Hey there peeps, hope you are well and had a great weekend.
I'm doing a wee blog on mental health here since I do have things to say and I want to get it off my chest cause it is important. Especially when it comes to mental health cause it is important to talk about it.
This blog will be talking about my mental health issues, about some tragic news I hear about, about why it is important to be cool & kind to all. And about respect & decency since this is going on too much and yeah I have a few things to say.
So why am I doing this blog? Well like I said it is important to talk about since I know a lot of yous have mental health issues and I'm letting yous know you're not alone.
For the past two years since I've been on here I read so many blogs, as well as post on social media when I used to be on there and a lot of stuff I saw was usually people not happy about something about them. The way they look, the ppl they are with, their job, etc. A lot of reasons why. And it's mostly from the models on this site & I read about it & see how sad their feeling and I can relate. Since most of my life I've struggled to make friends due to my own mental health issues & ASD since I am an emotional guy. A lot of times I can't help it and their the same way.
That's why a lot of ppl online wonder why I get models and that to talk about me, praise me, etc. I talk to them like human beings, ask how are they and are they doing alright. I know a lot of the times I won't get a reply back til days or a week later or sometimes months later cause their busy with their problems. A lot of ppl don't know that their struggling most of the time due to pressure on social media, especially IG. They have more than one job, have kids, a husband/bf/gf/etc and so on. I don't pressure them at all, I go talk to me anytime you feel like it. See I don't force myself to them, it's up to them. I'm just happy that I get along with many models on this site and others too.
Sure I quit social media due to things blowing out of proportion but I'm over that now and I'm sure they are too. I don't wish everyone a bad life or harm at all. When I start blogs by saying "hope you are well" I do mean it. I do hope yous are well. I know how not feeling well mentally is. Trust me it's awful. I mean I can't help my emotions getting the better of me. It cost me a lot over in my life. Cost me a lot of friends to fall out with me, things not happening for me, made me quit social media, stop using OnlyFans and it also cost me a chance to having a love life one time years ago. This is why I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. Tell you this story...
Due to my depression after leaving my second college, I was overworked and stressed out most of the time. But I was getting along with this girl in the projects I was in at the time. It was a social group, we do a lot of social stuff like going out to the cinemas, doing workshops, etc. It was a good time, I was getting along with everyone there, especially this one woman I was hanging out with. She was gorgeous, she'll definitely be pink on here if she was modelling on here that's for sure lol. But yeah she was great and very supportive, she was my first female mate so it was cool for me cause I love my friend circle to have females in it too as always. Kinda like the models are to me on here and on my fan accounts. We were mates. We always talked and I think she was falling for me cause unlike a lot of guys, I treated her like a mate and was mature you know. But at the time when we saw each other next. It was at our Valentine's Party that the Project Group we were at was hosting. It was at this hotel. Nice place, it was at the beach and it was a cool place. It was a great night. I was getting along with everyone. Good laugh, good times and me & her were getting along like usual. Suddenly she ask me if I was single or seeing anyone. Like an idiot I said no I'm not interested in dating. She said to me do you want to talk about it, I said no and said to drop it. Man what was I thinking, I was too stressed out at the time & didn't think straight. Was too focused on my own damn problems that I rejected taking the next step with that girl. How stupid could I be, we were getting along. She was gorgeous and was into me & I blew it. A few weeks later she moved away and haven't heard from her again & she blocked me on FaceBook afterwards. It is one of my biggest regrets. That's why I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. I said no to my catch of love.
It is important to talk about it since I love talking to yous guys. So I know that I may say stupid things or put it in the wrong way. Like what I said in my post on my fan accounts that lead to my decision to quit. Feel like I screw up with my friendship @reallifepirate by ranting on why she didn't talk to me for a long while without thinking that she was busy with her life. I know I screw up with things but I don't sit & go "why this happened to me" I know what happened and I know I should do better & not let my emotions get the better of me. Luckily me & @reallifepirate made amends & I'm happy she is doing well for herself. Especially she is one of the first models on here I fully supported and made friends with through my support towards her. Other being @blaizee and then of course all the models that I written blogs or did a post on my fan accounts I've became friends with. I talk to so many from this site. Same with fellow members & photographers too. If it wasn't for those guys I would be in even worse shape.
