Had a dream dogs were chasing me down a gravelly hill......really chasing me. I was kind of side ways moving down with my hand holding me up. I noticed gravel embedded in my knees.....scrapes....got to the bottom of the hill and kept running through a beautiful field. Field turned into road......dogs disappeared. I slow a bit but keep running. Road turns into hallway in an office building. I slow to a walk and open the door. It is like my favorite scene from 'Waking Life'. Black room, all I see are two big pillows for sitting on. I sit down cross legged and I drop out of the ceiling on the on to the other pillow.It's not me physically, but I know it's me. My male alter ego maybe. He says,"tell me something I don't already know," so I regurgitate something I was telling a friend the other day (in real life). About how some people with rough childhoods just move on and rise above it and they seem much older than everyone else. And others seem to retain a naive childlike ego they present to the world. He tells me he already knows that, and I tell him I know he knows everything I know but didn't feel like arguing the point to prove anything.
Then I woke up.
I know what the dogs represent. And I know I have no innocence left. Part of me feels like maybe I regained some in the last month with all that has gone on, but part of me knows I'm not so naive to give it much thought.
hail Santisima Muerte.
Then I woke up.
I know what the dogs represent. And I know I have no innocence left. Part of me feels like maybe I regained some in the last month with all that has gone on, but part of me knows I'm not so naive to give it much thought.

have you ever had someone you know in real life come to you in a dream and give you advice/omens/warnings? it's very strange, the way some personalities are projected like that...
hail indeed.
"donde fuego habia, cenizas quedan."
"It's a hardknock life"