i'm only updating so i can stop being cross.
so i will quote a faerie poem:
looking glass faeries and looking glass elves.
are always so anxious to peer at themselves,
and glancing,
whenever they pass,
and stopping,
to look in the glass.
how can i be quick when i'm brushing my hair?
i can't see myself when the faeries are there.
looking glass faeries at night often try
to tip up the glass till it shows them the sky.
and blinking,
they watch for the moon.
and creeping,
she'll come up very soon.
how can i be tucked up?
- i don't think it's fair!
i can't go to sleep while the faeries are there.
little poems that remind me of being little always are sure to make me smile.
make me grin and think a while.
i can quote so many things.
the joys a quirky childhood brings.
my neighbourhood is having a garage sale tomorrow.
i can't understand.
that's how i feel about the whole business.
bloody garage sales.
can't they just...
please save me from the insanity that is a suburban garbage sale.
i'm going to bed, sweet dreams.
question of the day:
read any good books lately?
if not, what's your favourite?
i'm only updating so i can stop being cross.
so i will quote a faerie poem:
looking glass faeries and looking glass elves.
are always so anxious to peer at themselves,
and glancing,
whenever they pass,
and stopping,
to look in the glass.
how can i be quick when i'm brushing my hair?
i can't see myself when the faeries are there.
looking glass faeries at night often try
to tip up the glass till it shows them the sky.
and blinking,
they watch for the moon.
and creeping,
she'll come up very soon.
how can i be tucked up?
- i don't think it's fair!
i can't go to sleep while the faeries are there.

little poems that remind me of being little always are sure to make me smile.
make me grin and think a while.
i can quote so many things.
the joys a quirky childhood brings.
my neighbourhood is having a garage sale tomorrow.
i can't understand.

that's how i feel about the whole business.
bloody garage sales.
can't they just...
please save me from the insanity that is a suburban garbage sale.

i'm going to bed, sweet dreams.
question of the day:
read any good books lately?
if not, what's your favourite?
Stop being so sexy all the time will you!
no wait don't stop actually, it's hot.