Hey peeps how are yous all? Hope everything is good and well in your lives. Welcome to my multi time front paged series of blogs with awesome titles, puns, a bit of humour, saying the same thing over & over again but yous don’t mind lol and of course, a selection of some of my favourite SG sets recently. 25th FSS blog, it’s been awesome. Don’t worry I’m not going to go “I appreciate it” “I’m so grateful to yous” etc since yous knows by now but if your new to my blogs. Always check out the archives below. Also I usually say that near the end of the blog anyway. It’s always great to write these blogs to promote the best models and photographers. Cause stress, not being appreciated much, depression, anxiety, etc is sadly common these days. In my fan accounts I usually see models feeling down a lot. People treating them like shit and dealing with trolls on Instagram & Twitter. No wonder their down a lot, nobody should be dealing with that kind of negativity. Especially since most of them have 2 or 3 jobs. They really deserve a lot of respect and appreciation. Luckily I do that for them with blogs like this and on my fan accounts. Most of time chatting to them. Feel like my blogs are basically their break from mental stress and they read my positive words I say about them. Sadly I’m not common. Saying kind words to them and just sending positive vibes to them. They deserve it like @blaizee deserve to be pink. Like @sammiii needs a hug and best wishes to the birth of her kid. Like @sallyjanerain to be feel welcomed since she’s new to SG (check out my introduction mini blog of her HERE). Like @reallifepirate to know that she is going well with her gym stuff. Like @tripodski to say that his photography is the best (hope your hip is better btw). And to yous who are reading this & your going through struggles in your lives, you’re not alone. You got this and you can push through this.
So to start this blog we begin with a fellow positive viber (I don’t know if that’s official word but I’m saying it lol) with her campaigns for better life for SWs/Alt models in general & that’s......
Angel Baby from @honeybea photography by @milloux
Bea herself, the face behind the #sexworkiswork trend along with fellow SW rights fighter @katherine and basically every who is a SW/Alt Model or involved with this industry. Including yours truly as I of course write blogs about & run fan accounts about. All for free btw and always will. It’s definitely never about the money. It’s just a cool thing to do for people who are overwhelmingly being discriminated & under appreciated by uneducated close minded people. Well not on this blog or on this blog. We all love SG and the models/photographers/members in this place. But this is from the same people who think video games causes gun violence, which of course is the lack of gun control. Anyway I don’t want to get into a political rant on that. I will say this, it’s awful as fuck and they should have gun control. Google “Japan gun policy” and copy Japan America. Case closed. But anyway I have to say that, condolences to the ppl in Texas if one of my readers is from there. It’s awful. I do actually love to visit there. Hear the BBQ food there is top notch. Anyway I’m going off topic am I lol, well it’s common in my blogs haha. Well this set of Bea is so awesome. So happy I can feature her in my blog, she’s so gorgeous. Always going to gigs and traveling the world. I known her for a while and been a fan for a while also. So her being on my FSS was going to happen and now I can. This set is just brilliant and Milloux, a SG model herself did awesome as always with the photography. Another photographer I should talk about often like Tripodski. Btw Bea has done sets with the Trip man and of course it’s awesome. No doubt this set from Bea will be SOTD as she is popular with the SG clan and rightfully so. So check it out, which yous probably have done already. Don’t blame you, she’s beautiful. 👍🏻
Summer Fruits from @tommy photography by Arrowphotographylondon
Speaking of beautiful and for SW/Alt Modelling rights. It’s Tommy Gunn. Enjoying her five a day in this set. Also the photographer isn’t on SG, click the link next to the photography by and it’ll link you to the photographer’s Instagram. Give it a follow if you’re on there peeps. The photography is top notch. Still can’t believe she is still pink. She’s actually was actually on SG longer than 2018 btw, profile change. But she definitely deserves the pink honors. She’s such a beauty and always outspoken to any naysayers of this industry. We need more ppl like her. She’s brilliant. Also besides Purple Stuff, my next drink of choice is Summer Fruits. In case everyone is wondering what my preferences are lol. So anyway go check out Tommy’s set, it’s gorgeous like herself. Help her turn pink!!! 😊👍🏻
Butter Wouldn’t Melt from @miss_bella_cyanide photography by @tripodski
I don’t know why the butter won’t melt. Cause this set is hot, it should melt lol. Yeah you know by now readers that a Tripodski set will be on my blogs by now. It’s always 💯 it will be. The dude’s photography is always top notch. And this is a great set of Bella who looks so gorgeous. I can’t believe that the butter hasn’t melted. Must be I Can’t Believe This Is Not Butter lol. But it is hot, she’s hot and so is Trip’s Photography. Can’t get any better. Also she’s a hopeful so you know what to you peeps. Go check her set out and like it. So much that it will melt into pink. Let’s hope! 🤞🏻
Raise Hell from @theodora photography by Kaiia Eve
Born to raise hell indeed. This is just a brilliant set from Theodora and another photographer with no SG account wth lol. But like Tommy’s set, click the link to follow Kaiia social accounts. Like I said photographers deserve equal support like the models. Without them there is no SG, sets, etc. It is as hot as the fires of hell. Love the leather jacket and bra combo. Looks like a hotter version of Lemmy from Motorhead. They actually had this tune....
