(You can follow her on Instagram & Twitter as well as subbing to either her OnlyFans & her Patreon just click the pink text to take you to them)
Hey there peeps how are yous all, hopefully it is all good with you in your lives and welcome to another edition of Fury's Appreciation Blogs.Where I highlight my favourite models and/or photographers on this site. Yeah sometimes their both. Just shows you how multi talented the ladies of SG are.
If yous missed out on my previous Appreciation Blogs, check out my Archives below. As well as support these ladies and photographer (Need to do another Photographer entry).
The Appreciation Blog Archives
My @nayru one (Click Here)
Well by the time I write this blog, I have been on a row on this site. 4 front page blogs in a row. And both are my Appreciation Blogs for @rubyalexia and @nayru as well as my In General blog. I can't thank each and single one of yous that have been loyal readers, supporters and mates to me. It is truly been overwhelming, I never thought I'll be on Front Page on this site with my blogs but I have and I can't thank yous enough honestly. When I say yous are the best, I mean it. Yous are the best.
Tbh after my exit and closing my fan accounts on Twitter & Instagram I never thought I'll get another FP blog again since I left on bad terms and I was unhappy with everything. Especially social media and how people use it you know. I didn't handle it well and I took a bump. Think all the political, ranty post, etc was getting to me. I share my thoughts on it in one of my girloftheday post which is the woman I'm blogging about today and I think I choose the wrong words to express my opinions. Common mistake from ppl on social medias but at least I'm man enough to admit my flaws. Nothing wrong with flaws, we all got them. That's why you should stick what your best at. With me it's writing blogs when I'm online here on SG. Not a fan account. Social Media wasn't for me and I've moved on from it now. Even though I have no regrets, I love supporting the models on those fan accounts. I know it is probably missed by ppl but I'm around here. Still blogging and still supporting models. In fact my last girloftheday pick on my fan accounts was @hex who will get her own Appreciation Blog one day from yours truly. So thank you for the support on my fan accounts. But I'm always here since SG is the best and yous are the best.
One of the regular picks of mine is also a regular pick in my FSS blog series as you see her on there. I have talked about her so many times and I never get bored of it since she is a wonderful person & truly deserves the success she got here. She is probably one of my favourite Aussies along with the likes of @mariajupiter @arachnie @kettle @sirenn @akiramai @diamant @chloee and many more. That women is none other than....
I've been supporting @evoke since her debut in 2018, it was around the time I started doing model blogs on here cause before that I was just doing mental health blogs. And we've been chatting to each other since. Even though I don't chat to her often due to busyness on her end and shyness on my end, yes I'm still shy to chat to ladies online sometimes. But I have improved over my time on here. But she is always so kind, sweet and easygoing. There's not a bad bone in her, she is just a beautiful person in & out. Especially when I use to be on Snapchat and she was on my one, I use to share my food pics there & also my mental health stuff since she's also a mental health activist too. She would send me videos of her talking to me and it makes me feel a lot better. Showing she does care and I never forget that. I do the same back but I'm always anxious, like I said I am dead shy lol. Hints you don't me barely any pics/vids of myself. Since I'm always afraid to get notice on a street by someone going "hey you write those blogs on SG?" something like that you know. I prefer being behind the scenes anyway. Still it was nice of her to do that for me. As well as sending me prints/polaroids of her since I am a Patreon backer of hers. I never forget that, I always notice and grateful to those who are loyal and awesome to me here. Trust me, I do give shoutouts to those who do or do a big blog about you.
Like with @evoke here who is always beautiful. I mean look at that gorgeous smile, that'll cure depression. So beautiful. I don't know who she is cosplaying though. My guess is Anime, if I don't know it must be Anime lol. I'm fixing that problem as we speak since I am starting to get into Anime.
