Hey guys
Well from promising myself I would update more I have not done too well, but I'm bored at work, infact just trying to get a break, and thought I'd let you hear the mayhem of the last couple of weeks.
For the most part I've been working, but not just working I mean working my arse off. The boss has been away for 2 weeks and is now extending her holiday by two more days!!!! So any way I've been running the company as its just me and her, adn I've not been more stressed in my life-its really affected my friendships and stuff coz i've been in the office till eight some nights and have had no time to see friends and when i do I'm just tired so if any are reading, sorry but you know the situation. But its all coming to an end soon coz my boss in in tommrrow and then I'm away till wednesday next week. Visiting my mate in Manchester that i've known since i was 3 and then doing band stuff at the start of the week-know its all about the smiles
What else has happened-oh yes, went out friday for the first time in ages and got completely wasted. It was kind of a late birthday celebration,as I didnt get to go out on my actual day. Then went to reading festival on the Sunday!!!! Now that was awesome- incubus rule and Iron Maiden......what can I say? I grew up on them with my tight denim jeans and my denim jacket with patches all over it, and it was the first time i'd seen them Got a bit emotional coz of all the memories. Infact my mate in Machester was in to them at the same time, so I rang him during The Trooper.
The band is going great. We had a bit of a shake up regarding direction. It was kind of going dillenger escape plan, ion dissonance etc style, but it was getting far to complicated. We just aiming to make brutal riffs now, which is more fun in doing and screaming along to. We've also had some good news about contacts but cant really say until it happens-i'll keep you posted.
So thats kind of it until next time, I've met a couple more people here recently, one story in particular about trolley boy cheered up my day so thankyou. Have fun until next time, be safe and do everything that you are offered.
Well from promising myself I would update more I have not done too well, but I'm bored at work, infact just trying to get a break, and thought I'd let you hear the mayhem of the last couple of weeks.
For the most part I've been working, but not just working I mean working my arse off. The boss has been away for 2 weeks and is now extending her holiday by two more days!!!! So any way I've been running the company as its just me and her, adn I've not been more stressed in my life-its really affected my friendships and stuff coz i've been in the office till eight some nights and have had no time to see friends and when i do I'm just tired so if any are reading, sorry but you know the situation. But its all coming to an end soon coz my boss in in tommrrow and then I'm away till wednesday next week. Visiting my mate in Manchester that i've known since i was 3 and then doing band stuff at the start of the week-know its all about the smiles

What else has happened-oh yes, went out friday for the first time in ages and got completely wasted. It was kind of a late birthday celebration,as I didnt get to go out on my actual day. Then went to reading festival on the Sunday!!!! Now that was awesome- incubus rule and Iron Maiden......what can I say? I grew up on them with my tight denim jeans and my denim jacket with patches all over it, and it was the first time i'd seen them Got a bit emotional coz of all the memories. Infact my mate in Machester was in to them at the same time, so I rang him during The Trooper.
The band is going great. We had a bit of a shake up regarding direction. It was kind of going dillenger escape plan, ion dissonance etc style, but it was getting far to complicated. We just aiming to make brutal riffs now, which is more fun in doing and screaming along to. We've also had some good news about contacts but cant really say until it happens-i'll keep you posted.
So thats kind of it until next time, I've met a couple more people here recently, one story in particular about trolley boy cheered up my day so thankyou. Have fun until next time, be safe and do everything that you are offered.

Everything is pretty good. I have been quite busy, actually. Past week or so has been fairly un-busy though, for which I am grateful.
A course in film/animation sounds good. What job do you do? Its definitely better to do a course and learn something which you enjoy than to be in a job thats not really leading you anywhere.
Whats your bands website again? Ive been thinking a lot recently about how I wish I could play an instrument. Maybe one day Ill buy me a guitar and teach myself how to play.
Aw. I feel bad for you. Its so shitty to miss out on seeing a band. Society 1 played at the underworld in September, I wanted to see that but I lacked the funds. Same for As I Lay Dying a few weeks ago. Most of the time I miss out on shows because I dont have a fucking credit card to get tickets with.
Good luck with your big meeting thingy
Take care xx
Yes, I live in the big smoke (havent heard it called that before I like). I live in north London. Crouch end-ish nearest tubes are Finsbury Park and Archway. Bout half an hour from Camden and Kings cross. I do love London, from Hampstead heath to Leicester Square to Brick Lane. Its all good. Im really angry and upset that theyre getting rid of the Routemaster buses though
Aw I sympathize with you with the keys. Being penniless is hard. Funny thing though, the more money I have the more I seem to need. Hm.
I look forward to journal boosting and more pics!
Take care xx