the good news in my life first.
always first.
because who would want to die with just bad news in their throats.
my camera seems to be working. sort of. which is nice. quite nice actually.
there is a lovely boy i know, who is rediculously friendly and i've grown quite attached to him.
or maybe i just like him for his heavy bag.
speaking of, i want one.
i want so badly now.
i felt much better this morning pouncing around with my tits out in panties doing my best punches and things.
i think i will ask someone to show me how to do it properly though.
i think i looked like a dying chicken.
but FUN. ohmigoodness.
it shouldn't be.
now i have bruises, bruises on my knuckles.
bruises that feel nice and look nice.
apparently the focus with my punches comes along my ring and middle fingers.
and now i want a skipping rope.
i don't know.
but i do.
it just seems like a lot of fun and it's a pretty nice day today.
and i just said to myself when i looked outside while trying to beat up the heavy bag, i wish i had a skipping rope.
it's the right kind of day for rope skipping.
that's my bruisey knuckle.
well sort of, you cannot -really- see them well.
i think that's enough delay.
the bad news.
doctors are not helpful.
so i have to seek my own solution.
or something.
and i'm quite distraught over it and desparately trying to hide that fact.
i just want to know what's wrong with me so i can get on with life.
i wish i had a friend nearby.
like debra used to be.
someone who is able to come over all the time and play.
i would want to go on walks with this person.
and make delicious snacks and drinks.
while being healthy though.
since that's what i'm trying to do.
and laugh.
i want to laugh most of all.
things are just so god damned confusing.
i wish.
i wish.
i wish.
at least my bruised up knuckles are sexy.
always first.
because who would want to die with just bad news in their throats.
my camera seems to be working. sort of. which is nice. quite nice actually.
there is a lovely boy i know, who is rediculously friendly and i've grown quite attached to him.
or maybe i just like him for his heavy bag.
speaking of, i want one.
i want so badly now.
i felt much better this morning pouncing around with my tits out in panties doing my best punches and things.
i think i will ask someone to show me how to do it properly though.
i think i looked like a dying chicken.
but FUN. ohmigoodness.
it shouldn't be.
now i have bruises, bruises on my knuckles.
bruises that feel nice and look nice.
apparently the focus with my punches comes along my ring and middle fingers.
and now i want a skipping rope.
i don't know.
but i do.
it just seems like a lot of fun and it's a pretty nice day today.
and i just said to myself when i looked outside while trying to beat up the heavy bag, i wish i had a skipping rope.
it's the right kind of day for rope skipping.

that's my bruisey knuckle.
well sort of, you cannot -really- see them well.
i think that's enough delay.
the bad news.
doctors are not helpful.
so i have to seek my own solution.
or something.
and i'm quite distraught over it and desparately trying to hide that fact.
i just want to know what's wrong with me so i can get on with life.
i wish i had a friend nearby.
like debra used to be.
someone who is able to come over all the time and play.
i would want to go on walks with this person.
and make delicious snacks and drinks.
while being healthy though.
since that's what i'm trying to do.
and laugh.
i want to laugh most of all.
things are just so god damned confusing.
i wish.
i wish.
i wish.
at least my bruised up knuckles are sexy.
I think that they would most definitely be sexy.
The punching bag is indeed one of the greatest things ever.