So how's everyone all going?
Its been a while but not as long as usual-maybe I have turned over a new leaf?
All's kind of good-just struggling with my last few weeks at work. Its dragging so bad and all I want is the hols to party. My best mate is geeting his arse back to England for X mas having worked in Hong Kong taking over his dad's company (I'm sure I mentioned this last time...but cant remember). Anyway he's back Friday and its all kind of starting then.
My sis is taking me to her work Xmas ball-Black tie/tux stuff in a hotel in London. Everything is completely paid for food, room and boooooze!!!! That is goona be fun-I love my sis. She's a complete goddess and the coolest lady ever.
So on the sat it is the beginning of the stag weekend-this is the best mate's (whos coming back) brother. The day is indoor paintballing
then off out to behave like stags.....GGRRRR. (I dont know what noise stags make...not to many in London!!)
And finally I think sunday is gonna be a mission journey home but then a day being wrapped in a duvet watching comdey DVDs-best way to cure the soul.....oh with pint of tea and popcorn...mmmmmmmmm. No one to hug up to though which properly bums
Cuddles are the best and its one thing I miss about not being with the lady anymore. I'll just have to hug the cat!!!
What else has been going on? Had the worst journey from work on Friday night-was waiting in the freezing cold for 2 hrs and was supposed to be going out. After I had food and showered it was half nine, and i was so not sure if I wanted to go out. But forced myself too and had a lot of fun. The night went like this:
woke up the next day......
So thats kind of it really for the mo. I am actually at work on my own-looking after the office again so should really get back on with stuff. Oh last thing, might have to go a give a lecture to students about a design career!! Could be quite a laugh, but a bit underwear filling!!
Take care everyone and keep safe
x x
P.s should have some new band pics and vids going up soon so keep an eye out
P.P.s Go check out James-the pic at the end of the most recent journal entry is
Its been a while but not as long as usual-maybe I have turned over a new leaf?
All's kind of good-just struggling with my last few weeks at work. Its dragging so bad and all I want is the hols to party. My best mate is geeting his arse back to England for X mas having worked in Hong Kong taking over his dad's company (I'm sure I mentioned this last time...but cant remember). Anyway he's back Friday and its all kind of starting then.
My sis is taking me to her work Xmas ball-Black tie/tux stuff in a hotel in London. Everything is completely paid for food, room and boooooze!!!! That is goona be fun-I love my sis. She's a complete goddess and the coolest lady ever.
So on the sat it is the beginning of the stag weekend-this is the best mate's (whos coming back) brother. The day is indoor paintballing

And finally I think sunday is gonna be a mission journey home but then a day being wrapped in a duvet watching comdey DVDs-best way to cure the soul.....oh with pint of tea and popcorn...mmmmmmmmm. No one to hug up to though which properly bums

What else has been going on? Had the worst journey from work on Friday night-was waiting in the freezing cold for 2 hrs and was supposed to be going out. After I had food and showered it was half nine, and i was so not sure if I wanted to go out. But forced myself too and had a lot of fun. The night went like this:







woke up the next day......

So thats kind of it really for the mo. I am actually at work on my own-looking after the office again so should really get back on with stuff. Oh last thing, might have to go a give a lecture to students about a design career!! Could be quite a laugh, but a bit underwear filling!!

Take care everyone and keep safe

P.s should have some new band pics and vids going up soon so keep an eye out
P.P.s Go check out James-the pic at the end of the most recent journal entry is

Long time! I would say hows it going but i know after reading your entry!
I saw James out on friday, was good to see him its been ages, he said things with the band were going well so thats good!