(This is from her set "Kawaii" on CandyCrib which you check out her profile here also sub to her OnlyFans and follow her on Instagram & Twitter click on the pink text & support her peeps)
Hey there peeps I hope you are doing good and welcome to another Appreciation Blog where I highlight my favourite people on this awesome site and talk about how awesome they are. As usual if you have missed out on my past Appreciation Blogs, you can check them out in the archives below....
The Appreciation Blog Archives
My @tripodski one (CLICK HERE)
My @sammiii one (CLICK HERE)
My @keshia one (CLICK HERE)
My @blaizee one (CLICK HERE)
My @reallifepirate one (CLICK HERE)
My @missjcristina one (CLICK HERE) My @phianixx one (CLICK HERE)
Well I have done a bunch of Appreciation Blogs and there will be more. It'll be a regular blog series. Please do check my previous ones, their some of my best blogs imo. I'm proud of all of them. When I write those blogs. At the time @sammiii @blaizee & @phianixx were hopefuls, now their pink. Just need @missjcristina to turn pink and that'll be my reign of hopefuls turned pink from my Appreciation Blogs completed. The reason I started doing my new blog hopeful highlights is to help these hopefuls get to turn pink. For this one I wasn't going to give her a Hopeful Highlight entry since she should've been pink ages ago. She's been another good friend to me and has been a long time Fury Regular. Formerly Narsil entry number 8 goes to
She is originally from England, now lives in Australia. She is a cosplayer, alt model and glamour model that I've been supporting for a few years now. Think back in 2017 I think. When I was writing my Favourite Games of the 2010's blog, I mentioned the Witcher 3 and reminded me that this Appreciation Blog is way long overdue for @nolajean like @phianixx she also wrote a member appreciation blog for me. Which yous can check out HERE I think she was the first one to do it and then it's @phianixx afterwards. I had appreciation post on social media a bunch of times when I was on social media. And I can't thank these ladies enough. Especially since I do these without excepting much response but I do. You can say this blog is to thank @nolajean but I wanted to do this for a while. I do thank her very much. And as you see from these preview pics, she is beautiful. I know I kept saying she is beautiful, she's gorgeous but it is true. Especially for @nolajean cause she is but she is beautiful in & out. Always kind and loves her nerdy chats with me. I need to do that more with my favourite models since I have made friends with them. Every one that I did a Appreciation Blog on I've made mates with. Even though I don't hear from her & that's my fault I still consider @reallifepirate a mate. It's the same with @tripodski @phianixx @missjcristina @keshia @sammiii and @blaizee I have made mates with them. It's also the same of all the models and photographers I've covered in my FSS & Hopeful Highlight blogs too. I never expect I would but I learned that if you are general good and nice & kind to people, it's possible. It's like that with @nolajean she is generally a good person. In fact she did a blog about the recent Austrailia Burnings and she link to a bunch of charities to help fight the fires there since she lives in the country now. Kinda like fellow Brit (also a future Apprecation Blog entry) @hopeiero and also like her she is big into her pro wrestling. I'm usually on & off with it but I love old school wrestling. Especially Stone Cold & The Rock. So yeah she's a caring person and I cannot stand why she isn't pink. Hopefully she'll be pink after a few week or less this blog is published. That will be great.
The only way to help her turn pink is to like/comment her setsand do your own wee blog on why @nolajean should turn pink. So go to all of her sets that I'll cover now so yous can go and help her get to her pink dreams. Like every hopeful out there as @phianixx blog (Click Here) will say, don't give up on your dreams to turn pink here. There is lots of models here and it is easy to get overlooked here. Don't let it get to you and enjoy the support you do get. A lot of my blogs don't do well and I don't have a big following like others here but I am always apprecate & happy with the support I do get. It means I'm doing something right. So never give up but if you are unhappy. Talk to me about. I do write blogs to help yous get more supporters so talk to me, I'm a harmless video gaming metalhead who writes about gorgeous alt models on the internet lol.
So anyway check out all of @nolajean sets below!
