Feeling disconnected from just about all your friends and realizing that, while it's a kinda crappy feeling, it might just mean that some of those relationships have run their course or are going to end sooner than you thought, even from a few months ago. And also realizing, that, that is perfectly ok.

Some people are in your life for a short while and some...
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Getting some small chores out of the way while watching ZDogg MD and listening to Court Junkie. The next 3 days........ fence building~ yay......


Cause some patients make all the BS worth it


When ur done and over with every provider, nurse, patient and thing at work. And then, then you have one patient come in who makes all of the BS worth it.


all day i have been jittery and unable to keep still. i have to keep moving. even when i came home and had a glass of wine to try and relax i can't stop moving. maybe i'm having a manic episode right now? who knows... they still seem like they aren't sure.


i think it's a good thing that my roommate just got home with her boyfriend. it made me stop hitting myself in the head.....