Think after @eirenne recommend me the Youper app (mental health app I recommend getting too) and @gnomi recommend me the Mental Health Outlet group it has helped. Hell I should try to find time to read @ojtheviking & @bronsonquick blogs about their stories. Cause I love to read people's stories on their mental health problems and give them support. Like I have for the models. That's why I'm promoting models like crazy cause I know it's hard for them to keep up cause their notification boxes are probably mad cause I'm not the only one. That's why I am patient in them replying to me days later. Especially they and rightfully so want to go out and have a social life. Like the rest of us.
Hell reading @blaizee blog about her moving to a new house and busy with her new dog is great. I'm happy about her since it was a long time goal for her to have one. When I read about @phianixx going to Wrestlemania, I'm happy for her...a wee bit of jealously on my end cause I love to see Wrestlemania one day myself being a long time Retro wrestling fan. And the countless times hopefuls turned pink here makes me happy for them since I know how hard they work to get that point.
So the point is their busy bettering their lives and they do talk to me. Once in a while but they talk to me. Maybe cause I don't go reply back to them. I replied and it doesn't break my heart if they don't reply cause I understand that their busy. I'm usually the same too sometimes with trying to take care of my mental health.
I think people don't understand or care online on what to say. I do my best not to say the wrong things cause sometimes reading it out to yourself, you don't know what tone I'm speaking in. It is hard to come across online. So that's why I try not to swear on my blogs or writing a comment. Sometimes I can't help it but read this blog carefully. See any swears? no you don't. It's something I'm working on within myself personally cause I think you come across better without swearing or cursing you know. Being Scottish swearing is like cigs, it's hard to give up lol. But I think online I don't want to use it cause I want to come across better with my words online. So I don't get blowing out of proportion.
I think it is important to be careful what to say online. It is becoming a tool for everyday socialising. That's why it is important to be careful what to say online cause even if you don't mean it or you were joking, it can lead to the wrong way & will be blowing out of proportion.
Been doing a lot of reading on mental health side effects with online and it does really effect mental health. So be careful what to say. Really think about it.
Like if you're not going to say it to the person's face, then don't do it online. Sometimes it's best to leave it be. When I post about my rough time in my fan accounts that lend me to quit social media. That was me leaving it be. In fact I got trashed on Twitter but guess what I didn't answer back, I just leave it be and move on. That's what to do. I think it is important to leave things alone, especially online. Cause imo i think it is best to be as positive online as much as possible. Especially since I've seen the impact social media has had on people's mental health. Some went so far to have committed suicide. Especially with the recent death of Love Island presenter Caroline Flack. She was only 40 years old. That's quite young. So sad to hear that news so it made me think to write this blog. Since it is important to be careful what to say and know to leave things be. Don't like it, don't comment. Just have some decency. Everyone doesn't like being insulted, bullied or be taking the mickey out of. It's not right and I think shows like Love Island can bring those people towards the people on that show and say bad things to them. Cause it's not just happened to Caroline. It happen to three or four past cast members on Love Island. They were getting so much abuse from people, especially online that they themselves either committed suicide or have bad mental illnesses. It's not right. I'm not a fan of the show myself but I just leave it be. Same with a lot of the TV shows, bands, etc I don't like. I leave it be cause those people are just trying to entertain people.
This is why I'm quite critical towards these Youtubers cause they make these videos brutally bashing things or people and I don't think that is cool. I even will try to say to them if I see them face to face, just be careful what you're saying cause it can be taking the wrong way. Same with comedians, they need to truly think that people have feelings & thoughts. So yeah I may take it seriously but we lost a lot of people young cause we too busy trying to laugh it off when we can truly discuss & be there for that someone is in pain you know. That's why I think it is important to say positive things to people.
That's why I do blogs on here for the models & photographers on this site. Cause I know they have problems & work their butts off for the content you see there. Cause their human beings with problems just like everyone else. Same with celebrities too. So I think it is best to be kind always. Cause humanity needs it. There's so much toxicity going on online that I'm always doing my part to stop that. It's not right. That's why I love to do my blogs and have the convos with the people here.
So if you do have mental health issues, etc. Don't be afraid to talk to me. I love to read your input and your stories. I'm all eyes in this case lol. So feel free to comment or DM me. It's free. I just want everyone to do well and be happy.
So I hope this blog has helped you out and find it useful.
Til next time this is KungFury saying take care, much love and RIP Caroline Flack, Sophie Gradon and Mike Thalassitis!!
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @teal @lust @lemon @yessybear @jacqueline