I seem to have single-handed killed the "Poetry Kicks Ass" group on here with my last poem, "Peach." No one has posted anything new since I put that one up on August Third
It's the last week of Summer classes for me and I have a big old project due on Thursday that I have so much to do on...
Constructing a three week unit plan for teaching literature to high school kids... It occurs to me that I need to not put such things off to the last week as this requires a lot more thought and work than a simple research paper...
It's the last week of Summer classes for me and I have a big old project due on Thursday that I have so much to do on...
Constructing a three week unit plan for teaching literature to high school kids... It occurs to me that I need to not put such things off to the last week as this requires a lot more thought and work than a simple research paper...

as far as israel, yes, there is a mandatory national service, which is either army or some other national job, such as parks department. i beleive you can choose, but most people choose the army, unless they have religious or moral obligations.
when i took the last the essay question was to argue one side of the mandatory national service possibilty here in the us, and i argued for it, based on how it works in israel.
I'd also like to see it, regardless of whether you need help or not. I love this stuff. I'd really like to teach a college lit class someday.