I am in San Diego now! Yay!
So the first thing Heather and I did after leaving the airport was get Brazilian waxes! My lady-bits are a wee bit tender now haha
Aside from being slightly uncomfy, I'm having a great time here. For some reason I am extremely tired though. Might be because I didn't sleep well (at all) for a few days. I've managed to snap out of my weird anxiousness, but I feel like I am making up for lost food and sleep now. Tomorrow we are getting up early to go to the lab (yay!). I best get some rest soon.
Oh! I changed my profile picture! This might be the first time ever haha
Alright, sleep time. My brain is not working anymore.

So the first thing Heather and I did after leaving the airport was get Brazilian waxes! My lady-bits are a wee bit tender now haha

Oh! I changed my profile picture! This might be the first time ever haha

Alright, sleep time. My brain is not working anymore.
Have a great time with your sister!