Hey there peeps how are yous all. Hope everything is all good with yous all as usual. Welcome to another In General where I just chat to yous all about my life and whatever is going on with yours truly.
First of I just want to say a big thank you very much to all that left awesome feedback to my @rubyalexia Appreciation Blog and also a big thank you to @missy @rambo @sean @teal @lust @eirenne @lemon @jacqueline & @yessybear for selecting it to be on the Suicide Girls front page. It does mean a lot that my blogs are on it, cause never think it will be but there you go and it is much appreciated so thank you.
If you missed out on the blog, just Click Here on the pink text there.
So after being offline after I published that blog it was a great surprise to see it do well. I always do my best on my blogs since I love to do blogs seriously one day once I set up my own blog site which I talk about movies, films, video games and other things in general. But I love doing blogs for the models on here. Like I did when I had my fan accounts.
Speaking of I'm back on OnlyFans, but only to vote for who will be pink next on here. I voted @tommy btw if yous are wondering since she should've turn pink in ages. Super cool lass and love chatting to her. I'm actually of turning my new OnlyFans into a free fan account to link to my model blogs like the Appreciation Blog, Hopeful Highlight and FSS blog series while also promoting their OnlyFan/Patreon accounts. It's just an idea but idk yet. Still need to think on that one. I only sub to three pages so far but it is for one month only since I am saving up for pre orders. Hope yous understand that. I do miss subbing to @blaizee @sammiii @nayru @beckah @rubyalexia and other pages since their more alt glamour focus ones which is my type. I'm not into the explicit contents. Even though I do respect those that do that. I used to like that stuff but after seeing a porn clip from my ex mate that offended me, I can't look at it the same way again you know. Also I don't like how some SW are very toxic about it on their social media, one of the reasons why I quit social media. Like I said their other model that do SW content that promote it in a non toxic way. Think the ones that criticise me on my fan account misunderstood me and I have already spoken about it in past blogs. But I know a lot of yous understand me and respect me. Luckily I never see that on here when models promote their OnlyFans. My good friend @phianixx does her promotion well, always say remember don't force if yous aren't into the explicit stuff. That's why I always praise her and others on here cause they respect the members & understand us. Same with @haub as well, I mean those ladies are always support & respect the members like a lot of the models on here. Just like we have respect for the models. That's why I am back so I can support the models like them. That's why I'm back on it but I ain't forcing myself to do it. Mostly it's to do the voting who'll be pink next since I see @tommy promoting it and I want her to be turn pink. So that's why I'm back on it.
Also if any models that does read this, you don't have to give me free subscriptions at all. That is up to you but you don't have to honestly. But if it's to help out with the like numbers and boost your account, I'll happily do that. But I am saving up my money for my pre orders, comic con, my holiday to Spain and hopefully to get myself a dog or other pet. Normal stuff like that. But I will sub. Usually to those I've made friends with in my time on this site and through my blogs promoting them. Since I have writing many blogs on the models & photographers, I gain so many friends here & beyond. I usually don't think about it but my blogs and my work has left a big impact to the models than I think sometimes. I always get feedback saying that and usually I go no way they must be lying cause it's the internet you never know. But I get proof that they do. Still amazes me that I have left so much of a positive impact towards many of the Models, Members & Photographers here. I'm glad I have. I think I learn to be grateful to my work with my blogs more. At first I was just winging it really. Never thought much of it, just thought it was a good thing to do but never thought I'll get mates out of it, front page from it, many likes from it, many followers from it or tbh anything from it. But it is really has been a blessing how well my blogs do on here. Even after closing my more successful fan accounts to deal with my mental health and also I dislike social media but I have gain more followers here and my blogs continue to do well. So in truth nothing has changed, I'm still mates with the same people when I was on my social media fan accounts. And it is noticed trust me. It was a bad time mentally for me and I can't this site & the ppl here for their love, support and respect towards me, especially in that rough period.
Gladly things have been improved and going well since I limited myself to just here for me.
Sure I have some downer days since I'm still kinda recovering from the holiday period. But mostly I'm doing a lot better. Think using the app @eirenne recommended to me helps. I'm keeping track on my mental health and it has helped big time. Even recommend it to @missjcristina since she's also having a rough period too. As well as many of yous too cause I know I ain't the only one. I recommend Youper too, it is helping me out track my moods and improve my mental health so I recommend it. I know cheap plug but it is good peeps. Cause I do read a lot of blogs of members, models and photographers saying their having a rough time.
I also recommend taking a long break from social media. With me I'm off it and seriously I feel awake. I know yous models and photographers do social media since it is your job. But a break is needed for yous sometimes so I recommend it. Especially since Instagram are being the biggest assholes atm. You need a break from that pish you know.
Here's what I'm doing that is helping me improve my mental health.
I've been going for walks, not a lot since the weather has been shite here but once it has clear up. I've been going out for a simple walk. I know it may not be much but it is. It really clears your head. Usually I just go to my town and walk there especially since my comics, pops and blu rays there. Especially since I am saving up on getting those.
Since my latest Blu Ray buys, only 2 quid each. No joke. So it is a bargain. If I shop in HMV or even on Amazon those would cost me 40 quid for those. Lucky I got those for under a tenner. Not bad eh. Good movies too, well Robocop 3 is a bit shite but it's funny in a so bad yet so good way lol. At least it wasn't like the dull Remake. I enjoy it lol. But the rest of those films are classics. V For Vendetta is a pure masterpiece. One of my favourite films ever tbh. I'm thinking of cosplaying V. I am planning on going to Comic Con this year so that's one idea.