@nolajean sets
Photographer: @kaydee
This is her only cosplay set on this site so far. She has done a bunch of cosplays, a lot of them on her OnlyFans last I saw on there when I was on the site. I'm not on it anymore but her one is brilliant. It's full of great content for everyone to enjoy. Her BF is a photographer himself and has done a few shoots with her. I'm not sure I could be wrong. I know he's a photographer and a bloody good one. Just like @kaydee with this set. Especially since this is a Star Wars cosplay set. It's gorgeous like the woman herself. Definitely a high recommendation for the cosplay fans. Check it out!!
Photographer: @tripodski
Yes she done a set with a fellow Appreciation Blog entry in my good friend @tripodski and like all the sets he's done, this is awesome. This one of @nolajean is almost at 2k and that's when it's usually at the turning pink stage usually. Hopefully she'll get more love on this set after this blog is out to yous awesome folk. So give it love and check it out!!
Photographer: @darkmoonmedia
No it's not a pun of William Wallace from Braveheart (Sad my country is known for that film, hope not. Especially since Mel Gibson is a bit of a twat lol) lol jk. Jokes aside this is another awesome set from @nolajean done by @darkmoonmedia who is a top photographer that deserves more praise imo. He has workedwith a lot of my favourite models & his stuff with them are really good. This one of @nolajean is no different. So go check it out peeps!!
Photographer: @niallpatterson
Speaking of photographers that deserves more attention is my good mate @niallpatterson (a future Appreciation Blog entry) who is always creating awesome sets with a lot of my favourite models and friend too. This one of @nolajean here is no different. So beautiful like all of their sets. Both @niallpatterson & @nolajean it's sets like this question why Nola isn't pink yet. She doesn't know either. Hopefully this blog will help her understand that her hard work isn't ignored by this guy that's writing this blog. I already spoke about this set a bunch of times. It should be Set Of The Day, hopefully it will be one day. Check it out and make it happen peeps!!
Photographer: @matthewharris
Last but not least we got this set from what I'm guessing was from the same Lighthouse that they did the SGUK Shootfest 2017 from. I recognise it from @blaizee @reuben @reallifepirate @snitches @fatal and many others sets from that Shootfest most done by @loxleyheart @autumnsky and @matthewharris here. So I maybe wrong but sure looks it. I know since I read the blogs about the shootfest and hear it was awesome. Well I love the sets and the awesome work the crew did there. Wish I was around on this site earlier talking about it like I did with the SGUK Shootfest 2019, unfortunately wasn't at that one I believe. Since she's at Australia now maybe the Australia Shootfest with @coolicio @milkydame @evoke @kettle @sirenn @diamant @mariajupiter @arachnie etc perhaps (btw all of them are getting separate Appreciation Blogs in the future too). That will be awesome. Hopefully she will get more opportunities soon. In the meantime check this set out and give it love like all of her sets. Also follow the people I tag on this blog too. There all great and deserve support too. More the merrier!!
The Climax
So yeah that is all of @nolajean sets and their all brilliant. Do go check them out and help her turn pink. She overwhelmingly deserves to be pink a long time ago like her good friend & mine @rubyalexia (Another future Appreciation Blog entry long overdue). Hopefully this blog helps her get more attention. It is long overdue that I do this blog for @nolajean since she wrote a Appreciation Blog for me. Sorry this was late. But better late than never lol. I'm happy that I finally done this for her. Especially since she's depressed she isn't got much love than she deserves on here and I think that's not on. She should get more followers, love and overwhelmingly deserves to be pink on this site. Hopefully it'll be this year, I'll continue to promote this blog like my other Appreciation Blogs cause I am proud of the blogs I create on here.
No matter what it is. A modelling one, a gaming one, mental health one, etc. I can't thank yous all enough for still continue to check my blogs out. I do appreciate everyone of yous. Yous are the best!!
So til the next blog whatever it'll be another Appreciation Blog. This is KungFury saying take care, much love and help @nolajean turn this year!! 😊👍