i'm quite bored.
quite bored indeed.
i just finished dancing around to silly music taking pictures of myself.
so yay for new avatars.
this is what happens when you leave a kumquat all alone with promises to come back on monday.
she puts tape x's on her tits and hops around with no shirt on.
-shakes head-
but what can you do?
i'm quite amused with how goofy i am when by myself.
much more so than normal.
who'd have thought?
so go look at my new pictures.

i'm quite bored.
quite bored indeed.
i just finished dancing around to silly music taking pictures of myself.
so yay for new avatars.
this is what happens when you leave a kumquat all alone with promises to come back on monday.
she puts tape x's on her tits and hops around with no shirt on.
-shakes head-
but what can you do?
i'm quite amused with how goofy i am when by myself.
much more so than normal.
who'd have thought?
so go look at my new pictures.

just for giggles.
no other reason.
they don't do anything for the boobage except make them sticky.
naked woman are more interesting naked because...they aren't.
it's the same.
maybe it's the theatrics involved?
don't know.
naked men are wonderful.
drink the root beer if you want it.
just brush your teeth after.
especially if it's santa cruz root beer, that stuff makes my cunt drip.
phew. monkey.
i thought you meant no fucking forever.
that's scary.
icky and awful.
don't do that.
her lips are soft like ..lovely soft things.
and taste of whiskey.
Yes, of course. In fact it was a bit of a trick question really. That said, Keaton does do that whole surviving the falling wall of a barn thing by standing where the window is. That's definitely up there on the Bad-Ass-O-Meter.
Still, Cleese owns.
Nice new profile pic! Me likey the hair and the boobage...