I don’t know if anyone watched Airheads. It starred Brendon Frasier and Adam Sandler before he was famous. It was a underrated film, quite good. I recommend. Especially if you like comedy films like School Of Rock, etc. It was dope. Also I shared that cause it is a good tune and it’s fucking Motörhead lol. Like Motörhead, Theodora is dope. She is gorgeous and deserves to pink. So check it out and help her turn pink. 😊👍🏻
Pure Morning from @milenci photography by @waikiki
🎶 A friend in need's a friend indeed,A friend with weed is better,A friend with breast and all the rest, A friend who's dressed in leather 🎶
Well she is not dressed in leather like Theodora above but she is dressed to kill. The days are dawning and skins are crawling, it’s a pure morning with Milenci. She is so gorgeous as always. If you wonder what song I’m quoting...
That one, Placebo is so awesome. Love to see those dudes live one day. Top band. Idk if Milenci is a fan but if she was. No doubt I’ll see her crowd surf or in the mosh pit. Their so good, just like this set from her done by the always talented Waikiki. Check the set out and help her get on Front Page once again, no doubt she will! 👍🏻
Blossoms from @manika photography by @enchantress
Ah from Russia with love, extreme sports, Star Wars fandom, dreads and hopefully a case of Purple Stuff it’s Manika lol. A Fury regular on my blogs for good reason. Cause she’s gorgeous and an awesome person too. Looking gorgeous as always and love the dreads, she suits it. Almost looks like @sammiii Russian twin. She is gorgeous just like her. With dreads or her short hairdo, again like Sammiii. But the difference is that Manika is still a hopeful. While Sammiii turn pink a few months ago. Hopefully it’ll happen for Manika soon. She’s an awesome lass who loves her snowboarding and Star Wars. My lass lol. Btw I like the new Star Wars, think their awesome. Well except for Han Solo, it was mediocre but that’s my opinion. Hell I thought the prequels weren’t bad, except for Phantom Menace. Yeah I’m a Star Wars fanboy too. But I’m a sucker for anything space/sci fi related. It’s in my blood lol. You know what else is in my blood. Making hopefuls pink, I’m strong in that force lol. So check out Manika set and help her turn pink. If not..
Falling In Love Again from @pulp photography by @aurralee
Well this set has made me fall in love with Pulp again but then again it was never lost. Go seeing her with another set. I think I feature her twice before in my previous blogs. I know I did her set with @nebula that was done by @saria in one of my blogs. That was an awesome set just like this one. Always gorgeous and I have no doubt it’ll be SOTD for her again. Also Kelso did a great job with the photography as always. Not only talented behind the lens but beautiful in front of the lens too. Always cool to see models helping other models. That’s what it’s all about. Helping each other to reach that pink/SOTD dream. No doubt it’ll happen for Pulp once again so go check it out and make it happen peeps!! 👍🏻
No Love Deep Web from @henneydrix photography by @aurralee
Yeah two in the row for Aurralee aka Kelso here photography wise. This one of Henney is very good indeed. Quite interesting that the title of this set is the name of a rap album that had and this is no joke had a erect dick with the name of the album. Seriously look it up on google “Death Grips No Love Deep Web” and you’ll see it and I’m not posting it here since this blog is SFW & I hate dick pics too like nearly every female. I think idk lol. So curious she choose that as a title to this set. Probably cause she’s a fan of Death Grips or finds the humour behind that madness. I can see why if one of the reasons. Idk it’s her set, she can call it whatever she wants. Tbh I find it funny she named it after an album with a erect penis album cover hahaha. Whatever floats your boat I guess lol. I find it funny tbh, shows she has humour lol. I like lassies who are funny too. Still this is an awesome set and she is gorgeous. So help turn this hopeful pink by checking this set out. Also I swear I’m telling the truth, look it up. Rap is weird, I blame weed being cool lol jk. #soberlife 😎🤘🏻
Watch The Queen from @sirena photography by @msilveira
She’s a Queen and demands peasants to watch her go on SG front page again. And I think she will with this awesome set as always. She’s a regular entry on my FSS blogs cause she is gorgeous and her sets are always top notch. She is definitely a Queen indeed. Hell she’ll win the Game Of Thrones if giving the opportunity. In fact I think she pull off Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn if she is thinking of doing cosplay. Just an idea since no one is taking my Resident Evil cosplay requests. Come on girls lol. But if cosplays isn’t her thing then she is still does great sets nonetheless. This is just another awesome set and no doubt will be on Front Page. The Queen demands it. It’s Sirena’s throne and aims to take it lol. But seriously it is a awesome set that yous peeps should check out!! 👍🏻
Come Play With Me from @allesmack photography by @rkadu
A newcomer to SG with this one and a great debut it is. Introducing Allesmack. Who is so gorgeous. Hopefully she continues to do well on SG. I like to introducing new models on SG to keep an eye out and hopefully they get pump up to pink status already like @veelana did in her debut. Hopefully it’ll be the case for Alle here. Who is apparently got the whole basketball theme going on. Reminds of @keshia STOD set Play With Lola which I featured on one of previous FSS blogs. Only without the bunny ears since that was a cosplay of Lola Bunny from Space Jam. This one I think she just loves basketball. It’s a good sport. I use to play it in my younger days all the time besides extreme sports lol (btw @keshia @tripodski I am up for that basketball game lol 😉) . But she does look great in Basketball gear as she is a gorgeous lass. Definitely go check her out and this set. Help her turn pink on her debut. Now that will be a slam dunk!! 🏀😎🤘🏻
Hug Me Tight from @numbra photography by @bretema
I could gladly hug her tight like many of the models. Hell even photographers & members too. Especially seeing a lot of them are unhappy from their social media, I’m like I wish I can hug her and tell her I care you know. Shoutout to @syrinn btw who is going through a hard time atm. Also to the hopefuls who aren’t pink yet. Includes @narsil @stormymissb @heatherrann @phianixx @paigerose @missjcristina @heiwa @kalita @peachie_ @peachynorth and of course @blaizee who all deserve pink like so many other hopefuls. Like Numbra here, she is so beautiful. Hopefully she does turn pink from this set. Done by fellow SG model Bretema, also very gorgeous. Showing that SG models believe that hopefuls should be pink too. So go check her out and help her & other hopefuls get to that pink cloud in the sky. I hear there’s Purple Stuff up there. Also booze & weed too since you fuckers love that shit too hahaha jk. 😂😉
Rogue Fantasy from @dona photography by @enchantress
She is a fantasy alright. Almost better than Final Fantasy, almost. Final Fantasy is my game but if you say even 13. Oh Dona wins overwhelmingly cause that game sucks lol. Imo if yous enjoyed that game, good for yous. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Swings and roundabouts as they say lol. But Dona is a pure beauty, so gorgeous. And it does make sense that I said that cause she is an MMORPG girl and one of the best MMOs is Final Fantasy 14 so it makes sense. No doubt her class of choice is Rouge cause hint is in the title. I do pay attention, I multipass (read it in Leeloo’s voice from The Fifth Element) lol. But she is gorgeous and deserves to be checked out. Another hopeful who deserves to be pink. So go check her set out and make it happen. 😊👍🏻
Flower Bloom from @arienn photography by @minuminula
Wow like a flower, she is beautiful. Love this set of Arienn here, so gorgeous. And Minuminula is awesome with the photography work as always. Love Minuminula’s work, it’s always top notch. Always looks a beautiful painting going to life. This one is no different. Also Flower Bloom sounds like a Pokemon move. Something that Bulbasaur will use since he’s a grass Pokemon. Yeah I know I’m such a nerd lol. But then again being a nerd is cool these days so I’m cool as hell haha. Anyway I do think that Arienn deserves another SOTD imo. So go check it out and make it happen. It is an awesome set and she’s gorgeous. Go do it! 😊👍🏻
Tainted Love from @honeydaniels photography by @fromlimbo
Ah FromLimbo, welcome back to my FSS blog. I missed you & your awesome work. This one of Honey is no different. Super gorgeous and apparently a Marilyn Manson fan or a Soft Cell fan. Who knows. I do love both versions but I love Manson more so I pick his version of Tainted Love. I always like to be him in the music video...
Seriously so many gorgeous ladies in this video. Lots of gothic Honey like Honey here. Definitely be hot tubs and maybe them dressed as bunnies cause why the fuck not right lol. Yeah that’s the dream of KungFury, be like Manson lol. In fact in the music video you’ll see a young Chris Evans before he was Captain America. This was actually a soundtrack to a Spoof film called Not Another Teen Movie, which is taking the piss out of Teen movies. It was alright, nothing special imo. But with HoneyDaniels here, she is special. Specially beautiful. She deserves to be turn pink. Yeah she’s another hopeful so go check her out and help her turn pink. 👍🏻
Anodyne from @salemgrey photography by Maya Holt
Well a dose of this Anodyne definitely kills the pain. This is Salemgrey who is making her SG debut and it’s a great debut indeed. She is so gorgeous. Definitely enjoying a game of pool and having a drink or two. Hopefully it’s Purple Stuff lol. I do like a game of pool. Haven’t done it in a while though. Everyone is busy these days which sucks but oh well I got a PS VR game that I can play pool on it. Been collecting VR games for it. I’m having a fair collection of it. My favourite game for the PlayStation VR is Resi 7 cause I’m a fanboy lol but also Astro Bot Rescue Mission too, definitely give that game a go if yous got or interest in getting a PSVR. Highly recommend it. Just like this set of Salem here. She’s gorgeous. Go give her a follow. Check out this set and make her debut a well received one. Maybe help her turn pink. 😊👍🏻
Feel Me from @vitalina photography by @talena
Very tempting but I’m a gentleman. I look but I don’t touch unless we form a connection offline lol. But she is gorgeous. This is Vitalina, another SG debut for yous all. As yous know I strongly put a lot of newcomers & hopefuls on my FSS blogs since I they deserve more promotion than already pinked SG lassies. Even though I do pick already SG lassies but Newcomers/hopefuls deserve it more since I want them to feel welcomed & know that their not overlooked. I do love already pink models & still promote them cause they are gorgeous in & out don’t get me wrong. I just lean more to the hopefuls & newcomers since they need more love so they can turn pink like the gorgeous lassies that are already pink. So you should all check out Vitalina here and help her turn pink. She’s gorgeous and I’m sure you’ll see plenty of her in the near future! 😊👍🏻
Peach Champagne from @lascaux & @skella photography by @lady
“You know I can eat a peach for hours” to quote Nicolas Cage from Face Off. It’s one of my favourite over the top enjoy rides, it’s just pure fun that movie. I don’t have Champagne since I don’t drink alcohol. If there’s an non alcoholic Champagne then I would give a toast to this set but I’ll do it with my glass of Purple Stuff instead lol. To Skella & Lascaux, thank you for this awesome duo set. You are both gorgeous and hope this set goes on Front Page like your other sets cause it’s well deserved. And to Lady, thank you for your awesome photography work as always. I’m sure my fellow blogger @xheartswornx will be proud as well upcomer @ojtheviking too (check his blogs out btw it is awesome) and all the other bloggers on this site. We are all one and let’s continue being excellent to each other. Much love, cheers! 🥂 Now that’s my toast done. All there is to say is go check out this set out peeps and help it get to Front Page. 😊👍🏻
Blooming from @jupiter photography by @mel_z
Blooming hell this is an awesome set lol. One of my favourite planets as well as one of my many favourite SG models. Good to seeing Jupiter back on my FSS blogs. As you recall if any of yous read my past blogs, you can down in my archives below. Don’t be shy, I like everyone reading it and makes me happy that you read them. Also be even happier if yous check the sets out and give them much love. Most are still not pink but deserves to be. Luckily my girl Jupiter here is already pink as well as the other planet named models I think. But she is gorgeous as always and Mel Z has done an excellent job as always with the photography work. So check it out and help her get another SOTD. And speaking of other models with planet names.....
Lumineux from @saturn photography by @sobelle
Here’s Saturn with her latest set and it’s with Sobelle who is probably one of my favourite photographers on this site. Except her to be similar to Tripodski by being a Fury regular lol. Her photography is awesome. And Saturn & Jupiter above sure will be regulars too. Just cause it’ll be cool if those two did a duo set that’s space themed. Making our solar system the hottest galaxy in the universe lol. You know it makes sense, who would say no to that. Also if does happen, I take full credit. You’re welcome peeps lol. But Saturn is gorgeous as always. No doubt this set will be another SOTD for her. So go check it out and make it happen for her & Sobelle!! 😊👍🏻
The Exhibitionist from @venisons photography by @mel_z
Welcome back Mel Z with this set of the gorgeous Venisons. Who is gorgeous as always. To clarify she is not an Exhibitionist, I think. I maybe wrong, some SG lassies do work in Strip Clubs. I actually never been to one. I don’t have any near me. My town in Scotland is pretty tame. Sometimes a good thing but other times it’s not and can be quite dull. But it’s make itself up by having a nice beach cause I live near the sea and some awesome restaurants. Also some good ppl too so it’s not all bad. I think there used to be a brothel in my area but I’m not sure. Think that was a rumour people just made up. But I haven’t been to strip clubs and I’m too anxious to go to one. Same with going to fetish clubs. Since I don’t have a major fetish personally besides ladies who are nude but that’s normal. Who doesn’t like it? I mean that’s why we’re on this site. Also it’s a friendly easygoing nonjudgmental community. A rare thing these days sadly. Still I’m grateful to this place and write blogs like this & promote these awesome sets of some of the most gorgeous ladies of this site. So go check out this one of Venisons and help her get another SOTD! 😊👍🏻
Kismet from @chalk photography by @penny
Destiny or Fate, that is the question of what Kismet means. I think. It maybe referring to a character in Guardians Of The Galaxy who knows. And yes I’ve done my research peeps lol. Still it’s another awesome set from Chalk. As usual she is so gorgeous. And as always Penny photography work is awesome. Penny & Chalk are both some of my favourite SG ladies. It’s always great seeing models help each other out. Wish I had mates like that. I only see mates now & then. Not as often as I like but oh well. I usually do alright. Think I’m over the worse of my troubled past since I walked away from those toxic people. Time does heal wounds. My wounds is basically getting bullied, Suicide thoughts, etc. Still have mental health issues but it’s more controlled these days. Think back being straight edge has helped me big time. Cause I think being around ppl who are unsober doesn’t help at all, brings down to their level you know. It’s best to stick to your own & anyone who is positive to you. Like most good things, it takes time. It took Chalk a while to be pink but in time she is pink. Will she get another SOTD? Well go and check her set out and make it happen peeps!! 😊👍🏻
Unicorn Soul from @kaegune photography by @livay
Well as a Scot I do have a Unicorn since the Unicorn is Scotland national animal. Yeah we believe in a fictional animal haha. Probably cause we’re very humorous, you noticed from this blog. It’s written by a Scot so humour is in my Scottish blood lol. Anyway this set as you expect is awesome and of course Kaegune is gorgeous. No doubt a My Little Pony fan. I don’t know I haven’t watched My Little Pony so idk. Apparently a lot of guys watch it. Whatever floats your boat you know. You like whatever you like. If people have a problem with it, that’s their problem you know. You enjoy it, enjoy it you know. Some ppl are just looking for drama, don’t give them your attention. It’s a waste of time. You know what’s not a waste of time. Yeah you guess it, this set. So go check this set out, it is awesome. 😊👍🏻
