Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well. So I’ve been thinking of doing a Halloween themed blog and I also thought about showing my playlist for a while too since I like to share my favourite tunes. Used to do it all the time on my old Instagram account but I kinda stop doing it for some reason. Idk why cause ppl liked it. And I like posting my favourite tunes to all cause who doesn’t. It’s awesome to see ppl’s taste in things. Tells a lot about the person imo. That’s what music is, it’s a personal thing and it’s best tool to cope with. It’s chicken soup for the soul as they say (idk it’s a saying Stone Cold said in WWE back in 2001, god I miss THAT WWE not the current one lol)
So there’s been a lot of kick arse music videos over the years. Idk these days since I don’t listen to a lot of newer music. But the best music videos are horror themed. Their dark, gritty and creative. A lot of effort is put into them and I think it’s shows, it’s some of the best music videos ever. Well imo. If you have one, let it in the comments below.
Anyway here’s my Halloween playlist
Yeah there’s going to be a lot of metal here but give it a chance cause the music videos are awesome. This is no different. Cradle Of Filth are alright but imo not the best. But I do love their music videos, very creative and it’s full of dark gothic settings. This one is a creepy twist to a Fairytale. Girl is in the woods, a dark demon lurking in the shadows and chasing her. While the band plays. Also that lumberjack dude was creepy. Given me nightmares as a kid lol. Imo it’s Cradle’s best song, badarse!! 😎🤘🏻
Talk about creepy as fuck lol. Yeah this give me nightmares. I think this is the scariest video ever. And I’m good with horror, I don’t get scared easily. But this is next level creepy. The faces on the kids, the demonic face on the TV and that demon scream to the old woman. It’s fucking creepy and I love it. You been warned. But I admire how creative and balls out it was. Check it out if ur strong enough.
Well.....this is just gory, disgusting and creepy at the same time. Japan know their horror and know how to be wtf lol. Dir En Grey are a pretty awesome metal band in general and underrated imo. Prefer them over Crossfaith who imo are shite lol. I like how original and odd their music is. And their music videos are pretty gory, bloody, disgusting, etc so if you don’t have a strong stomach don’t watch. It is pretty out there lol. But I like how far they take it. Not for the faint hearted but that’s why Halloween rocks. 🎃🤘🏻
Tool is one of my favourite bands of all time. Some of my favourite albums are theirs. But boy their music videos are weird lol. Hard to pick one since their music videos are weird as fuck lol. But their creative and interesting in it’s oddness. I know theirs meaning in the videos they do but still weird as fuck but awesome at a shame time. I pick this one since it’s my favourite tune from Tool. Check it out and their other videos, they are weird but awesome!
Out of all the music videos, this one is probably has the story imo. It’s a dark disturbing story about a man who was in the war who has lost his arms, legs and ability to speak, begging for death. Yeah pretty dark but it’s really an awesome anti war message in the song & video. A lot of the footage is from the 1974 film Johnny Got His Gun. Haven’t seen the film but this music video kicks arse & definitely Metallica’s Best video imo.
Like how gothic this one is. Rammstein had some fuck up videos who this is another to pick one but I love this one. Since I love the gothic setting and I love werewolves lol. Check it out.
It wouldn’t be Halloween without Marilyn Manson. The god of fuck, the anti god, the gothfather. Take your pick lol. This is probably his best video but again another tough pick but I think the visuals are creepier in this video. Great music video but Manson is always having kick arse videos so no surprise. Tbh it’s not my favourite Manson but this is probably the creepiest of his videos imo so that’s why I picked it. (If you’re wondering my favourite Manson video is Coma White)
Rob Zombie himself is basically all about Halloween, dude is badarse. His horror films are not bad either, well imo I didn’t like the Halloween remake he done but his stand alone films were good. This video is basically Halloween written all over it. All the classic footages of old school monster films in the video and yeah it’s an instant classic. Fucking awesome! 😎🤘🏻
A tribute to old school zombie films in this one. Totally love this tune. I’m a big fan of zombie films, games and everything zombie related...well besides The Walking Dead lol. This video is like something out of a George Romero film and it kicks arse. Super awesome!
Sadly it’s the audio since I can’t find the music video for this classic on YouTube, their copyright issues are a pain in the arse. But trust me the music video is awesome. It’s basically Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde inspired video as Ozzy is a mad scientist who turns into werewolf (yeah another werewolf inspired music video) and it kicks arse. Yeah sucks I can’t share the music video. But I’m sure yous saw it already and love it, I know I do. Timeless!! 😎🤘🏻
So that’s my favourites so far. I do have honourable mentions. Halloween themed videos, awesome in their own right but I feel those above me are the best but these are awesome too...
And that’s my Halloween playlist. Thank you for checking this out. I appreciate it. I thought sharing my favourite Halloween themed music videos was a good idea for a blog. If yous got any I missed, comment away letting me know. There’s more disturbing videos than the ones I shared from Cattle Decapitation, etc but I don’t want to get into trouble or offend anyone so I left those off. And also it’s extremely violent so idk if it’s against the rules but look it up on google & you’ll find Cattle Decapitation’s Forced Gender Reassignment somewhere. I don’t recommend it as it’s fucking sick & disturbing but it’s up to yous. For hardcores only, so thought I’ll mention that.
That’s the good thing about horror themed videos. There’s different levels. Some creative, some dark, some gritty, some fun, some gory, some weird, some disturbing and some scary. That’s why their the best. No matter what they hold your attention. Theirs something about them that just connects to ppl. Halloween is my favourite time of the year. I love Horror. It’s so versatile much like Sci Fi, single player video games and rock/metal music. Always entertaining no matter who you are. That’s why it kicks arse!!
Anyway that’s my blog done. Thank you for reading and checking out the videos. Hope you enjoy them. Leave a comment below what you’re favourites are and chat away. Until then see you in my next blog. Take care peeps!! 😎🤘🏻