Though I'd joke about ditching my extended family to hang out with cool tattooed people, I couldn't disappoint my four year old nephew who for some reason thinks I'm the coolest thing since cheese and crackers.
** Public Service Announcement**
Always have some sexy person with opposing genitalia apply the sunblock to your body. Doing it yourself leads to some nasty bad red patterns on your
9:30 Monday Night
I wrote this a few years ago. It's not the worst thing I've ever written...
Words cut
like jagged window glass
I am broken in pieces
like a toy tucked behind the couch
The searchlight that memory is
scans four walls and me
alone on the floor
Illuminating nothing that the adult
ever really wanted to see
Was it so?
My first attempts at poetry
I, a fish caught in a dwindling pool
Thrashing about, dying on the edge?
Because words have edges
And they cut little boys
Now I sit
Grasping bits of memory
That flow through my hands like water
Trying to fashion them into something
To stop the childs tears
From adding to the pool
In which I am
I haven't done anything new lately since I've been spending all my time taking first aid classes, doing course work, chasing my nephew around the South Haven Beach, working on building shelves in the basement, and doing yardwork... I'm tired and my Fruit Loops taste like shit tonight...
9:50 Monday. My new favorite word is "Fucko."

** Public Service Announcement**
Always have some sexy person with opposing genitalia apply the sunblock to your body. Doing it yourself leads to some nasty bad red patterns on your
9:30 Monday Night
I wrote this a few years ago. It's not the worst thing I've ever written...
Words cut
like jagged window glass
I am broken in pieces
like a toy tucked behind the couch
The searchlight that memory is
scans four walls and me
alone on the floor
Illuminating nothing that the adult
ever really wanted to see
Was it so?
My first attempts at poetry
I, a fish caught in a dwindling pool
Thrashing about, dying on the edge?
Because words have edges
And they cut little boys
Now I sit
Grasping bits of memory
That flow through my hands like water
Trying to fashion them into something
To stop the childs tears
From adding to the pool
In which I am
I haven't done anything new lately since I've been spending all my time taking first aid classes, doing course work, chasing my nephew around the South Haven Beach, working on building shelves in the basement, and doing yardwork... I'm tired and my Fruit Loops taste like shit tonight...
9:50 Monday. My new favorite word is "Fucko."

I don't man, cheese and crackers are pretty fucking rad.
Eh... he's not really my boy. He wants to stay friends for now and see where it takes us once we talk some more. We're still free to date other people.