so. saltspring.
prepare for a photo journal and inane babbling.
first a picture of my new hair.
saltspring was lovely.
i had lovely escorts.
lovely, lovely, lovely.
there was a late ferry and playing in a playground.
[which is a lot more fun when you have a larry to spin you]
which lead to falling down.
there was pirate talk.
and really bad burgers.
followed by a vending machine, which wouldn't take my money for i did not have exact change.
driving in the dark and fear of directions.
but we arrived.
[this is a picture where i don't really know where it fits]
and then.
then there was steve.
poor steve.
i love steve.
but really poor, misguided steve.
do not talk about respect when you're trespassing on my porch steve.
and no dear, you're really not a threat.
then we talked.
and steve heard.
anal rape and all.
steve left early the next morning, never to return.
too bad.
we missed you steve.
larry did a puzzle.
apparently in record time.
off to market we went.
after much cuddling.
there was a fondness for baked goods.
cookies, nanaimo bars, scooby snacks and pies.
there was swimming.
without much clothes.
reading on the dock.
and canoe paddling.
there was a good lot of nice swimming in lovely autumn waters.
which lead to the next great activity.
operation frigid ass was in effect.
neocitran, hot water bottles and the stealing of body heat.
somewhere around this time there was peeing.
the urination of steve's belongings.
there was need for food by now.
so off we trot to gvm.
there were aubergines.
then it became pound'o'meat night.
fucking tasty.
which tuckered out a poor monkey man so he headed off to bed.
there was epic fucking sorry playing.
close games are best.
larry unfortunately lost that game.
but was best two out of three.
there was some sleeping involved.
and then more ferries.
followed by some pie.
dropped off too soon.
but we will again.
go to ssi.
prepare for a photo journal and inane babbling.
first a picture of my new hair.

saltspring was lovely.
i had lovely escorts.
lovely, lovely, lovely.
there was a late ferry and playing in a playground.
[which is a lot more fun when you have a larry to spin you]
which lead to falling down.
there was pirate talk.
and really bad burgers.
followed by a vending machine, which wouldn't take my money for i did not have exact change.
driving in the dark and fear of directions.
but we arrived.
[this is a picture where i don't really know where it fits]

and then.
then there was steve.
poor steve.
i love steve.
but really poor, misguided steve.
do not talk about respect when you're trespassing on my porch steve.
and no dear, you're really not a threat.
then we talked.
and steve heard.
anal rape and all.
steve left early the next morning, never to return.
too bad.
we missed you steve.
larry did a puzzle.
apparently in record time.

off to market we went.
after much cuddling.
there was a fondness for baked goods.
cookies, nanaimo bars, scooby snacks and pies.
there was swimming.
without much clothes.
reading on the dock.
and canoe paddling.
there was a good lot of nice swimming in lovely autumn waters.
which lead to the next great activity.
operation frigid ass was in effect.
neocitran, hot water bottles and the stealing of body heat.

somewhere around this time there was peeing.
the urination of steve's belongings.
there was need for food by now.
so off we trot to gvm.
there were aubergines.

then it became pound'o'meat night.

fucking tasty.
which tuckered out a poor monkey man so he headed off to bed.

there was epic fucking sorry playing.
close games are best.

larry unfortunately lost that game.

but was best two out of three.
there was some sleeping involved.
and then more ferries.
followed by some pie.
dropped off too soon.
but we will again.
go to ssi.
good to see you.. thanks for coming...
I like your hair.
And happy belated birthday (whatever its worth, ynow, from that one time we met.)