So been doing that to improve my mental health. Simple as going for a walk to my local comic book store has helped me. As well as writing blogs like this. But I'm loving reading comics, especially The Boys Vol.1 atm. So much I am rewatching the TV show again (I can't wait for season two!!). Thinking of cosplaying Billy Butcher but idk it's too simple imo lol. I'm watching the first season again since I need a break from binge watching the Arrowverse. I finished up season three of Arrow, first season of The Flash and the only season of Constantine (Not as good as the film imo). My only annoyance with Arrow is that it does flashbacks a lot and feels like pure filter & unnecessary. Oliver Queen had a bad 5 year, we get it you know lol. Idk it always annoys me when shit is getting interesting in the current events. But that's my only negative of Arrow. Everything about it is great and The Flash is brilliant too. Look forward to get back to it. But I want to watch other shows too. I actually want to start on Sabrina on Netfilx since everyone raves about it.
Also I've been gaming a lot too...
These are my first pre orders I got this year. All awesome. I love the Yakuza games. I already completed 3 & 4 on the PS3 back in the day so I can't wait to play those games again. I still yet to play 5 since I can't get a physical copy since I don't like digitally downloading games you know. I am old school that way. Love my physicals lol. Also I loved Vanquish & Bayonetta back in the day too so I got the 10th Anniversary Bundle. Also I love getting the steelbook editions since I love how bloody cool it looks you know. Just got more style imo. 😊 I'm currently playing Yakuza Kiwani 1 atm on my PS4. So good. I highly recommend the Yakuza games. Lots to do and plently of fun to be had on it. Lengthy games like that helps me with my mental health since that's what video games actually do. Ignore the bullshit news saying it causes real violence. Pure bollocks. And also they say people who listen to metal music want to burn churches and all these ridiculous other BS claims. Seriously it is stupid isn't it. That's why I don't pay attention to the news or give a shit about politics. All rubbish lol. I'm always easygoing and cool to everyone so their so wrong. But yous know that since yous are like me, gamers and nerds so yeah BS isn't it. Video games are awesome, especially those ones in the pics.
Other things that helps me cope is my cooking. I cook a lot since I cook a lot for my folks, family and friends sometimes. Mostly it's for my parents lol. You'll see my work in the Food & Drink group.
When we all need a cooking break. We try to get the whole family to go out and have something to eat at a local restaurant. I love dining out tbh, love having good food from other cooks and I did. Here's some of my food I had from my last night out...
Sticky Toffee Pudding!!!
Chicken Tempura with Sweet Chilli Sauce
I love Lasagne as well as Mac & Cheese so I went bugger it I'm dead hungry and went Man Vs Food it & had both. Btw I finished them all lol. I didn't had anything to eat all day and the previous day didn't eat much. So I was ready for it lol. It was so good and it was good to dine out with my family. Use to do it a lot. I know I share my dishes from my Spain holiday soon. Can't wait for it tbh.
Yeah so all of those things have helped me improve my mental health a lot lately. I'm just getting by as you do. I hope my advice helps yous out and hopefully I haven't offend vegans with my food pics or made yous hungry lol. I was actually looking for a veg option there but didn't had any so I probably not recommend that place to my veggie mates lol. It's not like Frankie & Bennys since they had a veggie menu. I actually love to go to vegan cafes/restaurants one day cause I have cooked vegan food before & loved it. Even though I'm not a vegan. But I do enjoy vegan food. I'm just a big foodie in general lol.
Also I enjoy collecting Pop Funkos and sometimes Prints/Polarolds. Here's my latest Pop I got
Good old Happy Gilmore lol. Love that film. I want to thank @evanesco for the discount code she give me to get that one, thanks a bunch @evanesco you're too kind!!
Here's my latest Polaroids I got. First it's @braaa & @keshia of their Set Of The Day winning set Go There and The Sun Will Follow and a polaroid of @tink (I don't know if it's an SG set or not). I believe I got these from my bud @tripodski or from EliteOnlineMag since I'm a Patreon backer of both. As well as a backer of @keshia @tink and now @evoke Patreons. Whoever send it to me, thank you very much. I'm sure I'll get more in the future since I love collecting them. I know I'm such a collector lol.
So it is rewarding supporting the models but I never do it for the rewards as most of yous know. I do wish these ladies do well in their lives and also I know a lot of them have mental health battles so doing these blogs & supporting them to help them actually is rewarding enough. I know it is a tough world out there since we do share the same mental pain so supporting them does make me feel like I am helping people and I love that. And I know they do too. Seriously the amount of love, gifts, respect, etc I get from all these beautiful and awesome people is breathtaking. I can't thank them enough.
Like I can't thank yous enough for reading my blogs. Thank you for reading my blogs as always peeps. After you read this. My blog plans will be two more Appreciation Blogs and then I think it's time for my next edition of my FSS blogs.
So once again thank you for checking my blog out. It does mean a lot. Yous are the best. Til the next blog this is KungFury saying take care, much love and remember to always be respectful, everyone is different. Be a boring world if everyone is the same!!