Today I ran (for the second day this week! yay for me! haha) and then I walked to the bus stop for work and then, of course, worked for 7 hours. I am being a bit of a wuss, I know, but what can I say? I am just tired.

My boss lady moved me from the shoe store to the clothing/gift store today. I think I will like it better because the AC works in there and it does not work in the shoe store (it's pretty hot in there!).
Speaking of shoes . . . I got some new ones! I didn't get them from my work actually hehe I got them at Payless when Lauren, Danny and I went shopping in San Jose this weekend.
Oh! Danny got himself (well, sort of all of us) a Bose DVD/stereo system! It was somewhere over $2,000.00. I am happy for him if that's what he wants. I have to say it kinda bums me out though. JM and I hardly have any money these days, but my housemates have the extra cash to spend on Bose stereos and diamond jewelry (Lauren). Hopefully, Danny will stop bitching about how much rent costs
Ever had a foam mattress? I am supposed to be finding myself a mattress because the one i have now is my sister's and she needs it back. My parents have decided to buy me a mattress as a gift cuz I can't really pay for one for myself right now (lack of funds as mentioned above hehe). I found a foam one at IKEA that I like, but I have never had a foam mattress so I dunno if I'd like it in the long run. Typical spring mattress or or fancy foam?
Day off tomorrow! Maybe Lauren and I can go see the free circus on the boardwalk! (They are bendy Russians! ooooo)
Time to read!