Hey there everyone hope you are coping well in this day in age and welcome to another In General blog from me. So by the time I wrote this I just got back online and probably be back offline maybe. Since I'm doing my best to cope with my mental health issues which has been documented in nearly all my blogs and I'm not going to repeat myself on that since a lot of yous know me by now.
So yeah it's rough these days hasn't it. Hints why you'll see less of me except for a blog on ocassion but I don't know if I want to do any of my usual alt model blog series atm. Since I don't have the energy atm and I'm not in the mood to do it. I always want to be honest with yous guys since yous all have been awesome to me and I don't want to write a blog cause I have to, so I don't know when it'll be back to the usual blogs. Think once I'm not self isolated then I'll probably do them. Who knows when this Pandemic bollocks will end and to be honest with yous, it's getting on my fuckin nerves hearing about it all the bloody time you know. Think if I was on my fan accounts i'll be even worse state but luckily I'm not. And I've deleted my OnlyFans again since I'm not in the mood & tbh as most of yous know I'm not a porn guy and I only came back on it to help @tommy with the whole turn pink voting thing on the Suicide Girls page. Also I know the ladies who were giving me free sub to their onlyfans for a week were being generous and that. But I feel not right about it you know since I do want to support yous & I don't think yous should be giving it out for free, I want to pay and should be up to be paid cause yous models deserve to be paid. That's how I feel and I may be back on OnlyFans one day but I really came back on OnlyFans cause it was to helped out @tommy to turn pink since she was long overdue, that's really it. And also tbh I don't like OnlyFans as a site as it's always having errors and it's a pain in the ass to DM there. I prefer Patreon but I know most switch to OnlyFans. Speaking of I will be back on Elite, @tripodski @keshia @tink @evoke etc ones soon, just have to save my money for my pre orders, shopping, upcoming birthdays, etc. But I'll be back to yous that read this and going "where is KungFury" well now yous know and thank you.
Also thank you all that are reading this and left awesome feedback to me. Honestly if wasn't for yous and the many friends I've made here. I would left this site ages ago and be fully offline. So thank you. It has been rough and I was getting over the BS drama that made me close down my KungFurySG social media fan accounts for good & also not having a good Xmas or New Year so I was getting over all of that by being less online.
I was doing well being outside and out with my mates, living & building up my social life but this corona bullshit happened & it's back to square one. Indoors, alone and feeling sorry for myself. So sorry I'm silent to everyone here & the ones that are on my whatsapp. I hate feeling miserable and I don't want to come off the wrong way when I'm typing since it'll be read the wrong way & I don't want that since it happened back when I was online on my fan accounts & I handle things not well there. So much so that I lost followers and I know I have gain new followers here due to my model blogs but I like to do these casual In General blogs cause I can talk to yous like my mates I'll probably not going to meet face to face and that's fine, I'm fine with that. Never say never but I don't think it'll happen. But yous are mates you know & that's the real reason I have stick by on here. Cause I feel comfortable talking to yous since I know yous are going through the same situation as me. I mean I am indoors, staying safe and waiting for all this to blow over. But I'm feeling down not going out, I love to go to my walks but I'm afraid to since there is people out still in my area thinking it's business as usual and I'm not taking any chances. So I'm staying inside.
Least theirs Disney +, Netflix, Amazon, Sky and lots of video games. Also I'm still cooking a lot so usually I'm still too busy to be online anyway, cooking great food for my folks who are isolated too so I'm focus on that. Also Resident Evil 3 will be out soon, same with Persona 5 Royal and Final Fantasy 7 too so I think I'll cope til it is blown over. Whenever the fuck that'll be. Hopefully soon cause I can stop hearing about it and also we'll be all safe & be back to business as usual. Just wish we had better people in power, instead of the twats we got now but I'm not going there since I don't to rant and rave since I keep that offline since I done that before online and people took me the wrong way. Best to keep it offline since it's for the best and everyone does that online & it's samey you know. I mean how many post you see on social media that's a rant, a statement, etc? Yeah nearly all of them and I don't to type that online cause I think a lot of yous are probably sick & tired of reading & seeing toxic post online. There's no need you know, we all got our problems. Best to fix it off & away from your phones than say something online that you will regret later cause you will trust me. Best to keep in between reliable friends & family you know what I mean. I'm always a "If I problem, I'll do my best to fix it" type of person. With that whole situation with my fan accounts. I knew I need to end the accounts, it was getting too toxic so I close it. Same with OnlyFans, I don't enjoy it (Nothing against the models, it's a personal reason) so I quit it and so on. Patreon is still up since I prefer that since it's more about the alt modelling than the Explicit Sex Work type stuff you get on OnlyFans you know. I'm always been that way but it is because of a personal reason. Sometimes I think the Explicit Sex Work stuff gets a bit too much for me and feel low about it due to my status as a I'm always been single guy, no fault on my own. I just never really had much interaction with females much in my personal life due to my mental health problems cause by years of being bullied & betrayed by many ex mates of mine. So there's reasons why. But it doesn't mean I don't respect sex workers cause I do. They all work hard like everyone else and deserve to be treated better than they are now by those twats on IG. So yeah there is no hate, it's just how I feel atm. Like I said I may come back cause I do love to support my favourite models, who are good mates of mine. I do like some of the content like the next guy but some gets too much for me you know. Like I always hate B/G content and stuff like that, stuff that is basically porn. For me it's too much and I can go as far as G/G content that's softcore & not too explicit you know. Hopefully I'm making sense here lol. It's difficult to talk about it properly you know. But I'm sure yous get it. We all got our taste and no matter what level it is. It should be all be respected. We all have our kinks, needs and desires. Just be cool about it, be respectful about it and all that. Yous get it. Why else are we on here?
So yeah that's basically my life atm, just coping and surviving. I think not being online much is actually why I'm not in a worse state, I do talk to people online and I'm more on my tv shows, films & video games. Staying away from the news & online besides here on occasions since I do care about yous and hope yous are alright. Hopefully my blog here has shown that you're not alone in this battle. And don't be afraid to speak your mind. Best thing about this community is we all support each other. And don't worry the blog series I do will be back. Maybe next week or so who knows. Depends really. Play it by ear but it will happen. Just need room to breathe but I think yous all understand & respect that. Since after I closed my fan accounts, all of yous have been so fucking awesome to me. I do love yous all very much and hope yous are doing well & coping well with this shit going on. Yous are doing well and it'll be over soon. Just a pain in the ass since you keep hearing about it over & over again and I'm sorry I'm talking about it. But that's just the way it is. It'll be gone soon and it's business as usual.
In the meantime, I am thinking of creating a Twitch account so I can do a livestream chat with yous all and just chat. Think you can do that on Twitch right? I'm ultra green to it but I want to since it's good to chat about random bollocks isn't it. Get's our minds off the shite and that's good. So I'll let yous know when I got my Twitch up & running.
So in the meantime, support the models and stay safe. Yous are the best and I want yous to be ok. I don't wish anyone a bad life. Even the people that I don't see eye to eye, since theirs enough hate & toxicity as it is so keep safe and healthy.
Til the next blog. This is KungFury saying take care, much love and stay strong peeps!!
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear