Hello peeps, how are yous all and I hope yous are all doing well. Welcome to the mother-load of an edition of my long running Favourite SG Sets blog series or FSS for short. When I say mother-load. It means it's biiiiggg but I can get away with cause I have a laptop now, ho ho ho lol. Sorry I watched Die Hard 1 again while typing that part lol.
So hope everyone has had an awesome Xmas and New Year. Probably a lot of hangovers I'm guessing. If not well done. I'm just happy things are quiet again. 😊 Means I can get to sleep lol. It was a busy time and also a bad time for me with MH issues that I've improved since things have been easygoing now. Hopefully things have been easygoing for yous all too. I'm hoping it's an awesome year for yous all.
And hopefully all the many many hopefuls that's in this blog. Get to turn pink this year. Fingers crossed to all of yous.
So I'm not wasting time. Lots of sets to talk about and share with yous all. Don't worry this isn't work. I actually enjoy writing blogs for the models & photographers on here. Especially since Scotland is raining all the time so plenty of time lol. Anyway I'm starting this blog of with a hopeful who should be pink by now and needs a confidence boost since she's a mate & care about her and want to help her out cause I am a supportive/nice guy.
The Sets
Model: @tommy
Photographer: arrowphotographylondon
Yeah this one from one of my favourite hopefuls. I included her Hellbound set in my Favourite SG Sets of 2019 but it's archived but I'm not reediting it since I do mean it. Her past sets are gorgeous like this one too. Unfortunately she feels like she doesn't belong here and I'm saying fuck that, she does. I've been saying that Tommy should be pink for a long while now. I would love to write a Appreciation Blog about her soon cause she does work hard and helps other models out too. Shame she feels like she is not Appreciated so that's why she is my cover girl for this big edition of my FSS blog. Also look at her and Tommy look at you, she's gorgeous in & out and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I think everyone agrees that Tommy is gorgeous and deserves to be pink. Like her BFF @sammiii she deserves to be pink. Hopefully 2020 is the year of Tommy. Like the many hopefuls I'll feature here cause seriously there's a lot of awesome sets in this blog. So help Tommy turn pink by like/comment this set and give her Appreciation. She really needs it to kill that BS doubt in her mind. It is @tommy you deserve to be here, you deserve to be pink and you deserve the Appreciation that you rightfully deserve. You are a beautiful woman and I love our convos. Remember the good stuff and the support. You will get there. I'm not saying this as a fan who writes blogs on here. I'm saying this as a mate, you truly deserve the best and inner happiness. Hopefully you turning pink and this entry helps you put a smile within you. So go help her out peeps. Support Tommy and help her turn pink. Cheer her up, she deserves it cause I know how it feels and it does suck trust me. Hopefully it'll happen, fingers crossed as I always say.
Model: @phianixx
Photographer: @leemalee
Ah it’s back to back entries for this awesome human being and one gorgeous woman. Not only in and out. I have already talk about her a lot and for good reason. She’s probably one of my favourite hopefuls and also a good mate to me personally. This set was from her visit over in America late last year and it is awesome. Teaming up with the talented Leemalee who is brilliant as usual. Phianixx is usually writing blogs on here too and are Appreciation Blogs too. Whatever it’s hopefuls, SG models, photographers and even members too. She’s just awesome, wish there was more of her in this planet. Be a better place that’s for sure. Also I written her an Appreciation Blog of her. You can check it out below in the archives. Til then please help her turn pink by checking out this awesome set. She truly deserves it honestly!!
Model: @satanaries
Photographer: @babu
It's definitely a paradise with this set since Satanaries is gorgeous and @babu photography is just awesome as always. Both are hopefuls that I love to see pink this year. Especially Babu since she's a regular on this blog series and I have no doubt that Satanaries will be too. She is just one of the many Brazilians that's taking over SG imo. I'm new to her and I'm already a big fan of hers already. Now I've liked all of her sets so I done my part by helping her turn pink. She is so beautiful. A bit about her, her favourite things she likes are Anime and yes I promise peeps I will be watching more Animes this year. I am educating myself to it all cause I did enjoy watching Castlevania on Netflix. So I'm watching plently of that and Studio Ghibi films. So I will get there so yes lol. She also a fan of Japanese Food, so am I. I do like a Sushi now & then and Ramens too. So yeah we both have that in common. As well as her turning pink. So go ahead and like/comment on this set so she will be sooner than later.
Model: @skittlepop
Photographer: @niallpatterson
Wanted to feature her again for a while as she is just gorgeous and she's one of the many hopefuls that deserves to be pink. I mean she is gorgeous. Also one cool lass too. I don't know what Bellis Perennis means, is it a type of plant? I'm not sure lol. I'm guessing from the set since she's surrounded by plants. So I maybe right lol. Still it's an awesome set from Skittlepop as always. Been a fan of hers for a while now and surprised she isn't pink. I get that a lot, like she isn't pink? what the hell you know lol. Hopefully she will be soon. Also great work by Niall as always, good dude too. Always have our convos. Unfortunately I'm off social medias but I'm always up to chat in the DMs here since SG is the best. Yous all should go check it out and help Skittlepop turn pink. That will be awesome. Fun fact she's a tattooist so that's why her tats are awesome like herself and she's into Drum n Bass. I used to be back in the day, good times. Everyone else into Drum n Bass. Comment below, sadly I don't hear many people are into it these days. Used to be all the time in my Teens. People were into Drum n Bass, Trance and Dance music a lot & tbh so was I. Still listen to it now & then. Good to have a mixture from my usual Rock & Metal lol.
Model: @alexabstract
Photographer: @tripodski
Speaking of hopefuls. I have in my mind of Hopefuls I think will be pink this year and Alex is one of the models that's in the top of my list. And rightfully so she is too beautiful not to be pink on here. Let come on she's gorgeous, her set is done by Trip, she loves video games, is an artist, awesome to chat to and she loves dogs. Yeah that's a recipe of someone who should be pink don't yous think. I think so. She was one of my favourite newcomers of last year and I'm happily I've been a supporter, a fan and a mate since. Yeah I consider anyone I support here mates. Just yous dear readers, you are mates. Not to be corny or anything but I do. My blogs are well loved by anyone that reads my blogs and supports the models I select so it's awesome that ppl do support the models I support. Some like @tommy above feel it's not worth it and I'm saying it is. I got your back ladies, never fear. Love writing blogs and sharing awesome lassies like Alex here. Who was my cover girl on Edition 30 of my FSS blog series (check it out in the archives below) and I'm sure she will be a cover girl & a last but not least in the future. She's a Fury Regular now so congrats to her. Can yous blame me, I didn't think so lol. So if your down this winter, then check out this one and feel like it's summer. Like the weather, Alex is beautiful and one cool mofo. Bloody good artist too. I left the link to her art site in Edition 30. Seriously check it out peeps, she's not only gorgeous but talented!!
Model: @olgakulaga
Photographer: ALEX.LITVINKA
Turn her pink already!!! That will be a delight. That is all, her sets are over 3000 likes already, come on!!
Model: @ladyfirefox
Photographer: @r_girardi
In English the title set is called Her Fox Eyes. Well she does have gorgeous eyes and she is gorgeous. Good to feature LadyFirefox once again to my blog series. She's on here a couple of times and she's another hopeful that makes me scratch my head wondering why she isn't pink. Must like Olga above. Hope you like how short that was cause above since come on it's obvious by now she deserves to be pink. Must like LadyFirefox and the other hopefuls I'll be featuring after this. She's beautiful like Ses Yeus De Renard. It's a no brainer. Also she is a good lass to chat with, loves her video games and that too. Always travelling about with her partner in crime @lord_firefox who did her earlier sets too. Check them out too cause their brilliant. This one was done by one of my favourite photographers @r_girardi who's work is always top notch. Always a regular photographer that's featured on this blog series and for good reason. He's one talented dude. And this one of LadyFirefox is top notch. Hopefully it'll be SOTD and in turn her turning pink too. Hopefully that day will come. So go check it out peeps. 😊👍
Model: @kaydie
Photographer: @tripodski
I know what she is wishing. I think it applies to every hopeful out there. "I wish I turn pink" is probably what she is wishing or maybe a little bit of the bubbly who knows lol. Anyway it's good to see Kaydie back here on this blog series again and yous probably noticing I'm starting with a bunch of hopefuls first. Well I'm on a mission to help these ladies get to be turn pink as much as I can. Whenever I blog about @blaizee or @sammiii it helped them get to turn pink status and did so me writing blogs like this does increase their chances. So that's why I'm trolling with the "help her turn pink" comments, so they can. Seriously look how gorgeous they are. It's crazy most are not pink yet. But I'm doing my best. Especially with @kaydie here who is just awesome. One of my favourite ppl to chat with too. We always chat about food since we're both foodies. As long time readers will know i'm a home cook. It's brilliant, helps me cope with my MH issues. You probably thinking what is my favourite thing to cook? Well I love cooking Lasagne, it's one of my favourites. You'll see my handiwork in the food & drink group. That reminds me I haven't posted in there in a while. I should do that eventually. And if your wondering yes I cook Vegan food too. My favourite is veggie burgers easily. So good. I should have that more than having McDonalds. Seriously I'm having too much fast foods, I actually welcome vegan food atm cause I'm bloated from it all. Thank you the holiday season lol. But I am getting on it. Much like whoever turns hopefuls pink around here to turn her and other hopefuls in this blog pink. Pretty please. Especially since their awesome ppl too. That'll be great. So go check out Kaydie peeps. She's brilliant much like Tripodski. 😉👍
Model: @midnightpoison
Photographer: @casca
Making her FSS blog debut is midnightpoison, long overdue tbh as I'm a fan of hers for a few months now. She introduced herself to me and I love her modelling work immediately. Such a shame she's quite overlooked and that's BS cause she is beautiful and her sets are awesome. Like this one done by @casca let me guess, it was from SGUK shootfest last year. Yeah I think if I was on Mastermind (A knowledge game tv show here in the UK) and my subject was Suicide Girls, I'll be nailing that game lol. How do I know? I chat to them and actually read their blogs cause I do care. And I'm always happy if my fellow Brits do well here & want them to do well. Like everyone else. Even ppl who don't like me, I have no ill will back. Life is short for grudges and hate you know. That's why I left social media but don't worry. Blogs aren't going away, I'm around still. I do enjoy it. Especially I'm introducing @midnightpoison to yous like she did to me. So if you are a SG or hopeful. Don't be afraid to chat to me. As long as your cool (Which a lot of yous are so it's no problem) to me then DM or comment away. I always read your comments. Like I hope you read this when I say check Midnightpoison out now. She truly deserves it. Check her out peeps!! 😊👍
Model: @paulinki
Photographer: @casca
Well let's unbreak her heart by making this fellow Scot pink already. Long overdue. Yeah continuing the hopeful theme here is Fury Regular @paulinki back with another "why is this not SOTD?" set. Honestly she is too beautiful not to be a pink SG model. Top lass and not only that she is Scottish like yours truly. Also she's a hardcore UFC/MMA fan. I've been on & off it tbh. No disrespect but sometimes it's a bit boring imo. I prefer Boxing & Kickboxing. In fact i've been watching K-1 highlights on Youtube a lot. Which is basically kickboxing knockouts. I watch a lot of knockout hightlights. I do enjoy MMA now & then. Only if it's a fight between guys that will fight instead of all that wrestling stuff. I do respect them don't get me wrong and understand that's their key to victory but I'm like a typical Scot I'll be like "Stop watchin like a wee prick and fuckin fight" just imaging that in a Scottish accent hahaha. I'm sure @syrinn @stormymissb @freyja @ghillie @laikaa and @paulinki will get that since their Scottish lol. But I do love watching Boxing. I think my Boxer right now is GGG, he's always exciting to watch. Yeah I'm such an adrenaline junkie for type of stuff. Same with Winter & Extreme sports but not Football Zzzzz lol. No offensive of course, good for you if yous enjoy it. Much like I know yous will like this set from Paulinki. Btw another one from SGUK shootfest last year. I knew that shootfest will bring the goods. Good job as always!! 😊👍
Model: @kittenblue
Photographer: @monacataldo
But there is the stairway to paradise with this set of the lovely KittenBlue. Who is as beautiful as Cassandra above. Yeah I love my references and funny gifs & Wayne's World cause come on it's a classic lol. Just like this set is a classic. I'm sure Kitten will be pink one day. The only way you can do that is checking her set out, like/comment it and maybe give her a ticket to Waynestock lol jk. Anyway in all seriousness do check her out, she is beautiful and deserves more support. The pink will be hers, oh yes it will be hers!!
Model: @jaylynnxo
Photographer: @shaine
You know I haven't really touched on Shaine's photography that much on here. I don't know why cause her stuff is awesome and of course always SOTD and for good reason cause it's brilliant. Her work is fantastic. And of course is a long time SG Model herself, even though she's more a photographer these days and a bloody awesome one. This one of newcomer @jaylynnxo is no different. Who is so beautiful and this is her SG debut. As you see she is gorgeous, curvy and has the same haircut as me so that's a bonus lol. I'm only kidding, I usually grow my hair out sometimes but nobody knows since I'm a beanie hat guy. Anyway never mind that (I know I'm random with my humour, just go with it hahaha) she is gorgeous and no doubt will be like all of Shaine's handiwork & be SOTD. So help her turn pink by checking her out.
Model: @milkydame
Photographer: @coolicio
Speaking of awesome photographers, this is a change for MilkyDame, usually I cover her photography but now I'm covering her modelling with this set with fellow model/photographer/Aussie Coolicio. Always cool to see models helping out each other with sets for here. Especially this one since MilkyDame is a hopeful. Coolicio already is pink but I think Milkydame should be too. Not only gorgeous but come on she's done a lot of awesome sets as a photographer so definitely deserves the pink honors do yous think? I think so and also it's a cosplay set of Adventure Time. Tbh I only watched this show with my nephews a few times and seems decent enough but I haven't watched much of it. I should know, it is on Netflix I believe. I know Steven Universe is as well, always wanted to watch that. It's all on the list. Like checking this set should be in your "checking out this set" list peeps. So check it out and help MilkyDame turn pink. It's long overdue, hopefully it's sooner than later!!
Daddy, Why Did You Eat My Fries?
Model: @ralit
Photography: @gitanna
Well why did you eat your fries her Father? Not very Fatherly like eh lol jk. Anyway crap joke aside here's another SG debut with the lovely Ralit with this cracking set. Yeah I'm rating up with the debuts in this edition of the FSS blog series. I'm sure Ralit will do well as she is one beautiful lass. As you see she enjoys a McDonalds like this blog writer, who really needs to stop it cause I'm having too much of it. I am a burger fiend tbh can't help it. But tbh I prefer the Bacon XL burger at Burger King. Love that burger. Sorry I'm such a foodie, I will talk about food for days trust me lol. Anyway about Ralit, well besides being beautiful. She's a graphic designer when she's not modeling, loves spicy food (sorry I love my food talk lol), music, photography and she's a fan of horror video games. Just like this guy. Her favourites are Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame (Project Zero for us Brits, love that franchise..did we become best friends?), Tekken and Burnout (Best driving game ever!!). So she has awesome video game taste. I like her already. Tbh everyone who's into the Resident Evil video games is a friend of mine, unless their fans of the god awful films then we'll still be mates lol. But I think everyone will agree that the Silent Hill film is criminally underrated. I thought it was very good tbh, probably my favourite video game film ever. I know it's not saying much since most video game movies have been awful. But I want to ask yous peeps, what is your favourite video game movie? comment below. Don't worry I won't judge if it's the Resident Evil films....much lol jk. But we can all agree that @ralit is gorgeous and I'm sure she will be pink in the near future so go check her out and make it happen peeps! 😊👍
Model: @misantropa
Photographer: Leslie Ossandon
Well I think we have made SG history here. The longest set title of all time so first of congratulations @misantropa for winning that honor, I think she done it but I don't know yet. Could be. But never mind how long the title of the set is lol (don't get me wrong I love the set name, pretty creative). Let's talk about the set. Well it's brilliant and she is so gorgeous. Also another SG debut. Hopefully more where that's coming from. You'll will be lost in her enchanted forest with this set so check it out and help her turn pink. 😊👍
Model: @brizelll
Photographer: @dollyd
Now I know she's cosplaying Sailor Moon, see I know that one. I'm not a full dumbass to anime lol. I haven't seen it but I know about it and that's all that matters so score one to KungFury lol. Anyway this is just another awesome set by the lovely @brizelll another hopeful who should've been pink ages ago. She's a regular to this blog series and this is just another reason to include her. Another set that was done at the SGUK Shootfest and I do know she was at a Shootfest in Spain lately so probably except more of her in future FSS blogs. I'm sure she will be pink this year cause she is just beautiful. Must like Dolly herself who did a great job behind the lens. You know speaking of Dolly....
Model: @dollyd
Photography: @penny
Here's her set with the fellow SG model/photographer Penny behind the lens. Also gorgeous and superb like her photography work. She's just talented and also like me what's hopefuls to be turn pink. I know I am going on & on about it. Well shut me up by doing it peeps cause come on there gorgeous and I know yous will see what I'm talking about. Their really are gorgeous like DollyD here. So help @brizelll turn pink and also give Dolly another SOTD. Getting both of them happen will be great. So make it happen peeps!! 👍
Model: @ravenland
Photographer: @kalincamaki
Well all I can see is a gorgeous hopeful that will be pink soon. Hopefully it'll happen cause this is a great set from her. With the awesome photography help from Kalincamaki. Who is brilliant as usual. Btw this is yet another SG debut here. Yeah I'm picking a lot of debuts am I, well it is the first FSS blog of this year and I want to pick new models for yous to be introduced to. So I want them to feel welcomed to the SG community. And I feel like these ladies will be pink. I mean I think everyone will agree that read these blogs will agree that I pick well and I know these girls will be pink with the right push you know. Hopefully I convince everyone to check out ladies like Ravenland here. So go check her out and help her turn pink. 😊👍
Model: @freyahz
Photographer: @fromlimbo
Well as a home cook, I would happily cook for her. Just like anyone else on here cause I love yous all lol. So yeah this right here is Freyahz. I believe I covered her before in this blog series but I'm not sure. But I'm doing it now cause she is beautiful. I rave about the models from Brazil, Australia, UK, Russia and that but theirs a lot of awesome models from France and Freyahz is one of them. She is so beautiful and it's cool she got the helping hands from um FromLimbo, who's brilliant as always. Always love her photography work. Usually highlighted on this blog series. So if you missed this awesome hopeful set, do yourself a favour and check it out. Help this french beauty turn pink. That'll be awesome!!
Model: @lachica
Photographer: @babu
Another awesome set done by Babu with this one. This is Lachica and yes it's another debut here. I'm starting of this big edition with a bunch of hopefuls & debuts since yous should check them out & help these ladies turn pink. Btw Babu is also a hopeful too that should be turn pink too like her good friend Lachica here. She is beautiful and definitely an angel indeed. Go check her out and help her out. Yeah I love ladies with curves too, shame a lot of them are overlooked on here. I'm not picky, I see female beauty in all shape and sizes you know what I mean. I really don't understand why ppl get so picky. it's a bit shit imo idk it's a nitpick. But I think curvy ladies are awesome and Lachica is awesome so check her out and help her turn pink!! 😊👍
Model: @celtic_empress
Photographer: Photo Shy
I think it's safe to say, everyone is missing the summer aren't they. Well lucky with sets like this it'll warm your soul for sure. This one with Celtic is no different. She is beautiful and looks like a fun set to shoot since it's at a swimming pool. I actually used to swim a lot. I actually won swimming competitions when I was a kid. I haven't swim for ages due to public swimming pools are well crap lol. In Scotland we got crap public swimming pools and it's always surrounded by kids and yeah it's not fun lol. I prefer a quiet pool that's private you know. Since you can swim and also at the sea or beach since lots of room to swim. I've go on boat trips when I'm on vacation and usually when we're allowed I usually jump into the sea and just swim. It's nice besides the taste of salty water lol. Still I enjoy it and like it. Like I like this set (that's a lot of likes lol). So go check this hopeful out and help Celtic turn pink!! 😊👍
Model: @verrin
Photographer: @leemalee
Good to see Verrin once again in my blog series, as usual she is beautiful. You may seen her in other blogs on this site. Especially from fellow hopeful & good friend @phianixx blog (BTW I've written a Appreciation Blog recently, check it out in the archives). Yeah she does blogs promoting hopefuls and one of them was Verrin & I can see why. She is gorgeous and definitely deserves to be pink. Hopefully this year it will happen. Especially with the talented & gorgeous Leemalee behind the lens, it's got to happen. So go check her out and make it happen!! 😊👍
Model: @victoriaboness
Photographer: JUAN NAVPORTS (No profile, sorry)
One of the favourite hopefuls from 2019 was definitely VictoriaBoness. So is somehow still a hopeful and somehow this set isn't at 1k. I don't get it at all cause it's brilliant and she is gorgeous. Hopefully her set will get better with help from this blog so there's hoping. A fellow straight edger like yours truly. We don't drink (anymore in my case, 1 year next month), we don't smoke cigs, we don't do weed or any other drugs. Some of us don't do sex, tbh I'm in that camp too but I'm saving myself for the right women and right time. With me I love to build relationships for the long run. Sure I won't get along with everyone and it is impossible to do since everyone is different. That's why I'm not rushing into relationships. Besides I think sex is overrated anyway, think ppl use it for all the wrong reasons. I see it a lot in my lifetime that it hurts ppl in the long run if they just think about sex 24/7 you know. It's not healthy for the mind. I mean look at Tiger Woods, perfect example. I think it's best to think about building a healthy relationship first. See if you get along personally before taking that next big step. That's what I believe. I'm like that with everyone really, build up a friendship and see what happens next. I believe that you shouldn't have expectations. If you don't, you won't be disappointed or upset about things. You just move on to the next thing. That's how to do it. If it doesn't work out with the person, move on. If you watched a film you hated, move on. So on & so on. You just move on cause not everything is bad and not everyone is bad. That's how you keep going. Like Victoria and other hopefuls, don't give up. The pink will come. I'll discuss that further at the end of the blog but for now check out Victoria's set. It is brilliant, honestly.
Model: @redkaya
Photographer: @natalia_randle
Speaking of one of my favourite hopefuls, here's Redkaya with this awesome set which she done with the talented Natalia. Who as always is brilliant. She's also one of my favourite models from Russia. Which is loaded with gorgeous models there. As usual Redkaya is gorgeous and it's confusing why she isn't pink yet. Hopefully she will be this year so check her out and make it happen peeps!!
Model: @dona
Photographer: @pre_helga
Speaking of favourite Russians, here's another one here that is the lovely Dona. Who is just so gorgeous here like always. Definitely a SOTD contender this one. So go ahead and check this one out. It is amazing honestly. Help Dona turn pink!!
Model: @lecherylady
Photographer: @ridmovies
Another hopeful from Russia, yeah the russians are coming out with awesome sets lately. Especially the hopefuls like LeCheryLady here, who was in my last FSS blog and it is another awesome set here. I'm sure this year she will turn pink. I am definitely sure of that cause come on look at her, she's beautiful. So go check her out and help her reach her pink dreams like all these hopefuls.
Model: @malaphor
Photographer: @gemmaedwardsuk
Have you people never heard of, closing the god damn door no? Well don't cause that's a door for Malaphor to turn pink with this awesome debut. Yes another debut here and it's a fellow Brit. And Gemma's photography is on point as always. Malaphor is so gorgeous and I hope she does well on here. She deserves it. As you can tell she's a Panic At The Disco fan. I'm sure @nayru just became best friends with her now, you're welcome (Nayru really loves PATD, more of her down below). At first I didn't like the band myself in my teen years but I like them now, maybe I was hanging around with a lot of negative metalheads back then, I was a stupid kid back then tbh. These days I like the band and dig their stuff. So yeah their brilliant. Love to see them live one day if my mates in personal life can be arsed lol. Everyone is busy these days aren't they, never ending lol. But hopefully Malaphor will do well and be pink sooner rather than later cause she is gorgeous. So go check her out and help her make her feel welcome. If she does turn pink then this calls for a toast so pour the champagne or as i like to call it...
Model: @leacheyenne
Photographer: Becky Bailey
Ah it's great to see Lea back with another top set from her and imo so underrated too. She is beautiful in & out and always love featuring her on my blog series as I think she deserves more love you know. Hopefully one day she does get more attention. This is why I started with the hopefuls cause there's a lot of them that deserves the support and attention as the one who are already pink. More ppl check them out, better their chances. Hopefully it'll be for Lea here cause she is awesome and deserves more loves. So check her out and help her get more love peeps. She is awesome, good to chat to and loves horror/metal music/etc like yours truly so check her out peeps!!
Model: @nolajean
Photographer: @kaydee
Well I'm finishing up my hopeful part of the blog with a hopeful that should've been pink ages ago. That being NolaJean who was formerly Narsil, I still call her that from time to time but it's a habit since I've known her for a while now. She was one of my first models on here I supported along with @rubyalexia @blaizee @reallifepirate etc since I knew them from my Xtremeplaypen days. Been a fan and also mate since. She's awesome, wrote a Appreciation Blog about me and one day i will do the same for her since she is great to me. She's now in Australia and has a blog about the recent Australia fires which is awful. So check out her blog about it HERE and donate some cash to it. I already did since it's awful what's happened and hope everyone in Australia is ok. My condolences to yous all over there. So she is a caring soul, looking out for others and all that. She is also an awesome cosplayer as this set is proof of that. Btw what do yous think of the recent Star Wars films? comment below letting me know about it. I'm at the hit & miss camp tbh. Don't think it's as bad as others are saying imo. But it isn't the best either, still a mostly enjoyed it. Right now I'm currently playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order atm and it's brilliant. Like this set, it's brilliant. So pretty please help Nola turn pink this year by liking & commenting on her set. Like all the hopefuls here. Help them all turn pink peeps. More the merrier!!
Model: @fatal
Photography: @casca
Now to the already turn pink part of this blog. Starting this off is Fatal. This is the first time I've featured her in this blog series and hopefully not the last cause she is gorgeous. Another awesome photography work by Casca as always. Let guess this is another from the SGUK shootfest? I think that's a yes but I have been wrong before. But it is an awesome set that I think deserves to be SOTD. So check it out peeps. Also I think I'll be right if her favourite Street Fighter character is Vega. The sign is there lol.
Model: @infernum
Photography: @thimeow
Woe to you, oh earth and sea
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding
Reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty six
Yeah I'm that nerdy that I put the intro quote from Iron Maiden's The Number Of The Beast in this part of this blog lol. Can't help it I love Iron Maiden like i love Infernum's set and herself. Yet another SOTD worthy set from her and with the helping hands of Thimeow. It is awesome. One of the Brazilians I rave about in my last few FSS editions and as you see for good reason. Check it out, it'll be a sin to miss out. 😉
Model: @dawud
Photographer: @thimeow
Ok calm down cow lol. Sorry couldn't resist, just thought it was funny lol. But all Family Guy jokes aside this is yet another awesome set from the lovely Dawud. A Regular on this blog series like many of the Brazilian models here on SG. As you see she is gorgeous and loves milk. Well it's good for the bones that's for sure. Hopefully it's another SOTD for her which no doubt will be after I type this probably. But do check it out. It is awesome like the lady herself.
Model: @erikabrasil_
Photographer: @thimeow
This is the first of many already Set Of The Day sets I'll be featuring here since I love to talk about them too and tbh I should do more of that. Usually I talk so much about hopefuls and demanding them to be turn pink that I also like to to talk about the ones who are turn pink. Like ErikaBrasil here (wonder where she's from 🤔😂😉) who is just gorgeous. No wonder this is SOTD, it is brilliant. Much like the photographer who is next...
Model: @thimeow
Photographer: @kalincamaki
Yeah she has an awesome set herself with this one. Not only an awesome photographer but an awesome model too. Probably an awesome lass too, idk I haven't chat to the Brazilian models much since the language barrier and all. Most aren't used to English. Like myself with Portuguese. I love to learn the language tbh, since I always wanted to go to Brazil one day. Always looks as beautiful as the ladies there. As you see Thimeow loves cats, so much she wants to be one. Kinda reminds me of this bit from Family Guy...
Yeah me and my Family Guy references eh hahaha. Anyway jokes aside this is another great set from her and yous should go check it out!!
Model: @ravenna
Photographer: @hilo
Yeah I'm bringing in a lot of the Brazilians in this blog am I. Well for good reason and Ravenna is another example why. A Fury Regular herself and as always she is beautiful. She's also a regular in my good friend's @ojtheviking blog series, go follow him too. Love to support my fellow bloggers. Just like the models on here. As you see she is wonderful and a metalhead like me. In fact I remember OJ did something cool for her. Best to talk to him about it cause it was pretty dope of him to do for Ravenna. Much like me with @blaizee @missjcristina @phianixx @reallifepirate @sammiii @evoke @rubyalexia etc. I'm usually treating my favourites well, maybe a bit too well but that's me. Overly generous. That's why I did the fan accounts. But I knew it wasn't good for my MH so that's why it's gone. Luckily I'm still blogging and supporting ladies like Ravenna who I've known for a while. She's always so cool to me. So happy she's pink here and I'm sure she'll be on the FP with another SOTD very soon. Especially since one so go check it out peeps!! 👍
Hot Chocolate And Marshmallows
Model: @sirena
Photographer: @anilorac
Trust me their not all Brazilian models I've selected, I promise you lol. Still you can see why, their gorgeous. And Sirena is no different. She's been a regular pick of mine in the FSS blog for good reason. Not only gorgeous but a top lass too. Well now I know her favourite drink is now. I think we know mine by now. It's got water, sugar and purple lol. That being Purple Stuff or my version of the bubbly lol. Nothing wrong with Hot Chocolate with marshmallows, I actually haven't had them in ages. I should, I hear you sleep better if you do in theory. I can't confirm or deny it, sound like Jeremy Renner from Mission Impossible Rouge Nation there lol. Still I do like Hot Chocolate. See I'm a total foodie lol. Anyway this is just another awesome the Brazilian as always and I'm sure it'll be SOTD soon. So go and check it out peeps!! 😊👍
Model: @reeden
Photographer: @fay
I'm very new to Reeden so this part will be as brief as @olgakulaga part but that was a joke, even though yous should check out and support Olga. Just like yous should all check out this set from Reeden. Who is just gorgeous. Help her check another SOTD cause it really is awesome. So beautiful. Check it out peeps!!👍
Model: @ivygehenna
Photography: @midnightonsaturn
Wow it's been a while since I've seen Gehenna in this Blog Series, welcome back indeed. Missed her, she's back at last with this awesome cosplay set. When I was on my fan accounts (RIP) she was a regular girloftheday, mcm and wcw pick for good reason. Not only gorgeous but smart too. She is like Velma in real life btw. You know there's one thing that grind my gears growing up. Is that in Britain there was a stereotype trend going on that all models were stupid. What a load of BS if you ask me. I always hated that, always annoyed me you know. I mean come on. Beautiful ladies can be smart too. So it was pure rubbish that. I blame the mags & newspapers that created that BS. As a fan who talks to models like the normal ppl that they are, I know that stereotype is bollocks. Their brilliant, smart, nerdy and gorgeous. Kinda like myself lol jk. Also the live action Snoopy Doo films were not bad too. Just getting that out there lol. So yeah in short Gehenna is brilliant and gorgeous. She deserves another SOTD don't yous think? I think that's a yes so go check her out and make it happen peeps!! 😊👍
Model: @killpop
Photographer: @tripodski
Another SG Model making a return is the gorgeous Killpop with this set from my boi Tripodski. Last time Killpop was in this blog series was with one of my favourites that is @rubyalexia for their set Sunshine Of Your Love which was also in my Best Of 2019 blog too (In the archives). But I don't think I've covered her her solo in my blogs before so this is a first. I'm glad cause I have been a fan of hers for a while. As you see she is gorgeous. Trip as usual is awesome and it's a pool set so it's even more awesome. Tbh looking at her name, I think her favourite song is Killpop from Slipknot. I maybe wrong but it is a good guess right. I'm confident I'm right lol. It's like my username is a 30 minute film I saw on Netflix one day and thought "oh I hope I don't get sued" hahaha. Still think that lol. Anyway I'm just guessing but I do know that this is SOTD writting all over it and should . I hope so, it really is beautiful like the woman herself. So check it out instead of being in your shell, I'll wait & bleed. Probably from typing this blog, what's wrong with me lol jk. I enjoy supporting ladies! 😉👍
Model: @chloee
Photographer: @atlanticlungs
She isn't real
I can't make her real
Yeah more quotes from Slipknot lol. Well I can say that Chloee is real and she is very beautiful indeed. It's great seeing her back with another cracking set here. With AtlanticLungs behind the lens being awesome as always. In fact Chloee was in my first edition of this blog series. And that was her last set so it's been a while now so it's great she's back in this very blog series. I hope she is doing well like everyone else that's reading this. Now I don't know if she name this after the hit song from Slipknot but I do know that I think this is another SOTD for this gorgeous Aussie. So go check it out peeps, you won't regret it!! 😊👍
Model: @ellie
Photographer: @shaine
Gonna grab some afternoon delight
My motto's always been 'when it's right, it's right'
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night?
When everything's a little clearer in the light of day
And we know the night is always gonna be there any way
Looking forward to a little afternoon delight
Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting
Sky rockets in flight
Afternoon delight
AAAA Afternoon delight
Model: @annoir
Photographer: @waikiki
The second already SOTD set in this blog but I like to feature it cause it is a favourite set of mine. This blog series is called Fury's Favourite SG Sets or FSS for short after all. This is one of them and a huge congrats to Annoir for grabbing her 4th SOTD. Well deserved, it is a brilliant set. Waikiki did a great job with the photography work as always and Annoir is so gorgeous as always. I just love her smile, so beautiful that it'll win the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award lol. So if yous somehow missed it, never fear. Check it out now. 😊👍
Model: @veelana
Photographer: @cersei
Another SOTD here with this one and it's Veelana again. Good for her and a big congrats to her also. She's a regular to this blog series for good reason. Any guesses? That's right she is gorgeous. 50 points to Gryffindor lol, yeah me and my references. My humour is random but that's usually the best humour isn't it? Anyway I'm so happy that Veelana has been doing well on here. Been a fan of hers since day one and now she has all three of her sets SOTD & rightfully so. Including this one so go check this French beauty out. No doubt you already did but if yous haven't go do it. You won't be disappointed!! 😊👍
Model: @gloom
Photographer: @bretema
Speaking of people that I was a fan since day one. Here's long time regular to my blog series that is Gloom. Think I've featured every set of hers now and for good reason, she is beautiful. Also she's a Sly Cooper fan so that's a bonus. Such an underrated video game franchise on the Playstation. I played the remasters on the PS3 and their superb. Love to see a new game in that franchise, hopefully one day we will. Til then I take great comfort to know that I'm not alone in liking Sly Cooper. So thank you Gloom for your awesome video game taste and to this awesome set once again. Also Bretema is awesome with the photography work as usual. All top notch. So go check this set out and help Gloom get another SOTD. 😊👍
Model: @chalk
Photographer: @sawa
Yeah I'm giving a lot of love to already SOTD sets in this blog. Why not since these are favourite sets of mine and of course ladies like Chalk is a favourite of mine. She's usually on my FSS blog series as a regular for the same reason as the rest of the models on this blog. She is beautiful and a badass lass too. Been a fan of hers for a good while now and I'm always proud when she gets another SOTD. She truly deserves this success she gets on here, it's if yous missed out, check it out!!
Model: @suttin
Photographer: @adamsaperture
The reason that I love to include more SOTDs in this blog series is cause I get to talk about models I yet to feature or talk about. Suttin is one of them. She is just one gorgeous woman and this is her 17th SOTD on this site. Holy hell that's a lot of SOTDs. And it's easy to see why, she is so beautiful. Don't know why she call this set Crybaby , should be jumping for joy. 17 sets that are SOTDs and btw that's all of her sets. They maybe some that are archived but I don't think so. She's too beautiful to have any. So if you somehow missed this one, check it out now!!
Model: @aprilblaze
Photographer: @shaine
There's no way that this SOTD winning set should be undo. It is awesome and gorgeous like April herself. So if yous missed out on this one, doubt you did but this maybe for newcomers to the site. Check it out!!
Model: @vulgxr
Photographer: @leemalee
Not a SOTD by the time I write this but it should be when i do type this. Rightfully so cause it's Vulgxr and she is gorgeous. I've featured her on my blog series a bunch of times now and I don't think that'll end since she is gorgeous like I said. I know I repeat the same words don't I but it's true isn't it. She is and I know this will be another SOTD for her. So go and check this out.
Model: @reznoritis
Photographer: @carolinehellcat
One of my favourite newcomers from last year is back with this awesome set that I know will give her another SOTD. It's Reznoritis. I'm sure she will have plenty of SOTDs, especially with sets like this. She's awesome and one of my favourite to chat to on this site too. She's great and I know she will do well here. Already is, turn pink on her debut so that's saying something. So make sure yous peeps check this one now so she will get another SOTD. More the merrier!! 😊👍
Model: @peachhes
Photographer: @gemmaedwardsuk
Continuing her naming sets after metal/rock songs it's Peachhes with this set. Gorgeous as always and awesome as always, much like Gemma herself as well who is always top notch with her photography work. This is just another awesome set from Peachhes. So go check it out peeps!! 😊👍 BTW this is the song she is refering to. Badass band btw, she has great taste!! 😎🤘
Model: @saturn
Photographer: @akril
A regular to this blog (I got a lot of regulars lol) it's one of the best Planets in the Solar System (along with @jupiter 😉) it's Saturn. Back with another awesome set that no doubt will be another SOTD for her. Go check it out and help her get another one!! 😊👍
Model: @milenci
Photographer: @milloux
It's always awesome to see Milenci back with another awesome set that will no doubt be another SOTD for her. She is beautiful that's for sure. Always getting the SOTD honours and you can definitely see why. She is as sweet as a Tangerine that's for sure. and as usual Milloux is great behind the lens (also in front too). I believe it will be another SOTD for Milenci for sure. So go check it out and make it happen for her once again. 😊👍
Model: @jessicalou
Photographer: @saria
Well Xmas & New Year maybe over but it is Easter soon. Usually here in the UK we have these chocolate eggs that goes on sale here. I don't know what the rest of the world has them but we usually start selling Creme Eggs around this time in the year. Our way to hype up Easter basically lol, their good. I know I'm such a foodie lol. Anyway on to Jessica. Who as always is very beautiful indeed. No doubt she will get another SOTD by the time yous read this. She is one of the most popular SG models of all time for a reason and it's cause she is gorgeous and she's awesome too. She loves Buffy which is probably one of my favourite TV shows ever along with Firefly. So yeah she has great taste in TV shows that's for sure lol. Anyway do check it out, it is awesome. No doubt yous probably already did but but if a sole reader that hasn't . Please do check it out cause it is fantastic like the woman herself and Saria too who is also awesome as always, great photographer!! 😊👍
Model: @mariajupiter
Photographer: @milkydame
