i think it's a good thing that my roommate just got home with her boyfriend. it made me stop hitting myself in the head.....


almost done with the covering the discharge desk, hot damn. the hardest part is not having a routine and worrying about all the things i normally do but don't have the time for right now. but it is a nice change of pace from my usual routine which is always welcome. ^_^


Loving the bday trip to the city. The best part is spending it with 'drew and relaxing. Only thin that would make it even better is the furry child but I'll c her when I get home 2mrrw.


2nd day of my vacation!. it's only 6 days long, but 4 days away from work right now is exactly what i need. so happy to be heading top the city for sunday/monday and spending my birthday with my 2nd brother. I am enjoying not having to do much and just what i want to do. my biggest responsibility is getting my 4 legged child...
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Sounds nice!!

talking with the roomie, some arepas, wine, my furry child with Ailee playing in the background, all make the crappy day and week so far, soo much better. i can't even say. here's to hoping tomorrow is better and we end the week on a good note with no psycho's showing up! ^_^


Way too much fun today in the City and then the Marin Headlands for Esther's b-day. Good times with good ppl are always a great mi for an awesome day. ^_^


by having the power shut off, then the back up generator kicks in but only the lights and emergency things.... i knew i should have stayed in bed this morning..... >_<