It is absolutely pouring here and I'm out and about location scouting MMA & Boxing gyms for an upcoming thing.
I'd rather be in bed reading. So rainy. So cold. Too many muscle bound douche-bags.
My latest TVC goes to air this week but I'll likely never see it on TV. I haven't had an antenna plugged into my TV for more than ten years so I never see my ads unless I'm at someone else's house and it comes on. It also means if I am at your house and the TV is on you are going to lose me every time they go to break.
I get distracted and end up dissecting other peoples TVC's. Oh that's cool. I should do something like that. Oh that sucks. What the fuck were they thinking?
The coolest thing is that the one place I probably will get to see my ad is on the big screen at the movies. I saw one of my older ads in front BOYHOOD over the weekend. That never gets old.
Also BOYHOOD is fucking amazing and you should go see it in a cinema right now.
Go on. Do it.
I'll wait here.