so time for a new update for all my readers...i.e just Blanche... I think. Anyway, its the start of my new life hence the new profile picture.
stuff has been crazy over the last few weeks or so. First my girlfriend of 3 years split up with me
and after a week of trying to get her back she point blankly told me theres no chance of getting back with her. So thats the shit part, but I've come to look at it as possibly a good thing.
Since then I have;
-quit my job
-enrolled on that course in 3D animation for next year
-found three houses in london i might move into while doing the course
-got my ass in gear and hooked up with old mates that the relationship meant I didn't see
-arranged loads of parties
-done loads of vocals for the band
-and planned out my xmas craziness
Dont get me wrong I'm gutted and with our anniversary a week away I know i've still got to go through a lot of shit before it feels one hundred percent good, but its coming.
Best of all my best mate is coming home from Hong Kong for Dcember and January-I miss him so much while he's away and its just gonna be awesome to have him back as partner in crime; late night drinks, chats...we're a bit like girls I suppose but we've just got more hair.
So what else has been going on-never got round to getting any tickets to anything which I'm still a bit bummed about but will need all the money I got over the next few months. Was tempted to see The Red Chord tonight but was told it was cancelled.......poo!
Had to get my butt out of bed at 4.45am on Monday!!! The company i'm working for at the minute has been doing an exhibition this week and I had the pleasure of setting it all up-meant I had to be in at Vauxhall to load the lorry at 7.00am. I'll tell you what, the lights were on but no-one was home all day long, I was knackered.
Man, theres so much since I last wrote anything I got so much to say, but half of it just sounds like stupid nonsense, so I will leave this for the minute and return soon with more positive attitudes.
Sending hugs out to anyone and everyone, I;m feeling good...
perhaps a beer and a smoke will round the day of perefct
stuff has been crazy over the last few weeks or so. First my girlfriend of 3 years split up with me

Since then I have;
-quit my job
-enrolled on that course in 3D animation for next year
-found three houses in london i might move into while doing the course
-got my ass in gear and hooked up with old mates that the relationship meant I didn't see
-arranged loads of parties
-done loads of vocals for the band
-and planned out my xmas craziness
Dont get me wrong I'm gutted and with our anniversary a week away I know i've still got to go through a lot of shit before it feels one hundred percent good, but its coming.
Best of all my best mate is coming home from Hong Kong for Dcember and January-I miss him so much while he's away and its just gonna be awesome to have him back as partner in crime; late night drinks, chats...we're a bit like girls I suppose but we've just got more hair.

So what else has been going on-never got round to getting any tickets to anything which I'm still a bit bummed about but will need all the money I got over the next few months. Was tempted to see The Red Chord tonight but was told it was cancelled.......poo!
Had to get my butt out of bed at 4.45am on Monday!!! The company i'm working for at the minute has been doing an exhibition this week and I had the pleasure of setting it all up-meant I had to be in at Vauxhall to load the lorry at 7.00am. I'll tell you what, the lights were on but no-one was home all day long, I was knackered.
Man, theres so much since I last wrote anything I got so much to say, but half of it just sounds like stupid nonsense, so I will leave this for the minute and return soon with more positive attitudes.

Sending hugs out to anyone and everyone, I;m feeling good...
perhaps a beer and a smoke will round the day of perefct

What kind of things do you o in the woods? Build tree houses? I used to do that in the woods next to my grandmothers house. And then we thought we saw John Fry the crazy man running through the woods so we got scared and didn't really go there anymore... Now I just smoke it up in the woods becuse I can't let my nana and aunts and uncles know I smoke. hehehe