So what is so cool about @evoke well she is a super kind and supportive person. She is very caring and loves to chat to anyone who is down & feeling the blues. Like a lot of the ladies here. She is a video gamer, no doubt will be jealous of my Final Fantasy 7 remake collector's edition when I get it since Final Fantasy is one of her favourite video game franchises. She is a baker like myself, I am a home cook after all. You'll see her do livestreams baking her cake or something else. She also loves her books. Actually treated her to a book for her Birthday since I have treated my favourite models gifts for their birthdays. She is one of them. You'll see the video she did HERE my support to the ladies is real. Problem is I do care. Recently I treated @keshia for her birthday so it is my pleasure to treat my favourites to gifts. Sometimes their the same but I actually don't mind not getting anything back since they really don't have to. I am generous after all, sometimes too generous lol. And she is also a creative writer. She writes short stories on her Patreon. Her more model centred one is OnlyFans. Her Patreon is more for her creative writing and art which is what I'll back since she is a mate. I love to help her since I know things is stressful & rough with life in general. Hints why I always start with I hope yous are well in my blogs. Since I do want people to do well, even my haters too. I don't wish anyone a bad life. Just don't do it to others you know. Love more, hate less. Hints why social media is no more in my life but I'm still here since I love blogging, talking to others and reading their blogs. Especially @evoke who loves to blog about mental health among others.
So in short she is a remarkable person. Beautiful and talented. She is a multiple time Set Of The Day winner and rightfully so. All of her sets are always top notch and gorgeous, like the woman herself. So here are all of her sets she has done on Suicide Girls so far....
@evoke Sets
Photographer: @atlanticlungs
Starting of highlighting of all of her sets is her latest set here with the always talented @atlanticlungs , who did a great job with the photography work as always. Also Spoiler Alert this set will be featured in my next edition of my FSS blog (coming out next week somepoint, depends really). She has been in all of my FSS blogs and for good reason, she is beautiful in & out like I keep saying in this blog but then again I do repeat the same words lol. I wonder she is a David Lynch fan since this set is named after one of David Lynch's films. I don't know if any of yous watched it, it is really good. Probably my favourite David Lynch film, it is such a good film. Very well paced and told. Definitely recommend it. Like I recommend checking this set out. Help it get Set Of The Day like the other sets from this beauty down under!!
Photographer: Chris Smith
This is such an awesome set and well shot by Chris (Sadly not on SG) who did a great job of this set of @evoke who is just as beautiful as the scenery they shot this set. It is a pure haven. I mean it makes me want to get a trailer and just enjoy the scenery there. I think when it comes to scenery, Scotland & Australia is alike. Only Australia is way bigger, we're small lol. But we're rich with scenery like where this set is shot from. Sure it rains a lot in Scotland but I think it makes you appreciate when the sun is out more. I grew up not having much, in fact I've been poor a lot & always been a out & about person so I appreciate things more than other people you see online sometimes. You see ppl being so ranty & critical but they have a good stuff going for them. You know like be bloody grateful ppl you know, I get ranty at those people. Especially theirs so much good stuff out there that's mostly overlooked. Like all of my favourite sets/models on here aren't pink yet and also took them forever to get pink. Some never have another Set Of The Day again, it sometimes sucks to read these models that they this is my last year, I'm archiving my set, I'm quitting, etc you know. And that is why I write blogs really. To give the models some positivity you know. Especially since I don't have money to sub every OnlyFans, tip or stuff like that. It's impossible. Especially since I got things I'm saving up for, like probably buying @evoke another Anne Rice book & help her build that collection. But it is cause I have a life and responsibilities as you do. I write blogs cause it's fun and it's nice to do since it does help promote the models. Like @evoke here. I talk about this set further in my 31st FSS Blog which also featuring sets from the likes of @phianixx @aimeeisweirddd @sirenn @nayru @babu @synthee @olgakulaga @aloy @peachhes @nebula @gnomi @jadore @reznoritis @pink @akiramai @blink @asxna @helenarae and many more. Anyone see the My Chemical Romance reference in the title? Yeah I love naming my FSS blogs lol, it's fun to do and also see if anyone gets it lol. If yous missed out on this set, check it out now. Luckily this is Set Of The Day but check it out if yous missed it, it is brilliant!!
