So that's it. I was (and still will for issue #2) going to write (and have already started writing) a rant for this sassy lassies up 'n' coming zine, Elite Aesthetic called "I Hate Womyn".
But I'm going to write "Social Elitism; A Decision Every Woman Must Make for Herself".
It's going to be ultra neat-o. Just you wait and see.
What do you have to say about THAT?
But I'm going to write "Social Elitism; A Decision Every Woman Must Make for Herself".
It's going to be ultra neat-o. Just you wait and see.
What do you have to say about THAT?
My response was based totally on that short passage, which as you have revealed to me, was out of context of a much larger fictitious piece. I expanded it to a global scale for sake of argument. Even on a local government scale I would find it hard to believe that it could work.
I will try and respond as clearly as possible. I'm having a challenge here not to become lost in my own reasoning, and remain true only to what you have written, and nothing to what you have inferred.
I agree that there appear to be many humans who choose not to choose. Whether out of laziness, lack of self-empowerment, lack of faith, immaturity...whatever. America is not unique as a TV Nation. I wasn't saying what I was saying just to have some air moving between my lips.
Some background:
I live in Sweden with an antiquated social security system that is long overdue for review. It is a social system that makes necessary a total tax percentage of around 40%. That means for the average working class person, nearly half of his/her income is immediately given to the government. Something utterly unheard of in the US. I used to be working at the lowest income bracket. My tax was adjusted to 32%. Astrid Lindgren, the creator and writer of the Pippi Longstocking adventures once earned so much money from her world wide sales and popularity that she was charged - according to a system I believe never foresaw an income for a single person in the millions of dollars - 103% in tax. She was to pay the government more than she had earned!
Where does all this money go? Well, in defense of the Swedish system, we have excellent infrastructure - no rolling blackouts
But I suspect the biggest gobbler of tax revenue is social security. The system can be taken advantage of, and is. Many immigrants and local swedes both will work within the minimum requirements for receiving a social security check, and then live off it for a year. Perhaps they can pull it off longer, or go back, work a year, then laze away another year. I seen acquaintances do it. One for up to 8 years! A lot of immigrants - illegal and legal - come here with express intention of of making true the stories they heard that you could sit on your ass and get money. They certainly don't help the racial tension present here.
I didn't get help when I needed it because I wasn't qualified. I had to ask my parents for help occasionally in the first year or so here. But I haven't abused the system and I am annoyed that my tax money supports about 5 different alcoholics and drug abusers. Some of them younger them me. I have gone to a doctor once while I've been here. US$25 for a US$250 bill. In the system I am a good citizen. But I feel like I am punished with that 32% tax.
It's alright though. The system has given me an opportunity for education to better myself.
How do you design an elitist system that will leave me alone, but not the 5 drunks? How do you check that the 5 or so months I was jobless here trying to establish myself, I wasn't wasting government time? A weekly pee test? A social worker?
Back to your TV Nation and help with education. While I was at the AIS, I did indeed see a lot of kids throwing their gov't loans away. Partying, not showing up, underachieving. Because of circumstances in my own life, I started about 3 years later than most of them. My experiences being international and unique, I was a lot more mature and informed than they were. A LOT of these kids were in debt, whether they deserved it or not, before they were a useful member of society.
How will Lux's 'Eugenics' and your own Tom Robbins help these kids? Maturity and Discipline tend to be difficult concepts to teach to children, let alone adults 3 times their age. Neither seem to have anything to do with genetics or breeding, so perhaps Lux's ideals should be revised as 'Social Darwinist Eugenics'.
*sigh* I think I just wasted your time. I still managed to get lost. Oh well, now you are better informed about Sweden.
As always, thank you for the mental cattle-prod.
Agreed. Sombunall homeless people are responsible for their situation. I prefer to avoid this topic. As one who despite personal difficulties at times, has always just managed not to de-graduate to this income/social level, I feel unqualified to make any greater statement about it. Some are victims of the system, some are losers. But I've never been there myself.
I fully applaud your personal elitism. DO encourage those who have talent and potential. Don't bother with those who don't wish to lift a finger.
From a certain point of view, we have very little time here, so let it be spent with those worth our time and energy.
Kudra, I do this too. So I admit I am an elitist too, but limited to personal relations. I feel it won't work as well on a social or global scale and it can still be abused.
What is the basis for Oprah Winfrey's racism? Is there an article I missed?
(I'm sorry if my incessant query annoys you, but after just the briefest of exposure to Korzybski, Bourland and R.A.Wilson, bold statements like "Oprah Winfrey is a Racist" and the abuse of the pronoun "is" have made me review how I think and say things myself and be suspicious whenever it is used around me. See the above long passage where I have avoided definitive statements as much as possible, but not always)
Wow, I really pissed your friend off.