It has been awhile! I sort of went MIA from SG I guess. I've been so damn busy I think I've missed out on the whole internet. 
Speaking of internet stuffs, I apparently violated FB rules today (on accident). I guess this pic is just inappropriate. *le sigh* I was just getting myself all excited for BM.

Speaking of BM, I am going to build a yurt!! I am so excited!! My friend sent me infos about the yurt he built last year. He said he'd supervise my build (i.e. not do any actual building work). Ok, I have to stop talking about it now! I get myself waaaay too excited about BM stuff so I am stopping now. I feel like a kid on Christmas!
Gosh am I tired!! I never get enough sleep these days! I work full time, try to get lab work done, socialize, plan for BM, and do all that annoying shit that just has to be done for life to run smoothly (i.e. laundry, shopping, dishes). I feel like I could sleep for a week! I am thinking about baking a cake instead. I get that cake baking is not at all like sleeping...
I found the whole universe at the bottom of a cup of tea this weekend. I spent the day grooving to the rhythm and reconnecting. It was amazing! I needed that! I get that I sound like a huge hippie dork, but I don't care. I am happy!
I was having myself a think the other day and I realized things are not too shabby in my life. The only real issue is that it has been brought to my attention many times recently (at work) that I have not really dated in a long time. I guess that sucks. I am pretty busy, I find most people disappointing, and I don't really want to have anything serious going on. I just want someone to screw regularly and to watch adult swim with on occasion. C'est tout. I am not very good at giving people a chance. If someone is interested I tend to point out all the reasons I am way cooler and move on.
On that note, I might have been asked on a date for Friday night. In Oakland. I am not totally sure, but it sounds that way. He demanded I visit him in Oakland and suggested we go to dinner. I met him through an other friend and he only invited me not the two of us. Is this a date? I have no idea. Clearly, I am not good at this. lol Either I am dating someone for 7 years or just for the night. Not much in between. Anyway, Oakland is a bit out of the way, but I'll be in SJ for work so maybe...
I think it's cake baking time.

Speaking of internet stuffs, I apparently violated FB rules today (on accident). I guess this pic is just inappropriate. *le sigh* I was just getting myself all excited for BM.

Speaking of BM, I am going to build a yurt!! I am so excited!! My friend sent me infos about the yurt he built last year. He said he'd supervise my build (i.e. not do any actual building work). Ok, I have to stop talking about it now! I get myself waaaay too excited about BM stuff so I am stopping now. I feel like a kid on Christmas!

Gosh am I tired!! I never get enough sleep these days! I work full time, try to get lab work done, socialize, plan for BM, and do all that annoying shit that just has to be done for life to run smoothly (i.e. laundry, shopping, dishes). I feel like I could sleep for a week! I am thinking about baking a cake instead. I get that cake baking is not at all like sleeping...
I found the whole universe at the bottom of a cup of tea this weekend. I spent the day grooving to the rhythm and reconnecting. It was amazing! I needed that! I get that I sound like a huge hippie dork, but I don't care. I am happy!
I was having myself a think the other day and I realized things are not too shabby in my life. The only real issue is that it has been brought to my attention many times recently (at work) that I have not really dated in a long time. I guess that sucks. I am pretty busy, I find most people disappointing, and I don't really want to have anything serious going on. I just want someone to screw regularly and to watch adult swim with on occasion. C'est tout. I am not very good at giving people a chance. If someone is interested I tend to point out all the reasons I am way cooler and move on.
On that note, I might have been asked on a date for Friday night. In Oakland. I am not totally sure, but it sounds that way. He demanded I visit him in Oakland and suggested we go to dinner. I met him through an other friend and he only invited me not the two of us. Is this a date? I have no idea. Clearly, I am not good at this. lol Either I am dating someone for 7 years or just for the night. Not much in between. Anyway, Oakland is a bit out of the way, but I'll be in SJ for work so maybe...
I think it's cake baking time.

LuaBlue - I missed you guys on Wednesday! No love for kt?
Weso - Adult Swim is great! I am such an old lady now I am usually too sleepy to watch much of it! I like to watch Aqua Teen before bed. Going to sleep utterly confused is great.
David - You just added something else to the list. lol