I bought tickets to see Daniel Tosh (stand up comic and host of Tosh.0 on Comedy Central) back in June the day they went on sale. 3rd row seats! My ex- and I were still together then, and I had fully intended to take her with. However, in the intervening months, she decided that the guy I had let stay on my couch for a...
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I've come to the realization that I am not nearly as attractive as I previously believed I was. My previous girlfriend of 3 years was a fluke... I have spent the last four months trying to re-capture the attractiveness that I felt when I was with her only to find that the women that I thought I could attract would no sooner give me the...
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... reminder to self. Don't drink when you have to work the next morning... Even if someone else is buying. 

What's that from?
I'm actually not sure. I was looking for a cool tattoo design that looked like a spade, and I found this one. Found lots that used skulls and such, but I didn't think that really matched my personality.
I have so many "I told you so's" queued up right now... and all I can do is watch the train wrecks. Makes me sad. Why don't you listen?!?!?!@

Fred, the Alarm Cat.
I have to say... my cat is unusual. If you've ever seen Simon's Cat (http://bit.ly/9qZOYA), he wakes up Simon in the way a lot of people expect and identify with. Fred, however, is much kinder when it comes to waking me up. I typically get up at around 7 am every morning. Fred knows this because ... that's when I feed...
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I have to say... my cat is unusual. If you've ever seen Simon's Cat (http://bit.ly/9qZOYA), he wakes up Simon in the way a lot of people expect and identify with. Fred, however, is much kinder when it comes to waking me up. I typically get up at around 7 am every morning. Fred knows this because ... that's when I feed...
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Wow. Been a long time since I've written anything here. But I'm back (not that anyone missed me really)! I tend to turn to this blog when my life is not turning out as I would hope it would be. 3 months ago my relationship of 3 years ended, so I've entered back into the undesirable status of 'single'.
As much as I am tempted...
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As much as I am tempted...
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Most women are insane, no doubt there. Sorry to hear about your break-up, that sucks. You still have your health though right? I never had much luck online dating either, I know how that feels. Hopefuly a little party is just what the doctor ordered, but if not, don't worry. It seems that loves normally finds us when we're not looking... Make sure you keep your ear on ice, in case you want it later!
Ok... Covering my eyes... I'm not looking. :-)
I was going to move my blog... but if no one is reading it here... No one will read it there either. The whole point was that I could get some of the things that I'm going through (that I can't tell my friends or family about) out into the world and maybe, someone will understand and comment and say "It's ok... I know what...
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haha i don't know, i feel so confused about my life that i have to be 21 but at the same time i really dont fit in with most people...
like your default.
like your default.
Well. Now that I've seen that there've been several other people that have gotten mysterious 3 month subscriptions, I'm assuming that it was a marketing stunt to get ex-members back on the site. I somewhat enjoy the girls, but not to the point where I am willing to spend money to see them, I'm contemplating what I will do when the subscription runs out. My...
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To whomever bought me a 3 month subscription. Thank you! Much appreciated. Just wish I knew who, so I could thank them in person. Since the only reason I could think someone would do this is because they enjoy my blog posts... I figure I should write one.
It's been 3 1/2 years since I've even been on here, but looking through my old blog...
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It's been 3 1/2 years since I've even been on here, but looking through my old blog...
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