I may have a broken ankle, it's at least severly twisted/sprained. I was running through Brown Hall during and after class (it's too tempting during Summer classes when the building is empty) and I slipped on the stairs and turned it the wrong way. The funniest part is that I was running down to the first floor to get some M&Ms from the vending machine. No one saw me. Damn.
I'm not going to the doctor either, no job, no insurance, no money for x-rays since my unemployment check is weeks over due. I love Michigan. I'm leaving as soon as Bush gets re-elected. Actually if that fucking retard gets re-elected I'm moving to the Australian outback. You think I'm kidding? I'm serious as sin. This country is going to hell in a handbasket. "Peace through war, strength through ignorance." Shades of 1984. I want out before they start rounding up intellectuals and shooting them...
I'm not going to the doctor either, no job, no insurance, no money for x-rays since my unemployment check is weeks over due. I love Michigan. I'm leaving as soon as Bush gets re-elected. Actually if that fucking retard gets re-elected I'm moving to the Australian outback. You think I'm kidding? I'm serious as sin. This country is going to hell in a handbasket. "Peace through war, strength through ignorance." Shades of 1984. I want out before they start rounding up intellectuals and shooting them...

Brown usually is pretty damn barren during the summer. I can understand the desire to run through the halls.