this is a journal for my birthday.
sushi will have to come later for i am tired and do not wish to resize them all.
my birthday.
my birthday had ups my birthday had downs.
it was indeed but a day.
it started off with a silly girl who looked like this.
and then she had yam brulee.
her favourite thing.
and then went off to the grind.
and waited for some time.
but didn't mind at all.
although becoming self concious, the tiara [now feeling like this was unfortunate] was removed from it's most noble perch a top my head.
then drama ensued.
which i don't particularly understand.
but i hope it has been resolved.
dinner happened.
with three wonderful boys.
and of course you want to see my pretty dinner dates.
we had greens and gourmet.
which i had never done before.
mmmmy goodness.
that's some tasty shit.
i recieved the cutest fucking card.
[let's have the pity party bit]
my only one of the year.
but seriously.
so i took a picture.
and then off to north vancouver to watch two very talented boys play beautiful music.
mister s_eldorado has quite talented friends.
[one of whom mixes a mean drink]
i don't know why he looks so angry.
but i think it could have been he was jealous of my ice cream.
i had inappropriate thoughts about my ice cream.
my cherry mania ice cream.
it was lovely.
so lovely in fact i had two.
there were camera wars.
and then we moved on.
to see some lovely people.
and more of mister s_eldorado's talented friends.
my can that little rebecca sing.
blow jobs.
my goodness.
they're good.
like seriously.
especially when you get a little on your face.
i don't have any pictures of this part of the evening.
i was busy being amazed by rebecca's singing.
you might want to bug a certain someone else who had a camera for more and better pictures.
then we were off again.
because boys need their rest.
to subeez we went.
because i wasn't hungry.
i ate most of the boy's nachos.
and drank my favourite drink.
well perhaps i like blow jobs better.
but that could just be the charming way you get to drink them.
but mmmmmmm...blow jobs.
off on a tangent a little.
my birthday was over.
we were leaving the restaurant.
i had a lovely view.
i love night shot on my camera.
but then.
but then we had a little ouchie.
which lead to my silly ass getting taken to the hospital.
some x-rays.
some pain killers.
and a fair bit of soft tissue damage that i'm trying to ignore.
but bugger does it fucking hurt.
and being me.
i took a picture.
i should really have my poor bloody arm in a sling.
but i don't want that attentinon.
i'll get over it.
and get one tomorrow.
until then possums.
and my sushi pictures.
good night.
[ps. to the three wonderful boys who i hung out with on my birthday, you made my night, my day, my week- thank you so very much]
sushi will have to come later for i am tired and do not wish to resize them all.
my birthday.
my birthday had ups my birthday had downs.
it was indeed but a day.
it started off with a silly girl who looked like this.

and then she had yam brulee.
her favourite thing.
and then went off to the grind.
and waited for some time.
but didn't mind at all.
although becoming self concious, the tiara [now feeling like this was unfortunate] was removed from it's most noble perch a top my head.
then drama ensued.
which i don't particularly understand.
but i hope it has been resolved.
dinner happened.
with three wonderful boys.
and of course you want to see my pretty dinner dates.

we had greens and gourmet.
which i had never done before.
mmmmy goodness.
that's some tasty shit.
i recieved the cutest fucking card.
[let's have the pity party bit]
my only one of the year.
but seriously.
so i took a picture.

and then off to north vancouver to watch two very talented boys play beautiful music.
mister s_eldorado has quite talented friends.
[one of whom mixes a mean drink]

i don't know why he looks so angry.
but i think it could have been he was jealous of my ice cream.

i had inappropriate thoughts about my ice cream.
my cherry mania ice cream.
it was lovely.
so lovely in fact i had two.
there were camera wars.

and then we moved on.
to see some lovely people.
and more of mister s_eldorado's talented friends.
my can that little rebecca sing.
blow jobs.
my goodness.
they're good.
like seriously.
especially when you get a little on your face.
i don't have any pictures of this part of the evening.
i was busy being amazed by rebecca's singing.
you might want to bug a certain someone else who had a camera for more and better pictures.
then we were off again.
because boys need their rest.
to subeez we went.
because i wasn't hungry.
i ate most of the boy's nachos.
and drank my favourite drink.
well perhaps i like blow jobs better.
but that could just be the charming way you get to drink them.
but mmmmmmm...blow jobs.
off on a tangent a little.
my birthday was over.
we were leaving the restaurant.
i had a lovely view.

i love night shot on my camera.
but then.
but then we had a little ouchie.
which lead to my silly ass getting taken to the hospital.
some x-rays.
some pain killers.
and a fair bit of soft tissue damage that i'm trying to ignore.
but bugger does it fucking hurt.

and being me.
i took a picture.
i should really have my poor bloody arm in a sling.
but i don't want that attentinon.
i'll get over it.
and get one tomorrow.
until then possums.
and my sushi pictures.
good night.

[ps. to the three wonderful boys who i hung out with on my birthday, you made my night, my day, my week- thank you so very much]
So it turns out that it was on the receipt after all, so your phone should be working now, that is if you've charged it and have it with you, sooooo yah odds are slim.
Please post here, if you haven't already!!!