I think I might be going crazy!
I feel like I am feeling every feeling possible right now! It's crazy! I might explode crazy-KT-goo all over! hahaha I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs! I feel like running until I drop! I feel like crying! I feel like skinning-dipping! (The last one is probably a really bad plan though, really cold and rainy today)
OH! I got my Burning Man ticket today!!! YAY!!!! I am SO EXCITED!
I hope I don't die out there. Their little waiver dealy you have to agree to says they're not responsible if you DIE. Cool!
I must purchase some goggles.
I really feel like ditching my class because I really don't want to venture back out into the rain. I will probably go though because I am a good little student like that.
Srsly. I feel so weird right now. Isn't life weird?
I feel like I am feeling every feeling possible right now! It's crazy! I might explode crazy-KT-goo all over! hahaha I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs! I feel like running until I drop! I feel like crying! I feel like skinning-dipping! (The last one is probably a really bad plan though, really cold and rainy today)
OH! I got my Burning Man ticket today!!! YAY!!!! I am SO EXCITED!

I must purchase some goggles.
I really feel like ditching my class because I really don't want to venture back out into the rain. I will probably go though because I am a good little student like that.
Srsly. I feel so weird right now. Isn't life weird?
You sound wired, been drinking too much caffiene?