Photographer: @milkydame
This set of @evoke is from her first shootfest she went to at last year's Australia's Shootfest. I mention this set in my 24th FSS Blog in fact it's the cover for that blog. In fact if she was turned pink at the time that Shootfest was happening, she would be in that Multi set along with @arachnie @dollyd @kettle @penny @blink @mila @aubrey & @mariajupiter that @coolicio shot. But at least this set went Set Of The Day and rightfully so. In fact I do recommend reading that blog since I share that note & prints I got of @evoke since I am a Patreon backer of hers. It means a lot that note. Got similar notes from the likes of @missjcristina @chroi @manika @tink and many others. I know I said that I do care, well the models care back since they know how hard I work on blogs like this and know that I struggle with mental health as they know what that's like too. I'm probably more upfront about it, I totally understand why ppl aren't since yeah it is tough but I think it is important to talk about your feelings. I mean these ladies get it and I thank them for their support back. @evoke is one of them. I know I forgot to talk to ppl on here and not as active sometimes due to my struggles & busy improving my life/myself. But I'm always grateful to people like @evoke here, it does mean a lot. I know it isn't much but I don't demand anything. I don't ask ppl to follow me, give me likes, being on front page, being friends with models/photographers/members, get tagged, etc you know. It happens and I am 100% grateful to those that do. Like my fan accounts being successful when it was up. But I am, I'm sure it is the same deal with @evoke turning pink and having Sets Of The Days on this site. I know she is, she's always chatting to me and loves our convos. I'm only a normal bloke writing blogs about gorgeous ladies in his free time sometimes. I love that I got this connection to people like her. She is wonderful like the beach in her set here, love to go to the Australian beach. Hell may learn to surf, that'll be so dope. Like this set, dope and beautiful like @evoke herself so check it out if yous missed it!!
Photographer: Jason Schaefer
Next up we got this one that reminds me to join a gym, which I am going to soon. I actually use to go to the gym all the time til I had a bad time with college, projects and so called ex mates that bullied & betrayed me. I had a string of bad luck and was really miserable, I have recovered & improved a lot since then that I can join a gym once again. I use to swim a lot and I am fully confident that I can outswim the majority of yous since in School I use to be in swimming classes and clubs for years. And also won a few swimming rewards in some junior swimming Tournaments back in my youth. Yeah I've been around the block as they say lol. I'm always been active and I'm sure with @evoke is the same too as she does sports herself. I mention this set on my 17th FSS Blog and at the time I was playing Wii Fit lol. It does work btw but I prefer doing my fitness outdoors with walks, going to the gym soon and cycling soon once the weather is clearer here. I am aiming for more of that stuff. A healthy lifestyle = healthy brain since I am working on getting better always. Even my blogs I'm always improving. But I am happy with all of my blogs really. Like my fan accounts, even though I closed it down. I don't regret it, I love supporting and promoting the models. Definitely don't regret it. Like putting this set in my 17th FSS Blog that also features sets from the likes of @keshia @tink @sammiii @missjcristina @kettle @heccles @avenir @arkhaam @harmohh and many more, no regrets. Like writing this blog about @evoke no regrets. It is my pleasure to support and talk about the ladies on this site. I'm happy doing my part. So if yous missed this set originally, go check it out. You won't regret it! 😉👍
Photographer: Daniel Wilson
Last but not least we got @evoke debut set dressed like a cat (somewhere @thimeow is happy lol) and it is an awesome set indeed. And luckily me I was starting blogging about models & really supporting them. I covered this in my 7th FSS Blog and guess what, she was the cover girl for that blog too. Back then her username was SheUseless, thank god she changed it to @evoke cause tbh I hated that username. Cause you are not useless @evoke you are a very gifted, talented, awesome, kind woman. But her username didn't matter cause we all know you are useful and wonderful mate. I knew immediately she was going to be turn pink and sadly somehow this set isn't Set Of The Day. It should be cause it is awesome and @evoke is gorgeous. I'm happy to include her in that blog before the 2019 hit. Let's say the rest is history, she has been getting Sets Of The Days ever since and rightfully so. Also in my 7th FSS blog was @sirenn @kettle @stephanie (I miss her, she's retired but still a fan of hers) @nolajean @chroi @doncella @marble_ @serenarayne @ultramarie @jelly @dyogenes @evanesco @ren_ @bluedette @siriana @janelane @biancab and @keshia too. Most I will do their own Appreciation Blog one day, one I already did. Their all gorgeous ladies just like @evoke so if yous missed out on this set from her, go check it out now. It is purrfect....yeah I know weak pun haha! 😂😉
