I work up this morning and, as usual, I have a ton to do. But man, it's the weekend and I could use a mental break. I've thus been in bed all day, glorying in Tivo. I finally watched Waiting for Guffman, which I had been saving for a few weeks. Funny flick, and made me flashback to my high school drama days. Right now...
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awww..that sucks about you having to cancel plans to dragoncon. but thanks! i will 

Yeah, we had a really good show there last year, but it's just too much with GenCon the week before. That show was supposed to be earlier in August, but the Brickyard 500 (some stupid car race apparently) up and moved their dates to the same weekend so GenCon decided to push back a couple of weeks. Bah.
I am in the midst of a huge project. It's the biggest and most important job of my game design career. It's eating up my nights and days and I still need to do a ton more work. Plus I have a major convention in a couple of weeks. Coming to the SG site is a nice get-away. It's away from my business and my...
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Prame, what took you so long to find a sweet porn site?
By the way, I hope you have a smoother ride with BL than we did with GW proper. Our approval process was hell in a cell for about a year.
And congrats! I wanted to do d20 conversions of some of the characters a while back for a fun section of the Sabertooth site, but never got around to it.

By the way, I hope you have a smoother ride with BL than we did with GW proper. Our approval process was hell in a cell for about a year.
And congrats! I wanted to do d20 conversions of some of the characters a while back for a fun section of the Sabertooth site, but never got around to it.
ooh i love warhamer thats cool