Skirt Up from @klinchubs photography by @doce
Yeah skirt up I have to keep this SFW damnit lol jk. Jokes aside (I told you it’s in my blood lol) this is another awesome set of the gorgeous Klinchubs here. Always top notch from her. Love her hair since it’s Purple and of course we all know by now what I think of Purple lol. Colour of my favourite drink that has three ingredients. Water, sugar and purple lol. Yeah I always want that Purple Stuff lol. Grape Juice or Grape Drink. The drink of choice of yours truly. It’s full of vitamins, counts as your 5 a day as -2 hahaha and it’s non alcoholic. Yeah but I think yous aren’t interested in my favourite drink. It is called Favourite SG Sets blog, not favourite drinks. Although if the demand is high enough. I’ll write that blog for yous peeps. Probably not, it wouldn’t be as long or as detailed as this. But if yous are, let me know in the comments. Til then go check out this set from Klinchubs. It’s awesome and deserves another SOTD!! 😊👍🏻
Deep Purple from @chroi photography by Non Staff (no link to the photographer sorry)
I think she named this on purpose. She knows I’m all about that Purple Stuff lol. Yeah this is another Fury regular and it’s Chroi. One of my favourite ppl, such a cool lass who’s always giving me shoutouts. I do have a fanbase that I aim to please as we all aim to misbehave, to quote Firefly/Serenity. Yeah that’s right I’m a Joss Whedon guy lol. This set I think Chroi’s BF done the photography for this. I remember her saying that to me in one of her other sets that’s done by “Non Staff” but if he’s reading this, you done a good job and I think you should do SG photography like my favourites @tripodski @niallpatterson @gemmaedwardsuk @darkmoonmedia @just_sick @lady @coolicio @r_girardi @sobelle etc. I think whoever is Non Staff should be Staff but that’s my opinion cause it’s great and you deserve credit. I know Chroi will pass that on cause she is a sweetheart. One of the nicest people on here. Always liking & commenting on my stuff. Hopefully one day she’ll be turn pink. Not only gorgeous from the outside but definitely the inside too. She really truly deserves it so go check her set out and help her turn pink peeps!! 😊👍🏻
Hide And Peep from @sirenn photography by @milkydame
Last but not least it’s another Fury regular from down under. It’s Sirenn who is absolutely gorgeous as always. I do love my peeps in Australia. Their always killing it. With models like Sirenn here as well as @evoke @kettle @akiramai @mariajupiter @arachnie etc as well as photographers/models like @coolicio and @milkydame here who’s always top notch with her photography work. It’s superb as usual. I don’t know if I played Hide & Peep, but probably cause unlike some males. I have manners lol. I did play Hide & Seek a lot and I usually was awesome at it. I know how to hide well. Especially these days and I’ll tell you how to hide these days. Just switch off your phone. Simple hahaha. But I got nothing to hide. I do think that these ladies are gorgeous, talented, cool, easygoing and nerdy. Just like yours truly lol. She’ll definitely like my music taste as it’s the same. Nothing but emo, goth, metal, punk, etc. Always top notch just like her and her sets. So if you haven’t already, check this set out and get her another SOTD. Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!!! 🇦🇺 😎🤘🏻
Yeah with a dope tune, yep lol.
Anyway as usual here are the archives of past FSS blogs down below.
Anyway that’s another FSS blog done and dusted. Thank you very much for checking it out. It does mean a lot to me and I always do my best to reply to everyone cause I do appreciate it. You guys are the best.
Anyway til the next blog this is KungFury saying take care, much love and I do hope you are all doing well. Remember that you’re not alone and you do matter. Remember that, know that!!👍🏻