First Fridays; November 2nd, 2007
It's nice getting back on track towards First Fridays again. I wasn't able to set up for a few months because of personal issues and other arrangements. This month like many before, the Enlightened Art crew split up and everyone was pretty much on their own to sell their work independently. Jesse had his work being displayed in the 2 see Gallery down on 7th Ave and Derik was showing some of his pieces at the Holgus gallery. I was still stuck in the dirt selling magnets and prints and displaying my work right next to Holgus along Garfield and 3rd Street.
A few of my other friends helped me load my van up with the First Friday stuff and went on our way all crammed up in a little SUV. We arrived around the Art link area around 5pm and to our surprise everything along 3rd Street was taken. We drove around frantically trying to find a spot to set up and we spotted a little space next to the Holgus apartments on Garfield and set up a little table and pulled my SUV around to hang pictures on as a backdrop. We set up in no time and instantly had people looking at our stand.
The night went fairly well, we made a great profit and met some new admirers of my work along the way. I talked to the owners of the Holgus gallery and I might be able to get some pieces in their gallery next First Fridays. We'll see how it goes.
Thanks to everyone who made it out and I'll see you guys next First Fridays