I mentioned her modelling set earlier and now I’m talking about her photography work once again. Milkydame is back with this awesome set from long time Fury Regular that is Maria. As usual she is beautiful. You know I haven’t seen My Little Pony but apparently it has a cult following with us guys. It’s true, see I’m getting there with my anime knowledge hahah. I don’t know I haven’t watched it and probably not since it’s not my type. More power to yous that do like it. Glad yous enjoy it. Like I know yous will like this set from Maria, who I believe will be on the FP with a SOTD once again with this one so go and check it out peeps!! 😊👍
Model: @nayru
Photographer: @fishball
I did said earlier she’ll be here and she is, it’s Nayru. One of my favourites. This set is definitely magical for sure. As always she is beautiful & Fishball is awesome behind the lens as always (like she is in front). People usually ask me how I do this and in great detail, the blogs I mean. DoI have a life? Yes I do but I do it cause I love to support and also writing is one of my hobbies. So this is great for me. I usually take about a week or so to complete my FSS blogs. This is true btw. I usually save it and come back to it if I ain’t gaming, watching TV/films, out & about, cooking, baking, etc. I do relax and take breaks. That’s my magic on how I do these blogs. It’s not rocket science really. Especially since I now can do this on my laptop so I can save my progress and resume to where I am. It’s like writing a book. Did the same on my phone when I done all of my blogs on. First this the first one I’m doing on my laptop so it’s refreshing cause writing on my phone was hard. Now it’s not since laptop is way better. So yeah that’s how I do my blogs. Nothing magical about it, just takes planning and simple organising to do this. It’s great, especially it gives me chances to relax and listen to my tunes. Also I’m supporting models & Photographers so that is rewarding enough. Like writing models like Nayru here who is brilliant and love her views & blogs too. Remember when I say about these stereotypes in the @ivygehenna bit of this blog. Well Nayru can shut that stereotype down big time. She is very smart, cool & kind. Also a hell of a cosplayer too and is a single player only gamer like myself. So check out her latest set here. It is awesome and she is gorgeous as always!! 😊👍
Model: @tink
Photographer: @r_girardi
Nearly there, I know I told yous this is a huge blog but we are almost there. There’s no way I’m skipping this one as it’s one of my favourite models period and that being Tink. Who is one of the only models I’m backing at the moment. Btw I will come back on OnlyFans one day. I know I miss backing ladies like @blaizee @rubyalexia @nayru @sammiii etc too. Just I’m saving up for my pre orders. A lot of games this year. Also I want to build up my comic collection too. So a lot of non alt modelling stuff. I may buy stuff of wishlist too, I usually do it for birthdays. But I am calming that down a bit cause I was ridiculously overly generous lol. So yeah I’m calming it down. But I will do it now & then. Tink is definitely been spoiled by yours truly, she’ll tell you. But she is such a nice lass too, usually chatting to her and usually checks up on me. Which is so cool of her to do. I always get surprised that ladies reply to me. Especially after the situation that made me shut down my fan accounts on Twitter and Instagram. I don’t deserve it tbh, I clearly fucked up on the social media but I thank yous all. And thank you Tink. You definitely deserve more love and another SOTD so help her get her another on by checking this set out by the talented r_girardi who is always brilliant. One of the best. Also she’s a Disney nerd so ask her anything Disney, she’ll know. See models are smart. #truestory
Go There And The Sun Will Follow
Photographer: @tripodski
Last but not least for this massive blog of mine. It’s a Tripodski set and with the most FSS entries too, take a bow Trip lol. It’s a duo set with Keshia & Braaa who are both gorgeous as always. Their both always in SOTD worthy sets (spoiler alert this is an upcoming SOTD set) and Keshia is always in SOTD sets. No wonder she is beautiful like her mate Braaa here who will no doubt will be in more SOTDs in the future. She is great. I’m a backer of both Keshia and Tripodski on Patreon just like Tink above me. Their great folk and I love supporting them. Such a fan of theirs. I already did Appreciation Blogs of Keshia and Tripodski too so see those blogs in my achieves below. It’s really good to introduce yourself to them. Tripodski has done a lot of awesome work on this site and Keshia has so many SOTDs. Worth a look. I have no doubt Braaa will get a Appreciation Blog treatment. Much like the rest of the ladies in this blog. Fan accounts maybe gone but my blogs ain’t going nowhere. I love this site much like I love this site and the people behind it. I raise a toast of my glass of purple stuff to them all lol. So check this duo set out, yous won’t be disappointed. I promise yous peeps!! 😊👍
FSS & Appreciation Blog archives
My @phianixx one (CLICK HERE)
Fury's Favourite SG Sets of 2019
The Climax
Damn indeed lol. So that’s my FSS blog done. Thank you very much for reading it and checking it out. I don’t know if any of yous read through all of that but if you did you deserve a reward for being a total badass. Well done you lol.
Yeah I’m glad I’m posting something positive for once. Thank to all that stick by me btw. It was a rough period. My MH wasn’t good and was stressed out. Probably a good thing that I just stick to here on SG so thank you all that give me support from my rough period. Can’t thank yous enough. I do miss supporting models on social media but I’m not a fan of social media in general tbh. I feel like IG is bad towards the models that are trying to do their job and it sucks that so many accounts are shut down due to how toxic social media is. I can’t support that and the things getting blown out of proportion on there. That’s why I’m off it and I don’t think I’ll come back on it tbh. Getting old for that stuff now. Rather stick to places that is positive like SG.
So I’ll be doing more blogs. Including new blog series and more FSS & Appreciation Blogs. Oh yes so expect me more often here now.
It’s your love, support, appreciation and being awesome that made me continue to do this and stay on here. So thank you everyone. I always say this and I do mean it. Yous are the best.
Also to the hopefuls who say they think their not pink material. You are but don’t let it get you down. Yous are awesome and you are beautiful. Don’t be your own worst critic. Whatever that voice in your head is saying to you, fuck it. It’s lying and the haters, their jealous of your courage. Do whatever makes you happy. You want to be pink, don’t give up. Keep at it. I’m not. Love hearing news of hopefuls turning pink. Hopefully I’ll hear my favourite hopefuls turning pink this year. Hope so.
So hope everyone enjoyed my FSS blog. It’s good to be back. Til the next blog this is KungFury saying take care, much love and
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne @teal @lust