a much happier posting.
i will be moving.
into the the cave where i sleep the best.
which should be good for me.
i'm not so sure about the current resident of said cave but he assures me that i (hopefully) won't make him want to throttle me.
so yah.
i get to go to playland tomorrow.
which i have wanted to do for like..ever.
i've been trying to get someone to go with me for a few years.
and it never works out.
so it's little miss roomate's birthday tomorrow.
and she wants to go to playland.
so i'm so there.
like white on rice.
it shall be grand.
but i suspect hot, very hot.
that's okay.
i carry spf 85 with me wherever i go.
so i'll actually be getting out.
with people.
and not feeling like i'm watching the world go by.
it feels good just typing that.
in other news, i have a huge ass crush that has just gotten huger.
so, who wants to buy me a fos for my birthday?
or plane tickets to belle montreal??
that man makes me go

it's really quite silly.
and since it's been three years of this, non-ebbing flow of loveliness.
now it is absolutely my goal to get to see him.
yay for boys that you find in mmorpgs.
actually. change that.
yay for boys.
they're quite helpful for helping me sort my silly girl brain.

Neighbourhood friends!