayah who is killing it with her photography work. It’s amazing stuff asl always. Yeah luckily there’s a bunch of Scottish ladies/lassies who are already pink on this site like @ghillie @laikaa and @lass , I’m sure there more than them who are Scottish that are pink on SG. Like I said, it is hard to keep up. How do I do this, I surprise myself lol. Like always @freyja sets are beautiful like the woman herself. Definitely another Set Of The Day for her if she gets more love to her that she deserves. Hopefully she will get Set Of The Day again. Especially this awesome set. So go check it out and make it happen peeps!!
Model: @lilyann
Photographer: @minuminula
Yeah who doesn’t love Blueberry? Just like who doesn’t love @lilyann ? We all do, that’s why she has 4 Sets Of The Day and this latest set from her will be her 5th I hope. She is always so beautiful and her sets are always well shot. Well she chooses to work with top photographers like @minuminula who is awesome as always, love her photography work. It’s always Set Of The Day material from her. Also it’s a pool shot and they always go down well. Also bit sad since I was planning to go to Spain this year where @lilyann is from but unfortunately due to you know what, it’s cancelled. Shame, I love going to Spain and chill. Also nice weather (A rare thing in Scotland lol), great food and plenty of things to do & see. Still hopefully there’s next year. Been to Spain a few times and it is great. If yous are planning on going there, go for it. I recommend it once the whole you know what is over and done with. Let’s hope it’s soon. Just like @lilyann getting another Set Of The Day, so go check out for latest set here and make it happen for her once again!!
Model: @alien
Photographer: @floyd
Speaking of beautiful Spanish ladies, here’s this one that is out of this planet as always. It’s @alien with another awesome Set Of The Day worthy set for yous all. As usual she is gorgeous and no doubt will get another Set Of The Day as she normally does. She’s becoming a regular on my FSS blogs now. Much like another Spanish models like @gloom @heiwa etc. So as you see it’s not just Brazil. Spain gets some love too in my blogs. It is international my blogs. We are all one after all. One planet, one community, all one and here to support & being excellent to each other. Like Bill & Ted will say cause it’s true. Also Keanu Reeves is my lord & savior lol jk. Yeah @alien is so beautiful, no wonder she keeps getting Sets Of The Day and this one will be no different. So go check it out as always peeps. Also name a Sci Fi film that’s underrated below. Love to hear it. More film recommendations, the better!!
Model: @nymphae
Photographer: @r_girardi
Right now at this point of you’re reading this throughout, first of thank you and you must feel like Alice. Tumbling down the Rabbit Hole? Yeah my Blogs are packed, told you before I begin right? Well cause we all have time now, it’s to unbore yous all by introducing yous to awesome sets, awesome photographers like @r_girardi and awesome models like @nymphae here who is a regular on my FSS Blogs like @r_girardi is. As you see she’s gorgeous as always. No doubt it’ll be Set Of The Day again for her. She definitely deserves it, her stuff is always top notch. Also it’s a good remember to watch Alice In Wonderland on Disney + too. Not the Tim Burton ones, I thought they were quite dull imo. I mean the classic Animated film of course, love that film. Also the book too. There’s also Alice Madness Returns on the Xbox 360 that I still yet to play. I do hear it’s pretty good and underrated. So need to check it out like yous should check out this set from the lovely @nymphae so go do it and help her get another Set Of The Day!!
Model: @hopeiero
Photographer: @ayah
Close to the end peeps, you’re doing well to those reading through this. High five to yous lol. Anyway this is the latest set from the always beautiful @hopeiero who is definitely looks like heaven sent as one beautiful son of a bitch but enough about me lol jk. Still @hopeiero is gorgeous and you can see why she is a multi time Set Of A Dayer. So beautiful as usual and of course @ayah photography work is dead on the money as always. She is the female @tripodski which is always around in my blogs lol. Like myself @hopeiero is a wrestling fan, although like I mentioned above I’m a retro wrestling fan since I’m not a fan of the current wrestling fan. I watched the recent PPVs recently and this was a few months ago. I was at my mate’s house as he does wrestling hosting get togethers at his place and I think I was watching Summerslam since Goldberg was on it spearing the shit out of poor Dolph Ziggler. I was like where’s Stone Cold so he stun these twats lol. I miss the Attitude Era where it’s like the wild west and there was fights you know. Now I’m seeing so much stupid stuff like guys fighting the invisible man, flipping guys with their dick, etc. Btw I’m not joking, look those up on Youtube. It’s pretty dumb imo, not my thing. I prefer when wrestling was wrestling you know. I’m not against everyone who is into the modern stuff. More power to you but it’s not for me. I love retro wrestling. Especially I love watching Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Ricky Steamboat, etc wrestle. I will say I enjoy watching the female wrestling these days. Becky Lynch & Rhea Ripley are my favourites. I think @phianixx has done a Becky Lynch cosplay. I do know @nolajean and many others a wrestling fans too. I enjoy the retro wrestling stuff more. May get back on the WWE Network somepoint. Watching some retro wrestling is a good passing time. Like checking out this set of the always beautiful @hopeiero so go and check it out. Cause that’s the bottom line cause KungFury says so if you smell what I’m cookin!! 🤨
Model: @tink
Photographer: @darkmoonmedia
Last but not least we have reached the final entry in this edition of the FSS Blog. It is the real life Disney Princess that is the always beautiful @tink with this latest set from her. Also @darkmoonmedia is awesome with the photography work as always. So do I believe in Fairies? Yes I do, why do my keep getting on Front Page? Probably cause people love and love my blogs. Well I aim to please and misbehave like my boy Mal Reynolds from Firefly lol. Yeah I’m always been a fan of @tink since the beginning. In fact this is a FSS blog exclusive. I’ll be revealing my next Appreciation Blog and it’s @tink who’ll get the treatment. Been planning it for a while so I’m doing it soon. She deserves it since she’s is always been awesome to me personally and this to not replay her but showcase her to yous all fully. Like this entry in this blog but in more better detail since I’m saving my typing skills for that upcoming blog so keep your eye out for that. Until that blog comes. Check this latest set out from @tink and help her get another Set Of The Day once again. She truly deserves it. Not only beautiful on the outside but she is inside too. Keep your eyes open for her own Apprecation Blog soon. Same KungFury time, same KungFury channel!!
KungFury's Blog Archives
Hopeful Highlight Blogs
@julha one (CLICK HERE)
Appreciation Blogs
FSS (Favourite SG Sets) Blogs
The End Of The Blog
That’s yet another FSS blog done and dusted. I hope yous enjoy it as always. Sorry it took me a while publishing these blogs btw peeps. Been busy with things but I managed it like always. I always make time to write these blogs for yous all to enjoy and hopefully introduce yous to models you may not heard of and new to them. I always hope I did a good job. I’m just a fan after all.
Hope yous all safe and sound. Luckily my blogs are business as usual. And hope you have enjoyed it, my pleasure as always and feel free to check out the blogs in the archive too. Good bed time reading as I say so myself. I know I’m not as active as other members here but I do appreciate yous all and I can’t thank yous enough. Yous are the best!!
So I’ll be tackling those nominations of these Questionnaire Blogs I’ve been getting recently. It’ll be soon. Along with the @tink Appreciation Blog and probably a Hopeful Highlight blog too. Feel free to put in what Hopeful I should cover in the comments below.
Til then stay safe, check those sets out, support the models, support the photographers and other bloggers on this site too. This is KungFury saying take care, much love and.....
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear