Hey peeps hope you are all well and good. Thank you for giving this the time to read this. This is a blog I’ve been wanting to do for quite a while since I think it’s important to talk about. And that’s social media and why I believe it’s not good for ppl & why imo it’s killing socialising. And how it’s a lie. I think it is a topic that needs to be talk about cause I believe it’s becoming an issue that’s heading down the wrong path for ppl.
First off I don’t wish social media should die or anything. Far from that but these days I think it’s used in the wrong way and ppl use it for the wrong reasons. I do believe that IG should be shut down cause it’s more trouble than it’s worth. There’s a lot of negativity, fake accounts, abuse, false positive post, etc and it’s becoming unhealthy for ppl. You see ppl post selfies but the ones you always see post selfies are usually the more unhappy ones & their insecure with the way they look. Looks are everything. So much so that behind close doors their unhappy with themselves personally. Their deeply sad and it’s a shame that a lot of them believe that just having looks, be in clubs with ppl that they don’t really like, etc just so they can show everyone that their fine and happy. But it’s a lie, truth is ppl. The post you see on Instagram is the opposite of how their feeling usually. I’m not going to pretend that I know ppl cause I don’t but it seems like ppl who use social media a lot are the more unhappy ones. The signs are there. Some are upfront about their unhappiness while others are hidden it by overly posting stories & selfies. Their taking post of moments, but are they really living it? Are they really enjoying it? Are they happy? Seems like that but you see the signs. Like their partying too much, look like their high all the time, looking tired, losing weight, over using makeup, etc. For me those signs are usually ppl with a mental health problem that is deep down depressed. I know those signs since if yous been following my blogs know I have ASD & mental health issues. But at least I’m upfront about it. It should be talk about cause it’s an issue that maybe you have to & my story will help you or others out. Also I post positive comments online. I keep my negative thoughts to myself usually unless it gets to be addressed.
Also on social media there’s also a lot of negativity. Ppl abusing each other, sending awful stuff in DMs, etc. I mean for the ones who follow the models. How many times have you seen their post/rants about guys sending dick pics, abusing them, etc? It’s daily and it’s not doing the females went at all. It’s wrong but usually those guys who do that are uneducated loners who have terrible lifes. Their isolated and unlucky with females cause they treat them bad, shut them down or ignore them. And it’s damaged them to think of two things in their mind. Maybe girls like to see my dick to impress them or troll them cause they hate what they done to them. I know it’s wrong and pathetic but remember that the ones who troll you are the more damaged ones. Best to block them and move on. It’s their problem. I know it’s a pain and needs to be controlled. Also addressed too. It’s awful overall. If any of yous who do send dick pics to girls please stop it. It’s not cool or right. If you are going to DM them. How about talking to them. But bear in mind that their not going to reply or even talk to you. And this is the best advice when you’re on social media or the internet. Don’t take it seriously.
It’s best to take it with a grain of salt. I know it’s overwhelming at times but if it is take a break from it and enjoy face to face socialising. Any interest or hobbies you do, do it instead of online time. Trust me it does the brain good. You shouldn’t rely on the social media. It can be unhealthy and lead down a bad road to can’t drive out off.
You ever wonder why many females talk about mental health & that. Is cause they usually have to deal with the worst of the internet. Guys who don’t abuse or troll ppl are never talk to, barely anyone likes or comments on their post and their online addictions is basically driving them apart from a social life. It’s awful.
We live in a depression epidemic. And social media is one of the causes of it. Theirs social justice that blow things out of proportion. Theirs gender wars. Girls hate men and men abuse girls. It’s getting ridiculous and it’s such a shame that this is our world. But it is. So much unnecessary negativity and hatred. Insecurity from overposters. A lot of false positives from ppl with hidden negative agendas. It’s out of control.
So yeah how to solve this? One is simply be a positive person. Don’t let negativity put you down. Ignore it, block it. You can do it. Also help each other out. Don’t be afraid to talk about how down, alone, awful you feel. Someone will talk to you. That problem very common. So don’t be afraid to talk about it. Meet ppl and be the positive person in that person’s life. Help each other out. Ppl just need other ppl to cope and be there for them. That’s what it’s about and I feel like social media is socially disconnected ppl from other ppl. It’s a problem. So don’t rely on them. Real face to face socialising is the way forward to true happiness.
Sure things are overwhelming but don’t be afraid to talk. That’s the cool thing about this site is that we’re all want positive things and positive ppl. Not many like it left. I think it’s cool. I know it’s hard to trust ppl online. Cause you don’t know really. I think that’s why I think social media as a social platform isn’t the best course. It’s more negative than positive these days. That’s why I’m only on here & Snapchat. Snapchat is the same problem too. Like all social medias. But it’s more controlled Snapchat. Unlike Instagram which is imo along with Twitter are awful places.
So basically remember that everyone is different and everyone has problems. Best to always be kind to everyone cause it’s really needed. The depression epidemic will end once ppl start help other ppl and actually giving a shit. It has to start or otherwise humanity will fall. Treat each other with kindness. Like Jerry Springer will say “take care of yourselves and each other”.
Also it’s not just me. I think Elon Musk said it best. Here’s the video with him on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I couldn’t agree more.
Thanks for reading and even liking this. It means a lot to me cause this is been on my mind a lot. Hopefully yous are doing well and enjoying ur lives. I just want nothing but the best for good positive ppl like yous. Hopefully yous are well and find this blog helpful. Anyway thank you all for reading this, commenting if yous are and liking this blog. I do appreciate it. Yous are the best. Til next time, take care of yourselves and each other peeps! 😎🤘🏻