The Climax
That's all of her SG sets. Hope you enjoy me looking back at all of her sets. As you see, she is beautiful and amazing. Not a bad thing about her, she is truly is a remarkable lass and I consider her a good friend of mine. Especially we are both bakers and cooks too so we have that in common and if you follow her on Patreon, @evoke shares her short stories & art on there like I said above. I still yet to read them but will do very soon since I love to support the models in their true passion & dreams. Cause I know doing modelling is a side gig for many of the ladies but I like to write blogs of them as my side gig & say their doing great and their gorgeous cause that is the truth. Even though they think their not cause their sets are not Set Of The Day or their not pink. To the ladies, don't let that put you down at all. You are beautiful and you do a great job in your modelling work. You promote yourselves the right way and never toxic about it. Don't put yourself down. You are great and gorgeous, hope this bit of my blog is a friendly reminder that yous are great and you do deserve the Set Of The Day honours. I know this alt model/sex work/whatever you want to call it can be tough and mentally draining dealing with toxic people who don't respect you. But that's their problem, not yours. You are better than the toxic swines on the social medias. Least you got a good things going on and you got people that care.
I know that bit of this blog is a reminder to those that are stressed, pressured, feel under appreciated, not loved, etc. You are awesome and I care. I'm not the only one. This community is full of people like me who gets it and understands you. I do read these things and it is sad to see. Hints why I always start my blog with the I hope yous are well cause I do hope yous are well you know. I'm just doing my best to support and help promote yous all. And hopefully cheer yous up with my positive vibes. So what I'm saying this that ladies you got this. You got more good going on than you think. That is what I've learnt about myself. I realise things aren't as bad as I think. I have actually have a good life. My blogs are doing well, I got good friends, a caring family, an awesome video game collection, got my health, I'm always cooking awesome food and I got awesome plans/goals. That's what I am learning about myself. I'm sure yous will figure that out too once you take a step back or walk away from the negativity that is dragging you down. I hope yousdo well like @evoke has on here. Remember talking about it helps. It has helped me big time and convos with awesome people like @evoke helps.
In fact I'm not the only one who has said it. I recommend reading my good friend and fellow Appreciation Blog entry @phianixx blog which yous can Click Here and I'm also the same. Even though I think @phianixx does a better job than me. I usually ramble on do I lol. But yeah don't give up, John Cena always say don't give up and look at him you know. Sometimes it takes a while since SG is big. It is a big community so don't take it to heart is what I'm saying. Enjoy being here with awesome people who supports, loves, appreciates and care about you. You will get it eventually. I do recommend @phianixx blog since it is encouraging. Hopefully I did the same thing with this bit of my blog.
Anyway I hope yous enjoyed my Appreciation Blog for the wonderful and awesome @evoke thank you for checking my blog out peeps.
Also I can't thank this site enough. My blogs have been on a row and it is my best run to date on this site since I started blogging. I'm so happy many have enjoyed my work on these blog series I worked on. So happy yous are loving it. More are coming down the line. So thank you for the awesome feedback and love yous are giving me on my recent blogs. Yous are the best and I appreciate all of yous.
So til the next blog whenever that will be, keep your eyes open. This is KungFury saying take care, much love and remember models who feel down & feel like this is pointless. If turning pink is your dream, keep at it, it'll come and remember nothing is as bad as it seems sometimes. You got this peeps!! 💪👍
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @lust @lemon @jacqueline @yessybear