Sooo tired. Started a new diet on Thurs, that kinda sucked. But hopefully all turns out well in the end. Not counting anything yet, just working on changing the eating habits and how I look at food for now. Starting to get the hang of it by today and what I should and shouldn't be eating. Also going to work on getting more exercise too....
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I so don't want to be working today. I'm ready for a nap.
oh I'm just sooooooooo excited that it's Monday and I'm at work again.......... it almost feels like i never left last week........... >_>
Awesome day in the city with great ppl. Cleaned up the beach a bit at the Presidio and laughed all the way as we got completely soaking wet in the process. lol And I do mean soaked. I;ll post pictures that friends took later. We went so far as to buy cheesy pants with "San Francisco" on them purely to get some dry clothes and...
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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez, I cannot say how happy I am for it to be Friday and have a weekend. Hell this has been a week for me at work. Get to go clean up the beach tomorrow in the City and hthen come back and vegi-ma-tate my self and plan for a chill weekend day in the city to just hang out and relax. Hopefully...
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soooooooooo not feeling work today.... much rather be home with my puppy girl relaxing and at the park. my upside, it hump day! ^_^ i'll keep my fingers crossed that my crazier and more difficult pts stay away today, although I probably just jinxed myself..... -_-surrealblackeyedrobot
so apparently all the weirdos decided today was the day to show, jeez, really ppl? well tomorrow starts the packed clinics in at least 1/2 the day with over 50 pts.... o_0 and tomorrow is our big peds day............. screaming kids all day, joy of my life... -_-
I am sooo not feeling work today.. Must be the Monday thing.......... Thankfully the day is going pretty easy so far, though now that I've said that, things will probably go down hill... >_< Keeping my fingers crossed though.
mondays are hard, I know! smile
Had a good day. Clearly I'm in an "upswing period" as my Dr likes to say. So I have every intent on taking advantage of it while it lasts. Went over and saw Lon and the Kids today and introduced Kiva to her dogs. Still got some social things to work out but over it was nice. I always get to geek out with her...
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The weekend is looking up. Got the shit dealt with with my dad. So hopefully he deals with his shit and things get better. The main highlight tho is going over to Lon's today to hang out with her and the puppies and the kids. Nice way to relax. Maybe we can build some more LEGO sets...............
I thought my dad was going to hit me earlier tonight. He swears he wasn't but I'm not so sure. He tried to apologize later but I told him to get out and that I had nothing to say to him. What is the point in apologizing if you don't mean it and are just doing it out of routine? Don't waste my time. So...
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Sooooooooooooo happy to be back on the site!!! I was on here years ago but left for various reasons. So happy top be back start talking to people again.