Sometimes trying to find something meaningful in this life is as difficult as finding deeper meaning in a Dick and Jane book.
I could've continued my health insurance through COBRA for $1020.00 a month. Is that a fucking joke or what?That's only about 200.00 less than what I'd get from unemployment a month, if I were getting it... Speaking of COBRA, maybe if I joined I could get my picture taken with Destro and the Baroness. How sweet would that be?
Howard Bloom makes some interesting points about social isolation in his book, "The Lucifer Principle." It's on my recommended reading list.
If you're out and about and hear Queens of the Stone Age off in the distance, it could be me in my truck. I've been cranking "Millionaire" from "Songs for the Deaf" at optimum levels just to demonstrate that rap fans aren't the only people on the roads discourteous enough to have their music turned up really loud at intersections and stoplights.
I'm going to go to the gym now.
I could've continued my health insurance through COBRA for $1020.00 a month. Is that a fucking joke or what?That's only about 200.00 less than what I'd get from unemployment a month, if I were getting it... Speaking of COBRA, maybe if I joined I could get my picture taken with Destro and the Baroness. How sweet would that be?
Howard Bloom makes some interesting points about social isolation in his book, "The Lucifer Principle." It's on my recommended reading list.
If you're out and about and hear Queens of the Stone Age off in the distance, it could be me in my truck. I've been cranking "Millionaire" from "Songs for the Deaf" at optimum levels just to demonstrate that rap fans aren't the only people on the roads discourteous enough to have their music turned up really loud at intersections and stoplights.
I'm going to go to the gym now.
I had Beethoven's Ninth playing at unhealthy levels in my car the other day....
I need both people that act and people that stand around. I really need all of the help that I can get... so let me know if you're interested