Hey everyone, hope you’re all well and good. Since I’m back & improving. Thought I’ll share my favourite sets I’ve seen recently. Do my part on supporting the SG girls and their work. Ppl get the wrong idea that “oh you look at girls naked, ur a perv” and all that. But I just rub it off cause imo it’s art. I look at nudes as exotic art and I respect it. And yeah I admire the body beautiful with the female kind. A lot of men abuse it and I believe it’s not right. I believe the girls who do this job should be respected and not be treated like garbage. It is a hard job. And I think naysayers are uneducated judgmental fools & the abusers sad lonely ppl who need to go outside & seek help lol. But yeah I think I’m boring you with this preaching talk of mine. I know I ramble on lol. But yeah I have to say it cause it’s true, so anyway onto the sets....
Seeking Wolves from @blaizee
Yeah definitely recommend checking this out. Great lass to talk to you too. Can’t go wrong. I always love cosplay sets so yeah it’s great.
Yeah very good set. So gorgeous. I like. 😊
If Walls Could Talk by @marble_
I like people in glasses, it’s something about them (Hint it’s because I wear glasses, us specs stick together lol 🤓) but yeah great set, check it out! 👍🏻
Wow such a great set, so gorgeous. Love the penthouse setting since I always wanted to stay in a hotel like that, can imagine the views and then get scared cause I’m afraid of heights lol. But yeah awesome set, stunning! 😊
Great set overall and she looks great but I also pick it cause it’s named after my favourite Lacuna Coil album lol. Who are one of my favourite bands so yeah good excuse right? Lol. Yeah check the set out! 😊👍🏻
Yeah great set, very cute. Definitely as beautiful as a rose for sure (oh god how cheesy does that sound, I’m cool honest lol jk) definitely check it out!
Under The Cute Skirt by @avari
Gingers do have souls and their also gorgeous too lol. But yeah it’s a great set & she’s gorgeous. Check it out! 😊
Holy batsmokes lol. Yeah another cosplay set, well it is close to Halloween after all. And I’m a Batman guy so yeah. Great set Maria, check it out!
She’s Got Claws by @rubyalexia
From the dark middle earth, my favourite Elf lol. Yeah we talk about Skyrim and the elf thing just stuck lol. But yeah one of my favourites. Recently got a print from her since I joined her OnlyFans recently. Definitely worth subscribing to btw. She’s a nice lass as well as being gorgeous. Also in a metal band, fuck yeah. What more you want lol. Yeah great set and top work from @tripodski who’s one of my favourite photographers on here. Definitely check his work out, it kicks arse or if ur newbie model. Hit him up. 😊👍🏻
Such a gorgeous smile. Awesome set, she looks great. Check it out and show some love as it says on the tin lol.
Who doesn’t love a bath/shower set? I know I do, it’s hot but beautiful. Great set and yeah check it out! 😊
Anyway that’s enough for now. I’ll do this often. Do my part to promote great set from the gorgeous girls of SG cause yeah why not. Hope you like it and enjoy the sets I feature on this blog. You like this idea. I got this idea from @xheartswornx who does this too. I probably won’t do it too often since I’m busy with life and cooking stuff basically. So if you like this, let me know. Like hearing about it. Comment, like, etc. Anyway thank you for checking this blog out and reading it if you did lol. Anyway thank you very much, take care Mofos! 😎🤘🏻