Hey there peeps, hope you are all well and are happy with your life. Yeah since I see so many great sets recently on this site. Thought I’ll do my favourite SG set blog, even though I said I want to take a break from it. But I feel like if I have a good blog on my hands. I’m writing it. Just don’t expect it all the time. Which I think it’s better. Less is more. I mean that’s why I’m burnt out from Superhero movies, we’re getting too many of them. I’m starting to feel a bit tired from it. If anything I’m more interested in seeing Fighting With My Family. Which is based of the story of how WWE star Paige got to the WWE. Captain Marvel just looks dull to me. Maybe I’m just bored of Superhero stuff cause we got too many of it lol. I need a break. But I am seeing Captain Marvel by the time you read this maybe. Blame my mates lol.
But yeah yous probably don’t want me to bore you with my opinions lol. Anyway there’s a lot of great sets to talk so let’s get to the first one and it’s a duo set from one of my many favourite models and my dude Trip...
Sunshine Of Your Love from @killpop & @rubyalexia photograph by @tripodski
Yeah why not start off with this pair. Ruby I already talk about on these blogs so many times and Tripodski too of course (done a appreciation blog of him btw click here to see) who everyone knows by now. His Patreon is brilliant btw. So you can say their Fury regulars lol. Killpop is great too, idk why I’ve not talked about her. She is gorgeous and has done a lot of great sets. Especially with Trip. Like Chillzone and Peachy Dream for examples. Those are awesome sets from Trip and Killpop. Kill is gorgeous in all her sets and in general like Ruby. So teaming up together is necessary. This is a gorgeous duo set by two gorgeous ladies. Done by a talented photographer by Trip himself, good dude and a Muse fan. My boi lol. Anyway check it out. Definitely SOTD in the making!!
The Colour Of Lust from @ohsammiii photograph by @jimmymild
Speaking of SOTD in the making. Here’s Sammiii. If any of yous have follow me on my fan accounts on Instagram & Twitter (KungFurySG btw hooray a cheap plug lol 😜) know I featured her in my WCW post. Especially her preview pic from her upcoming set from Elite Online Mag (check them out btw and yes that was another cheap plug lol) which looks like a great set. She is gorgeous and look forward to her future sets on here. She’s a hopeful who should be pink like my girls @blaizee & @narsil they all should be in the pink family. Definitely check her out and support her. She’s brilliant and beautiful! Also Jimmy too. He’s another awesome photographer who’s badass with the photography work. Check both of them out. Ok I’ll stop the cheap plugs lol.
I Am Your Khaleesi from @mistressgt photography by @gemmaedwardsuk
Watch out @nayru @beckah @mariajupiter @keshia etc. Think someone is trying to outcosplay yous lol jk. But yeah all I can say is wow and holy shit, what an awesome cosplay set. Seriously this is bloody good. MistressGT has got this nailed down to perfection imo. It really is like looking at Emilia Clarke as Khaleesi, it’s so well done. And probably Gemma’s best work as a photographer, and she’s done a lot of great work. I’m not the biggest GOT fan in the world but I’m definitely a fan of this set easily. It will be pink, if not then something is definitely wrong with this site. Even non GOT fans like me love it. It’s top notch. It’s a SOTD 💯. Absolute masterpiece. Btw I did enjoy the first few seasons of GOT btw. I just didn’t like where the story was going in the 5 or 6 season so I stop watching it but that’s another topic for another time. I do think Khaleesi is badass!! 😎👍🏻
Hypnotize from @peachhes photograph by @minuminula
I am hypnosis by Peachhes beauty indeed. She is so gorgeous. Another awesome lass. If you read earlier that I’m a backer of Tripodski’s Patreon and send me a few sets of his of all the sets he’s done with the SG models he worked with and I’ve got a few of Peachhes. She really is gorgeous. Love her sets and others too. Minuminula is another great photographer too. We are spoiled by so many gorgeous ladies and talented photographers aren’t we. That’s why I do these blogs and fan accounts. Showing my appreciation as a total fanboy lol. Definitely check her out. 👍🏻
Red Slik from @elizabethhunny photograph by @amberspice
Here’s one I know for a while from xpp. Elizabeth and fellow model Amber behind the camera. Both gorgeous ladies that’s yous should definitely check out. I see them around but I only chatted to them a few times. Their nice lassies. Definitely check them out. Both talented ladies. Elizabeth is a good photographer too btw, she’s done a set for Amber too which is all of her sets on here so far. My favourite one is Lakeside Snapshots since I love the lake. Then again I’m all about nature lol. Anyway check them out and give them some love! 😊👍🏻
You Can’t Say Sarah Doesn’t Love You from @sarahmoon photograph by @kzphotography
No I can’t and I don’t think she doesn’t love me after I featured her in this blog lol. But yeah she is awesome. So gorgeous and beautiful. I have featured her before on these blogs, one of my first ones. And that one was a great set too. It’s in my second favourite SG set blog which you check out here. I may link to all my previous blogs down below so you’ll see how much my blogs have grown. It’s been great and I’m enjoying it. Just like Sarah’s sets, superb and gorgeous. Check her out and you’ll also can’t say you don’t love her either. You’ll be in love 💯 lol. 😊😉👍🏻
Ginger Kitty from @sirena photograph by @pisces
Another model I featured here before is the lovely Sirena. Who is always gorgeous. Who is definitely cute as a cat lol. Yeah I’m more of a dog person but I don’t mind cats. I think this set is convincing me to like cats lol. Maybe be the same for yous dear readers. Check it out and see if you’ll like cats afterwards or maybe love them even more. Who knows. You’ll definitely be loving Sirena, that’s for sure. She is gorgeous!! 🥰
We Did It In This Room from @somer photograph by @r_girardi
What she’s means by we did it in this room idk beats the hell out of me lol. Maybe it’s a guessing game, what did they do in that room? 🤔 Answer them in the comments below. Doesn’t have to be serious, funny ones. Not that I want to steal the Silliness Group’s thunder or anything (😉). But all that aside this is a great set from Somer who is just gorgeous. And fantastic work by Girardi as always with the photography. Definitely check it out! 👍🏻
Rouge Desir from @babal photograph by @akril
This one comes from Babal, who is another gorgeous export from the country of love that is France. There’s so many gorgeous ladies on here from France like @veelana @harmohh @miyumiyu @gladyce @freyahz and so forth. Hell even English models like @nanci moved to France. Must be doing something right. I love to go back there someday. Try the French foods and see awesome sights. It’ll be dope like Disneyland Paris lol. Anyway check out Babal, she is gorgeous. 🥰👍🏻
Prepare For Trouble Make It Double from @prettyangie photograph by @laurentcgart
Another gorgeous French lady with this one and another top notch cosplay. I’m more of a fan of the video games of Pokemon than the tv show tbh. I love the Game Boy, DS & 3DS Pokemon games. Also I used to play the trading card game too back in my teens. Dk how to play it now since it’s been so long but I loved it. Didn’t mind the show too. It was campy but fun. I do think Charizard is the best Pokemon ever, so fucking badass. Pikachu is overrated lol jk. Anyway this is a great cosplay of Jessica from Team Rocket, definitely check it out or prepare to fight. Mewo that’s right! 😉
Bonhomía from @zahir photograph by @livay
Next one is from France next door neighbors, Spain and it’s Zahir. Who is so gorgeous and beautiful. Another great country producing gorgeous ladies like @sirena earlier on. But also @heiwa @saria @raisie @lilyann and so forth. There’s so many. I’ve been to Spain a bunch of times, it’s brilliant. Love how calm and wonderful it is. Love the food. I’m a Tapas guy, I love it lol. Yeah it’s great, I enjoy it there and no doubt I’ll enjoy it the next time I’m there. But I do love the models that come from there and this one is no different. Definitely check her out. 😊👍🏻
Strawberries & Cream from @auroraxrose photograph by @midnightowl
Last one on this blog and it’s a very good one indeed of the lovely AuroraRose. Who is so gorgeous. No doubt baking something that contains strawberries and cream lol. Hopefully a Victoria Sponge Cake. I am a home cook/baker myself. I cook/bake for my family/friends all the time. I’m always do my best to work hard on everything I do. I have grew up in a working class family so hard work always pays off. I love baking and cooking. Helps with my mental health issues like writing as well. If any of yous are interest, I do have a food account on IG called badarsechef. I usually post my dishes up there. I may do strawberries and cream cupcakes somepoint tbh. This set’s title is a good reminder lol. But also AuroraRose is a gorgeous lady and I want to promote her set so yeah check her out! 😊👍🏻
Yeah I am bro ok lol.
That’s another blog done til the next favourite SG blog. Thank you all for reading. I’m very grateful to all the support. 4 front pages and my fan accounts getting a lot of great feedbacks. I recently past over 200 followers on IG. Which is amazing. I don’t even have 100 followers on here let along 200. I am close to 100 followers here. Only two more. Which is just amazing. I truly thank all of yous. Never thought I’ll get so much great feedback and chats with members/models/photographers but I am so cheers. You all are too good to me. 😊
As a treat I’m going to link all my Favourite SG sets blogs I’ve done so far here below so you can see who I’ve featured in the past:
Yeah that’s every favourite SG set blog I’ve done up to this one. I’ll try to link all of them for any new readers to go check out what their missing. You’ll see I’ve improved a lot. In the beginning I didn’t had any ingenious titles lol. Hope you enjoy those like I hope yous enjoyed this one. Don’t be afraid to leave comments below. Tell me your favourites and who I should feature in the future. I welcome it. 😊 Anyway I appreciate yous all, yous are the best. Until the next blog this is KungFury saying take care, much love and I need some Purple Stuff lol.