So all of a sudden life got pretty good. It may have been like this for a while but it has taken till now to notice.
Work is busy but challenging, sure i have no love life to speak of but after my last debacle I've decided to be more discerning about who i couple with and be flat out honest from the first about what i want.
At the moment I'm having a ball remixing Nine Inch Nails songs in Garageband.
I was a huge NIN fan in my heartbroken angst driven teenage years but haven't really paid much attention to Mr Reznor and Co for many a year. Last week or so i randomly decide to download 'The Slip' and noticed the remix section on the website and its fucking awesome!!
I've fucked around mixing a couple of tracks and enjoying it no end. I have zero musical talent but i know a few audio programs in and out, having messed around with sound design for my own projects and TVC's i have directed.
The other thing I'm completely into at the moment is shooting video on the Cannon 5D MKII, Its amazing. Not quite film and not quite video it has this life and texture that is really unique and it has made me entirely reconsider how i plan on shooting my next short film.
I've been writing on my own work a little. Not as much as i would like but even a little is better than nothing.
I really want to move. I'm sick of my apartment. I've lived there for two and a bit years. Sure it is close to work (About twenty seconds. Seriously i live in the building next door to the one i work in) but i want a new view and somewhere void of memories of my many ex's.
and finally everyone that can should help out Levee and buy a print. I mean look at those eyes not to mention that ass.
Work is busy but challenging, sure i have no love life to speak of but after my last debacle I've decided to be more discerning about who i couple with and be flat out honest from the first about what i want.
At the moment I'm having a ball remixing Nine Inch Nails songs in Garageband.
I was a huge NIN fan in my heartbroken angst driven teenage years but haven't really paid much attention to Mr Reznor and Co for many a year. Last week or so i randomly decide to download 'The Slip' and noticed the remix section on the website and its fucking awesome!!
I've fucked around mixing a couple of tracks and enjoying it no end. I have zero musical talent but i know a few audio programs in and out, having messed around with sound design for my own projects and TVC's i have directed.
The other thing I'm completely into at the moment is shooting video on the Cannon 5D MKII, Its amazing. Not quite film and not quite video it has this life and texture that is really unique and it has made me entirely reconsider how i plan on shooting my next short film.
I've been writing on my own work a little. Not as much as i would like but even a little is better than nothing.
I really want to move. I'm sick of my apartment. I've lived there for two and a bit years. Sure it is close to work (About twenty seconds. Seriously i live in the building next door to the one i work in) but i want a new view and somewhere void of memories of my many ex's.
and finally everyone that can should help out Levee and buy a print. I mean look at those eyes not to mention that ass.