I am eating mini blueberry muffins, drinking tea, debating about taking off the remnants of neon orange nail polish, and wading through the mire of half-thoughts sloshing around my head. Some of them I am angry at myself for so I am going to ignore them and pretend I'll deal with them later. Sounds healthy, no?
The muffins are delightful.
Some how I like it when people say they did something for me even though it seems nearly impossible that it could be true. Today I was wandering around down town SC, as I do, and I passed a house with a woman sitting on the front porch. She yelled across the street to ask me to come over and see the earrings she'd made. I generally don't pass up the chance to talk to the oddballs of SC, so I walked over. She told me she was starting a company that makes earrings. She picked out a pair for me and when on and on about how she'd made them for me and they were absolutely perfect. Of course, there is no way she made them for me because up until 3 minutes previous we'd been complete strangers. I just like the notion that people are all linked in someway and maybe sometimes we do things for some one else. Someone we don't know, but will find. It just makes me smile inside.
I get that it might be a good way to get people to buy things (however, in this case I didn't).
I was taking a stab at explaining
qualia to a friend earlier today. It made me think about the human experience. On one had everyone's experiences seem so utterly unique. Your experience of life must be so different than mine, right? Then again, perhaps thinking like that seems arrogant. I am so unique. I am so special. Are we really all that unique? Doubtful. I am not sure where I am going with this other than it sad and comforting at the same time to think about.
Maybe I should take of the nail polish. It looks pretty crappy. It's just such a lovely color.
I should be sleeping. I am pretty bad at going to bed. Sunday nights are tricky. Always have been.
"Just a reflection
Just a glimpse
Just a little reminder
Of all the what abouts
And all the might have
Could have beens
Another day
Some other way..."
The muffins are delightful.
Some how I like it when people say they did something for me even though it seems nearly impossible that it could be true. Today I was wandering around down town SC, as I do, and I passed a house with a woman sitting on the front porch. She yelled across the street to ask me to come over and see the earrings she'd made. I generally don't pass up the chance to talk to the oddballs of SC, so I walked over. She told me she was starting a company that makes earrings. She picked out a pair for me and when on and on about how she'd made them for me and they were absolutely perfect. Of course, there is no way she made them for me because up until 3 minutes previous we'd been complete strangers. I just like the notion that people are all linked in someway and maybe sometimes we do things for some one else. Someone we don't know, but will find. It just makes me smile inside.

I was taking a stab at explaining
qualia to a friend earlier today. It made me think about the human experience. On one had everyone's experiences seem so utterly unique. Your experience of life must be so different than mine, right? Then again, perhaps thinking like that seems arrogant. I am so unique. I am so special. Are we really all that unique? Doubtful. I am not sure where I am going with this other than it sad and comforting at the same time to think about.
Maybe I should take of the nail polish. It looks pretty crappy. It's just such a lovely color.
I should be sleeping. I am pretty bad at going to bed. Sunday nights are tricky. Always have been.
"Just a reflection
Just a glimpse
Just a little reminder
Of all the what abouts
And all the might have
Could have beens
Another day
Some other way..."
Weso - As well it should!! (;
Lua - But of course! And, Hi!