How was your Solstice???
Mine was pretty good. After my friend dicked me over by taking off for the beach and forgetting we were supposed to go out, I wound up getting to hang out with my friend Tim, who's fresh outta the slammer, and his girlfriend. Life is so strange sometimes I still can't quite get over certain aspects of it.
Was up unitl late late late. I hope this silly new fear is just in passing, and not some new permanent affliction that will forever effect my miraculous abilities at making things happen hard and fast.
I had one hell of a yummy doughnut last night too. With maple and yummy cereal crunchies embedded on top. Everyone go to Voodoo Doughnut between the Paris and Berbatis. Mmmmmm!
Mine was pretty good. After my friend dicked me over by taking off for the beach and forgetting we were supposed to go out, I wound up getting to hang out with my friend Tim, who's fresh outta the slammer, and his girlfriend. Life is so strange sometimes I still can't quite get over certain aspects of it.
Was up unitl late late late. I hope this silly new fear is just in passing, and not some new permanent affliction that will forever effect my miraculous abilities at making things happen hard and fast.
I had one hell of a yummy doughnut last night too. With maple and yummy cereal crunchies embedded on top. Everyone go to Voodoo Doughnut between the Paris and Berbatis. Mmmmmm!