I guess I have been neglecting SG a bit lately. Been pretty busy with school, lab, and work as well as less enthralled with the site as of late. I am not really pissed or anything, just less than enamored I suppose.
I decided to drink a little wine and write a bit rather than sleeping. Good plan, no? I am just good at planning ahead like that.
I have to get up hideously early tomorrow for class. I wish I didn't despise getting up so much. The morning is really a gorgeous time, but I am just not really human at that time. haha Probably because I don't get enough sleep at night.
I just wish I could sleep in shifts. Middle of the night in the wee hours when nothing, but Wal-mart is open and then again in the middle of the day when it's sunny (gags). I'd be awake for mornings and evenings. Of course, working school around that would be interesting. 
Any news?
Thanks giving was less crappy than I had anticipated. In fact, I might even say I enjoyed it
I have no new pictures. That's a bummer.
I am still in favor of the new BioMed building at UCSC, sorry tree-huggers (sitters, whatever).
Lab is still busy, but winding down a tiny bit because the quarter is coming to an end soon.
I am still up in the air about whether or not to take an intensive major and write a senior thesis (and on what?!).
Looking into new potentials for studying/working in Europe after graduation (before grad school).
Anything else? I am drawing a bit of a blank at the moment. I am rather tired, I must admit. Hmm lemme think here . . . Oh, I am thinking of going blonde (we're talking platinum) for the holidays. Yes?
I was just talking to a friend that I haven't really talked to much in about 6 years. Isn't it weird to find people again? Isn't it also weird how fast time flies!? I feel like I was just a little 15 year old goth kid falling in love with another high school kid. Turns out I am a 22 year old nearly-graduated college student trying to figure out what to do next (still with the same guy though! 6.5 years! That's longer than some marriages!) Weird.
Ok, I am getting all dorky now! haha I best lay of the wine and head for the shower. I have to catch the bus at 7:20 am tomorrow ::shudders::
Hope anyone reading this is having a good day/night!
P.S. I feel like making some changes in my life. I am boring these days!
I decided to drink a little wine and write a bit rather than sleeping. Good plan, no? I am just good at planning ahead like that.

I have to get up hideously early tomorrow for class. I wish I didn't despise getting up so much. The morning is really a gorgeous time, but I am just not really human at that time. haha Probably because I don't get enough sleep at night.

Any news?
Thanks giving was less crappy than I had anticipated. In fact, I might even say I enjoyed it

I have no new pictures. That's a bummer.
I am still in favor of the new BioMed building at UCSC, sorry tree-huggers (sitters, whatever).
Lab is still busy, but winding down a tiny bit because the quarter is coming to an end soon.
I am still up in the air about whether or not to take an intensive major and write a senior thesis (and on what?!).
Looking into new potentials for studying/working in Europe after graduation (before grad school).
Anything else? I am drawing a bit of a blank at the moment. I am rather tired, I must admit. Hmm lemme think here . . . Oh, I am thinking of going blonde (we're talking platinum) for the holidays. Yes?
I was just talking to a friend that I haven't really talked to much in about 6 years. Isn't it weird to find people again? Isn't it also weird how fast time flies!? I feel like I was just a little 15 year old goth kid falling in love with another high school kid. Turns out I am a 22 year old nearly-graduated college student trying to figure out what to do next (still with the same guy though! 6.5 years! That's longer than some marriages!) Weird.
Ok, I am getting all dorky now! haha I best lay of the wine and head for the shower. I have to catch the bus at 7:20 am tomorrow ::shudders::
Hope anyone reading this is having a good day/night!

P.S. I feel like making some changes in my life. I am boring these days!

I know what you mean about the mornings...I hate getting up early, but it is so pretty out!